Scenario Staffing View
Use the Staffing view to edit the selected forecast scenario's calculated and required staffing. See the toolbar buttons here and their descriptions below.
This view provides standard date-selection controls and a grid that shows staffing levels for days or timesteps.
Displaying the Staffing View
To display the Staffing view:
- Select Forecast from the Home menu on the toolbar.
- Select Scenarios from the Forecast menu on the toolbar.
- Select a scenario from the list in the data pane, and open it.
- Select the open scenario's name from the Forecast menu on the toolbar.
TipAll open scenarios appear on the menu.
- Select Staffing from the <selected scenario name> menu on the toolbar.
- In the Objects tree, select an activity, multi-site activity, site, business unit, or enterprise.
The view displays a graph above a table, each containing the same statistics, and controls that set the data display properties for the graph and table.
If you do not see any data, you may need to adjust the Period, Granularity, or Date controls at the top of the window to reflect those used for the forecast.
Setting the Data Display Properties and Date Range
Use these controls to customize the data display in the graph and table:
- Period drop-down list—Change the time range for the graph and the grid by selecting Year, Month, or Week.
ImportantPlanning Period also appears as a value in the Period list if the selected site has a configured planning period.
If you select Week, you can further adjust each row's time range by selecting 15, 30, or 60 (minutes) from the Granularity drop-down list. - Show Statistics drop-down list—Specify what data is displayed in the graph and table by selecting from these choices: Calculated Staffing, Required Staffing, Calculated and Required Staffing.
- Show Columns check boxes—Show (or hide) data columns in the table by selecting or clearing the Calculated and Required check boxes.
- Use standard date-selection controls (in the upper right portion of the window) to jump to a different week within the Scenario Forecast's date range.
Reading the Data
The table provides columns that display the following statistics:
Week/Time Step | Identifies the range of dates or timesteps on this row. (The column's label and contents depend on the date range and granularity that you selected above.) |
[Days or Dates] | If you select the Month date range, each group of columns shows statistics for one full day. If you select the Week date range, each group of columns indicates one day. The top row shows daily totals measured in Full-Time Equivalents (defined below). Each lower row shows statistics for one timestep on that date. (Timestep durations depend on the granularity that you selected above.) Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is a standard measurement used within contact centers that allows the analyst to do an "apples-to-apples" comparison of the number of agents required to handle the expected interaction volume, across activities that may have different open hours, different planned overheads, and so on. WFM provides the number of FTEs for informational purposes only. It does not affect the Intra-Day staffing requirements that WFM produces, which is the basis for building schedules. |
Calc | Shows the calculated number of agents for each day (measured in Full Time Equivalents) or for each timestep (measured in Single Skill Equivalents). You can edit these cells' contents. See Req column for more information on Calculated and Required Staffing. |
Req | Shows the required number of agents for each day (measured in Full Time Equivalents) or for each timestep (measured in Single Skill Equivalents). You can edit these cells' contents. WFM populates Calculated Staffing when you build staffing through the Staffing Build Wizard. Required Staffing is a user-defined data series. It can be populated based on data from the Calculated Staffing data series, or you can copy and paste data from an external spreadsheet into these columns. When building schedules, the Use Required option lets you base a schedule on Calculated or Required Staffing. This allows you to take the staffing forecast that WFM provides and adjust it in a user-defined way. |
[Weekly Totals] | If you select the Week date range, the columns at right show weekly totals for the displayed statistics. |
Modifying and Managing Scenario Data
You can use the following buttons on the Actions toolbar (these commands also appear on the Actions menu):
Icon | Name | Description |
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Publish | Opens the Publish Forecast Wizard, where you can publish a forecast directly to the master schedule. |
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Add activity | Opens the Add Activity window, where you can add activities to this forecast scenario. |
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Remove activity | Opens the Remove Activity window, where you can remove activities from this forecast scenario. |
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Save | Saves your changes to this forecast scenario. |
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Save as template | Opens the Save as Template dialog box, where you can save data from this scenario as a forecast template. |
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Build | Opens the Staffing Build Wizard, which builds staffing data for the selected activity. |
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Comments | Opens the Comments window, where you can enter comments for each day of the forecast. |
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Close | Closes this scenario, prompting you to save any unsaved changes. |
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Use multi-site activities | Controls whether WFM Web's calculation of aggregated information includes multi-site activities. You can select this button only if you first select a multi-site activity, business unit, or enterprise in the Objects tree. If you set this button to On, WFM retains your last selection—in the current view and for all other views that contain multi-site activities—preventing you from having to click it every time you want to display data for the selected multi-site activity. |
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Required staffing | Opens the Required Staffing Wizard, where you can set the forecast's required number of agents. |
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Split | Opens the Staffing Split Wizard, which splits staffing from a multi-site activity Staffing forecast scenario. |
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Budgeting | Opens the Budgeting Information dialog box, where you can specify the start and end dates of the target range, paid hours and wage that are to be used for FTE calculations. |