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All Genesys software is © Copyright 2017-2022 Genesys Cloud Services, Inc. All rights reserved.

Complete information about Genesys proprietary intellectual property, including copyrights, can be found here.


Genesys and the Genesys logo are registered trademarks of Genesys Cloud Services, Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries. Complete information about Genesys proprietary intellectual property, including all trademarks, can be found here.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Third Party Software

Genesys follows applicable third-party redistribution policies to the extent that Genesys solutions utilize third-party functionality. Please contact your customer care representative if you have any questions.

NOTICE OF RESTRICTED RIGHTS FOR ORACLE PRODUCTS LICENSED TO THE US GOVERNMENT Oracle Programs delivered to the United States government subject to the DOD FAR Supplement are 'commercial computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable license agreement therefor. Otherwise, Oracle programs delivered subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations are 'restricted computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.

Genesys Pulse 8.5 Product Alerts

  • Genesys does not recommend installation of its components via a Microsoft Remote Desktop connection. The installation should be performed locally.
  • Genesys Pulse 8.5.104 requires Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) release or higher.
  • Genesys Pulse 8.5.1 requires Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) release or higher.
  • Genesys Pulse 8.5.010 requires Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) release
  • Genesys Pulse 8.5.000 requires Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) release

New in Release 8.5.0

  • Genesys Pulse has an enhanced design that includes these usability improvements:
    • Multiple dashboard views that are managed by using tabs
    • Ability to export widget data in CSV (comma-separated values) format
    • A new Grid widget
    • On KPI widgets, the ability to scroll through multiple statistics for single objects.
    • On Donut widgets, the ability to display multiple objects and multiple statistics.
    • On List widgets, the ability to display multiple statistics for one object and one statistic for multiple objects.
    • Option to display Agent Status with an icon instead of text
    • 15-second widget refresh rate
    • Line charts
    • Predefined templates for email, SMS, chat, social media, outbound, and iWD
    • Monitors additional object type of DN Group, Routing Points
    • A symbol at the end of a statistic name to indicate when statistics already have configured thresholds during threshold selection
    • 24-hour period statistic or object trends, so you can verify service levels or call trends and adjust staffing or routing
  • The Genesys Pulse Deployment Guide describes additional Genesys Pulse Collector options.
  • Genesys Pulse now supports:
    • MS SQL Server 2012 and Oracle 12c databases
    • Genesys Pulse supports Windows Server 2012
    • Internet Explorer 11
  • Localization support — Genesys Pulse supports the following localizations:
    • Arabic:
    • Chinese (Simplified):
    • Czech:
    • French:
    • French Canadian:
    • German:
    • Italian:
    • Japanese:
    • Korean:
    • Polish:
    • Portuguese:
    • Russian:
    • Spanish:
    • Turkish:

New in Release 8.5.01

  • You can now create external data for display in Genesys Pulse by using the Genesys Pulse Restful Web Service API.
  • Genesys Pulse can now report data for Context Services activities with the GMS collector integrating Data Depot and Genesys Pulse.
  • Widgets now rapidly refresh statistics that have change-based notifications, at a speed depending on factors such as network speed, system load, and number of updates.
  • Genesys Pulse now provides a migration tool to enable migration from releases 8.5.000 and 8.1.4 to release 8.5.010.

New in Release 8.5.1

  • Administration
    • Widget Management. You can track the number of dashboards and widgets used by supervisors with additional information related to the widgets (last modified date) in a consolidated view.
    • You can import and export Pulse Dashboards, Wallboards, and Widget Templates from one environment to another.
    • You can move Pulse Dashboards, Wallboards, and Widget Templates from one location to another in the central repository.
  • User Interface
    • Wallboard mode. Enhancements have been brought to the Wallboard display mode including the ability to display broadcast information to its audience. This message can scroll like a news feed message and can be edited by Administrators.
    • Wallboard mode. The responsiveness of the grid is improved.
    • Visualization plugin. Pulse can display additional visualizations based on its new modular mechanism to add new visualization plugins.
    • Menu integration. Pulse can embed any third-party website in the Navigation bar with custom links.
    • The Donut widget can display up to 10 statistics. The value in the center can be none, total, average, maximum, and minimum of the statistics displayed.
    • Users can change the size of the Donut widget.
    • The Grid widget and Data view provide quick search to filter agents based on their status.
    • Wallboards can display an IFRAME widget.
    • Color-coded agent status icons improve visibility of Agent status.
    • A new line chart widget displays intraday KPI trends over time on the dashboard.
    • An adjustable grid widget provides ability to resize the column width on the dashboard.
  • Architecture, Configuration, and Provisioning
    • You can manually specify which Collector (and indirectly, which Stat Server) should be used to calculate the statistics of a predefined templates which prevents you from defining all the same statistics on different collector units (Collector and Stat server).
    • Virtualization of the process - Docker ready.
    • You can change basic styles with custom js and css files to apply a new set of colors for the Pulse instance.
  • Real-time updates for Stat Server changes-based notification metrics
    • You can give additional focus to sensitive KPIs with a refresh rate below 2-3s.
    • Supervisors can visualize at-a-glance their current workforce status in real-time to make the right decisions at the right time.
  • 3rd party integration
    • Display an iFrame widget to embed external html pages or reports (for example, weather forecast or corporate events).
  • Genesys Pulse administration tool
    • Migrate from releases 8.5 and 8.1.4 to release 8.5.01x and later.
    • Read, Edit, Clone, and Delete Genesys Pulse layouts or widgets with the command line.
  • Localization support — Genesys Pulse supports the following localizations:
    • Arabic:
    • Chinese (Simplified):
    • Czech:
    • Dutch (Netherlands):
    • French:
    • French Canadian:
    • German:
    • Italian:
    • Japanese:
    • Korean:
    • Polish:
    • Portuguese:
    • Russian:
    • Spanish:
    • Turkish:
  • System requirements
    • Support for MS SQL Server 2014
    • Support for MS SQL Server 2016 Enterprise Edition
    • Support for Windows Server 2016


All Genesys software is © Copyright 2018-2022 Genesys Cloud Services, Inc. All rights reserved.

Complete information about Genesys proprietary intellectual property, including copyrights, can be found here.


Genesys and the Genesys logo are registered trademarks of Genesys Cloud Services, Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries. Complete information about Genesys proprietary intellectual property, including all trademarks, can be found here.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Third Party Software

Genesys follows applicable third-party redistribution policies to the extent that Genesys solutions utilize third-party functionality. Please contact your customer care representative if you have any questions. The following list describes specific third-party code and functionality for this product:

NOTICE OF RESTRICTED RIGHTS FOR ORACLE PRODUCTS LICENSED TO THE US GOVERNMENT Oracle Programs delivered to the United States government subject to the DOD FAR Supplement are 'commercial computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable license agreement therefor. Otherwise, Oracle programs delivered subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations are 'restricted computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.

Genesys Pulse 9.x Product Alert

  • Genesys does not recommend installation of its components via a Microsoft Remote Desktop connection. The installation should be performed locally.

What's new in Genesys Pulse for 9.x

Introduced in 9.0.006

  • HTTPS support.

Introduced in 9.0.005

  • Support of Screen Readers.

Introduced in 9.0.004

  • Ability to set Genesys Pulse User Preferences in the Genesys Pulse navigation bar.

Introduced in 9.0.003

  • Keyboard Navigation support.
  • Updated Out-Of-Box Callback Activity template.
  • Auditing log capabilities. To enable this feature set the enable_audit_trail option in the log section of Genesys Pulse application options to true. User operations will be logged with an [AUDIT] marker.
  • Changes in the User Interface to match recent Genesys User Experience guidelines.

Introduced in 9.0.002

  • The login page and dashboard elements have Genesys branding colors.

Introduced in 9.0.001

  • Extended formatting of the current status is now available as a customization template based on JavaScript string literals syntax. It allows to fully replace the standard representation of the current status statistics value with a user-designed one.
  • The Grid widget and the Data view have new Compact and High Color Contrast modes. New options are available on the Display Options tab of the Widget Wizard for the Grid widget and in the new Customize menu of the Data view:
    • Row Density:
      Comfy (default) or Compact–Enables compact presentation for the high data density
    • Row Color Contrast:
      Low (default) or High–Enables High Color Contrast for better accessibility
  • The Text Widget supports extended styling options:
    • Customize the background color of the widget
    • Change the text size
    • Change the text style (normal, bold, italic)
    • Change the text color
  • Ability to show or hide the widget title for any type of widgets.
  • Updates on the Display Options preview for the Text Widget:
    • Added preview of the pinned Text Widget.
    • Preview now displays the appearance of the Text Widget with applied wallboard theme.
  • The pinned Text Widget on launched wallboard has an improved panning animation corresponding to the news ticker.
  • Ability to use a keyboard to navigate over the navigation bar in Genesys Pulse UI.
  • Ability to select or clear selections from columns in the Data view on the expanded widget using the new Select All option.
  • Extended logging configuration possibilities though the [log] section.

Introduced in 9.0.000

  • Genesys Pulse 9.0 is offering advanced alert capabilities to notify supervisors when your service levels are not met or when you agent occupancy is below service objective
    • Ability to configure rule-based alerts with Boolean expression
    • Send email notification when a condition is violated for a given period
  • Genesys Pulse 9.0 is offering more flexibility in showing current agent states within omnichannel contact center to be compliant with labor unions.
    • Ability to break down the current status by media
    • Show / hide agent status icon
    • Show / hide the duration of the agent in this state
    • Show Do-Not-Disturb status
  • Genesys Pulse 9.0 is offering better functionalities helping IT departments and/or service providers size their worldwide Pulse deployment while preventing from performance bottleneck
    • Limit the number of dashboards per user
    • Limit the number of widgets per user
  • Genesys Pulse 9.0 is supporting its community helping them build their own visualizations for real-time insights
    • Empower users to create their own visualization plugin
    • Collect not only the latest snapshot data but also the time series data to build more advanced visualizations
  • Based on the customer feedback and to be more agile in our cloud development, Genesys Pulse 9.0 can no longer be deployed as GAX plugin but supervisors with the right permissions can switch from Pulse to GAX seamlessly. Pulse users are also able to switch from Pulse to more task-driven specific dashboards like Contact Center Advisors.

Localization support

Genesys Pulse supports the following localizations:

  • Arabic:
  • Chinese (Simplified):
  • Czech:
  • Dutch
  • French:
  • French Canadian:
  • German:
  • Italian:
  • Japanese:
  • Korean:
  • Polish:
  • Portuguese:
  • Russian:
  • Spanish:
  • Turkish:

Genesys Pulse

Genesys Pulse is a widget-driven, graphical user application. Using a direct communication link to a real-time metrics engine, Stat Server, Genesys Pulse enables at-a-glance views of real-time contact center statistics.

Genesys Pulse falls under the Business Optimization Analytics solution of the Genesys Engage offering.

What's New

Genesys Pulse is part of 9.x, which can include component releases from 9.1.x, 9.0.x, and 8.5.x code streams. Use the table below to check which component releases are part of 9.x.

All 9.x products 9.x Genesys Pulse Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Genesys Pulse

Genesys Pulse

Genesys Pulse Collector

Product Alerts


Genesys Pulse Deployment Guide

Use this document for an overview of Genesys Pulse and to deploy Genesys Pulse.

Genesys Pulse Help

Use this document for a visual introduction to using Genesys Pulse.

Genesys Pulse Migration Guide

Use this document for migration information.

Genesys Pulse Hardware Sizing and Performance Information

Use this document for Genesys Pulse hardware sizing and performance information.


International Release Notes and Help

Genesys Pulse Templates

Templates and Statistics details (XLS)


9.0 videos will come soon.

[+] 8.5 videos

More Release Information

What's New

Release Notes


Genesys Pulse Deployment Guide

Use this document for an overview of Genesys Pulse and to deploy Genesys Pulse.

Genesys Pulse Help

Use this document for a visual introduction to using Genesys Pulse.

Genesys Pulse Migration Guide

Use this document for migration information.

Genesys Pulse Hardware Sizing and Performance Information

Use this document for Genesys Pulse hardware sizing and performance information.

Genesys Pulse Templates

Templates and Statistics details (XLS)



[+] More videos

More Release Information


Genesys Pulse 8.1entered End of Life (EOL) on October 20, 2023. It enters End of Maintenance (EOM) and End of Support (EOS) on October 31, 2024. If you have questions, contact your account representative.

User Video

Administrator Video

Current documentation set for Genesys Pulse 8.1.

Deployment Guide: Use for an overview of Genesys Pulse and to deploy Genesys Pulse.

Genesys Pulse Help: Help for Genesys Pulse.

This page was last edited on November 23, 2023, at 06:36.
Comments or questions about this documentation? Contact us for support!