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What's new in Stat Server for 9.x

Introduced in

  • Stat Server supports the following new Agent Workbin actions:
    • InteractionAbandonedDuringOffering
    • InteractionAccepted
    • InteractionAnswered
    • InteractionCleared
    • InteractionDistributed
    • InteractionEntered
    • InteractionReleased
    • InteractionWait

Introduced in

  • Stat Server now supports protected mode in addition to normal mode during configuration reloads. This functionality enables the Stat Server running as primary in the pair to delay configuration reloads and stay available until the backup Stat Server in the pair completes configuration reload.
  • The following new configuration option is added in the [statserver] section to control whether Stat Server in primary mode delays configuration reloads:
    • config-reload-delay-if-primary
  • Stat Server supports Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) on Windows and Linux.
  • Stat Server supports Microsoft SQL Server 2017.

Introduced in

  • Stat Server supports changes of the interaction cost for budget-based routing.

Introduced in

  • Stat Server supports the SinceLogin time profile for blended agents.
  • Stat Server supports the durable InteractionAgentPartyInProgress action for Tenants.
  • Stat Server supports the new DoNotDisturb action on a media channel.
  • The following new configuration options are added in the [statserver] section:
    • interaction-agent-party-in-progress-on-tenant-max-number
    • interaction-agent-party-in-progress-on-tenant-media-list
    • old-stats-remove

Introduced in

  • Enhanced tracking of a multimedia interaction associated with the virtual queue (VQ).
    Stat Server continues to collect VQ tracking details using the EventCustom event, but now does so from all connected Interaction Servers that may participate in processing of the same interaction. This enhancement addresses cases where URS dispatches routing events through one Interaction Server and then offers the interaction with follow-up handling using another Interaction Server.

Introduced in

  • Stat Server supports budget-based routing. URS release 8.1.400.50 or higher is required.
  • The following new configuration options, configured in the new [budget] section, have been added to support budget-based routing:
    • Agent or Place object:
    • MediaType object:
    • Tenant object:

Introduced in 8.5.109

  • In addition to Warm Standby, Stat Server supports the Hot Standby redundancy mode for Stat Server high availability (HA) pairs on Windows and Linux platforms.
  • The following new configuration options, configured in the new [ha] section, have been added to support Hot Standby redundancy:
    • addp-remote-timeout
    • addp-timeout
    • addp-trace
    • chunk-size
    • chunk-timeout
    • connect-timeout
    • session-expiration-period
    • session-expiration-timeout
  • Stat Server maps the content of the attribute_reason_desc from Interaction Server events to the value of the ReasonValue key in a UserData key-value list on Action for the CurrentState or in a Reasons key-value list for the CurrentStateReasons.

Introduced in 8.5.108

  • Stat Server supports overload protection method of reducing CPU consumption.
  • The following new configuration options are added in the [overload] section:
    • allow-new-connections-during-overload
    • allow-new-requests-during-overload
    • cpu-cooldown-cycles
    • cpu-poll-timeout
    • cpu-threshold-high
    • cpu-threshold-low
    • cut-debug-log
    • protection
    • qos-default-overload-policy
    • qos-recovery-enable-lms-messages
  • Stat Server supports the retrospective InteractionAbandoned action for Tenants.
  • Stat Server supports Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V.

[+] July 20, 2021

[+] February 19, 2021

[+] May 15, 2020

[+] March 12, 2020

[+] December 19, 2019

[+] September 16, 2019

[+] May 31, 2019

[+] March 26, 2019

[+] January 11, 2019

[+] October 17, 2018

[+] September 27, 2018

[+] August 22, 2018

[+] August 23, 2017

For a complete list of new features in the 8.5.x release, please see Chat Server Release Notes.


Section: settings
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

With a value of "false", Chat Server will return an error when any duplicated key-value pairs (for example, pairs with the same key name) in userdata or event attributes in chat protocol requests are provided. With a value of "true", Chat Server will ignore such conditions (and will use the value from the latest key-value pair).

Attention: While the backward compatibility default value is set to "true", it is recommended it be set to "false" for more controlled behavior.


Section: settings
Default Value: major
Valid Values: none, major, major2, typing, all
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: (Restricted); 8.5.301.06 (Generally Available)
Modified: 8.5.310.09

Specifies which notifications count as async chat session activity for the purpose of inactivity control.

  • all: All user notifications are included (custom, push URL, typing on/off, update nickname).
  • major: Only major notifications are included (push URL, file uploaded, file deleted).
  • major2: Extends the major value with custom notifications.
  • none: All notifications are excluded.
  • typing: Only major and "typing on" notifications are included.


Section: settings
Default Value: 3600
Valid Values: Any integer from 1-1728000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: (Restricted); 8.5.301.06 (Generally Available)

Specifies, in seconds, a timeout that starts after "async-idle-alert" (enabled only for async chat sessions). If any qualifying activity occurs, (see "async-idle-alert" for a description of what qualifies as activity), the timeout stops and "async-idle-alert" timer is reset. If no qualifying activity is detected during this timeout, Chat Server:

  • Sends the IDLE_CONTROL_CLOSE notice with a message specified by the value of the "message-close" option (in the section [inactivity-control]).
  • Closes the chat session.


Section: settings
Default Value: 86400
Valid Values: Any integer from 1-1728000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: (Restricted); 8.5.301.06 (Generally Available)

Specifies an inactivity alert timeout (in seconds) which is enabled only for async chat sessions. The inactivity timeout is set (or reset) for a session after any of the following activities: agent joined or left, any chat participant sent a message or a notice (as defined by "async-idle-notices"). If no qualifying activity is detected during this timeout, Chat Server:

  • Sends the IDLE_CONTROL_ALERT notice with a message specified by the value of the "message-alert" option (in the section [inactivity-control]).
  • Updates the interaction properties: GCTI_Chat_AsyncStatus=3 and GCTI_Chat_AsyncCheckAt={time to check interaction at}.
  • Starts the timeout specified by the value of the "async-idle-close" option.


Section: settings
Default Value: none
Valid Values: none, flex, basic, both
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.307.04

Specifies when Chat Server forces chat sessions to run in async mode.

  • none: no forcing is applied.
  • flex: chat sessions run in async mode, when started via flex chat protocol.
  • basic: chat sessions run in async mode, when started via basic chat protocol.
  • both: all chat sessions run in async mode.


Section: settings
Default Value: major
Valid Values: none, major, major2, typing, all
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: (Restricted); 8.5.301.06 (Generally Available)
Modified: 8.5.310.09

Specifies which notifications count as async chat session activity for the purpose of inactivity control.

  • all: All user notifications are included (custom, push URL, typing on/off, update nickname).
  • major: Only major notifications are included (push URL, file uploaded, file deleted).
  • major2: Extends the major value with custom notifications.
  • none: All notifications are excluded.
  • typing: Only major and "typing on" notifications are included.


Section: inactivity-control
Default Value: major
Valid Values: none, major, major2, typing, all
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Modified: 8.5.310.09

Specifies which notifications count as chat session activity for the purpose of inactivity control.

  • all: All user notifications are included (custom, push URL, typing on/off, update nickname).
  • major: Only major notifications are included (push URL, file uploaded, file deleted).
  • major2: Extends the major value with custom notifications.
  • none: All notifications are excluded.
  • typing: Only major and "typing on" notifications are included.


Section: settings
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.312.10

Enables or disables sending purging requests to Chat Server which handles the chat session before it is restored in this instance.


Section: settings
Default Value: none
Valid Values: none, agent, esp, both
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.312.10
Modified: 8.5.316.02

Specifies how Chat Server enables the session restoration from agent desktop and workflow:

  • none: The functionality is disabled.
  • agent: Allows Agent Desktop to start a session restoration.
  • esp: Allows the Workflow to start a session restoration.
  • both: Allows both Agent Desktop and Workflow to start a session restoration.


Section: settings
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

With a value of "false", Chat Server will return an error when any duplicated key-value pairs (for example, pairs with the same key name) in userdata or event attributes in chat protocol requests are provided. With a value of "true", Chat Server will ignore such conditions (and will use the value from the latest key-value pair).

Attention: While the backward compatibility default value is set to "true", it is recommended it be set to "false" for more controlled behavior.


Section: settings
Default Value: major
Valid Values: none, major, major2, typing, all
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: (Restricted); 8.5.301.06 (Generally Available)
Modified: 8.5.310.09

Specifies which notifications count as async chat session activity for the purpose of inactivity control.

  • all: All user notifications are included (custom, push URL, typing on/off, update nickname).
  • major: Only major notifications are included (push URL, file uploaded, file deleted).
  • major2: Extends the major value with custom notifications.
  • none: All notifications are excluded.
  • typing: Only major and "typing on" notifications are included.


Section: settings
Default Value: 3600
Valid Values: Any integer from 1-1728000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: (Restricted); 8.5.301.06 (Generally Available)

Specifies, in seconds, a timeout that starts after "async-idle-alert" (enabled only for async chat sessions). If any qualifying activity occurs, (see "async-idle-alert" for a description of what qualifies as activity), the timeout stops and "async-idle-alert" timer is reset. If no qualifying activity is detected during this timeout, Chat Server:

  • Sends the IDLE_CONTROL_CLOSE notice with a message specified by the value of the "message-close" option (in the section [inactivity-control]).
  • Closes the chat session.


Section: settings
Default Value: 86400
Valid Values: Any integer from 1-1728000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: (Restricted); 8.5.301.06 (Generally Available)

Specifies an inactivity alert timeout (in seconds) which is enabled only for async chat sessions. The inactivity timeout is set (or reset) for a session after any of the following activities: agent joined or left, any chat participant sent a message or a notice (as defined by "async-idle-notices"). If no qualifying activity is detected during this timeout, Chat Server:

  • Sends the IDLE_CONTROL_ALERT notice with a message specified by the value of the "message-alert" option (in the section [inactivity-control]).
  • Updates the interaction properties: GCTI_Chat_AsyncStatus=3 and GCTI_Chat_AsyncCheckAt={time to check interaction at}.
  • Starts the timeout specified by the value of the "async-idle-close" option.


Section: settings
Default Value: none
Valid Values: none, flex, basic, both
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.307.04

Specifies when Chat Server forces chat sessions to run in async mode.

  • none: no forcing is applied.
  • flex: chat sessions run in async mode, when started via flex chat protocol.
  • basic: chat sessions run in async mode, when started via basic chat protocol.
  • both: all chat sessions run in async mode.


Section: settings
Default Value: major
Valid Values: none, major, major2, typing, all
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: (Restricted); 8.5.301.06 (Generally Available)
Modified: 8.5.310.09

Specifies which notifications count as async chat session activity for the purpose of inactivity control.

  • all: All user notifications are included (custom, push URL, typing on/off, update nickname).
  • major: Only major notifications are included (push URL, file uploaded, file deleted).
  • major2: Extends the major value with custom notifications.
  • none: All notifications are excluded.
  • typing: Only major and "typing on" notifications are included.


Section: inactivity-control
Default Value: major
Valid Values: none, major, major2, typing, all
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Modified: 8.5.310.09

Specifies which notifications count as chat session activity for the purpose of inactivity control.

  • all: All user notifications are included (custom, push URL, typing on/off, update nickname).
  • major: Only major notifications are included (push URL, file uploaded, file deleted).
  • major2: Extends the major value with custom notifications.
  • none: All notifications are excluded.
  • typing: Only major and "typing on" notifications are included.


Section: settings
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.312.10

Enables or disables sending purging requests to Chat Server which handles the chat session before it is restored in this instance.


Section: settings
Default Value: none
Valid Values: none, agent, esp, both
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.312.10
Modified: 8.5.316.02

Specifies how Chat Server enables the session restoration from agent desktop and workflow:

  • none: The functionality is disabled.
  • agent: Allows Agent Desktop to start a session restoration.
  • esp: Allows the Workflow to start a session restoration.
  • both: Allows both Agent Desktop and Workflow to start a session restoration.

What's New in Messaging Applications for 9.1

March 04, 2022

  • Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition (
    • The plugin now allows agents to send WhatsApp Interactive Messages containing List Messages or Reply Buttons using Standard Responses.
  • Genesys Driver for use with Genesys Hub (
    • The driver now supports WhatsApp Interactive Messages: List Messages and Reply Buttons.
  • Digital Messaging Server (
    • A new option, media-origin, is added to specify the media source for which a channel is configured to work.

May 25, 2021

  • Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition (
    • The plugin now supports DMS scalability. Additionally, the plugin supports using an alternative DMS name or a channel name when an outbound session is created.
      For more information, see DMS Scalability.
    • The plugin now displays detailed information about errors that may occur during interactions. Error messages (localized) include error codes along with an option to expand the messages. Agents can expand an error message to view the detailed message which is non-localized.
    • Administrators can now control whether the chat transcript window automatically scrolls down or not whenever there is a new message.
    • Administrators can now set a timeout to indicate whether there is a delay in receiving a message or not.
    • Administrators can control whether an attachment is sent after an agent selects a file or clicks Send.
  • Genesys Driver for use with Genesys Hub (
    • The driver now supports multiple instances of Digital Messaging Server for a single channel.
    • The option, x-business-id, is discontinued.
  • Digital Messaging Server (
    • DMS now implements a scalable functional mode which can be used when a flow of inbound messages from a media channel exceeds the processing capacity of a standalone DMS. The scalable functional mode is implemented by running multiple DMS instances.
    • The option, business-id, is introduced to specify the channel business ID.

December 18, 2020

November 24, 2020

May 22, 2020

  • Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition (
    • Agents can now send rich media notifications (also known as media message templates) during WhatsApp interactions by inserting structured messages from standard responses. Agents can also view/preview the rich media notifications in the chat transcript. For more information, see Rich media notifications.
    • Administrators can control whether an agent is allowed to send attachments in WhatsApp and Apple Business Chat interactions using three new permissions. For information on the newly added permissions, see WhatsApp Guide and Apple Business Chat Guide.
    • The audio attachment file types, M4A, MP3, OGA, and OGG, are no longer supported in WhatsApp interactions. WhatsApp deprecated support for these audio formats.
  • Genesys Driver for use with Genesys Hub (
    • The driver now supports parallel processing of ESP requests. This enhancement ensures better performance of the driver when sending ESP requests such as a ValidateContact to Genesys Hub.
    • Agents can now send rich media notifications (also known as media message templates) during WhatsApp interactions by inserting structured messages from standard responses. Agents can also view/preview the rich media notifications in the chat transcript. For more information, see Rich media notifications.
  • Digital Messaging Server (
    • DMS now supports up to 15000 concurrent chat sessions with up to 15000 agents.

December 26, 2019

  • Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition (
    • Administrators can now enable or disable the new message blinking feature. Additionally, they can also control the duration of blinking when this feature is enabled.
    • Agents can now make use of the improved location sharing feature.
    • Support for Chat Server High Availability.
  • Genesys Driver for use with Genesys Hub (
    • Support for InviteToChat ESP request. This method allows initiation of outbound chat sessions from a strategy and sending WhatsApp notification templates to customers. It is an invitation for a customer who is using voice IVR interaction to switch to Chat or Messaging and continue the conversation.
  • Digital Messaging Server (
    • Support for High Availability using primary and backup Digital Messaging Server (DMS) configuration with multiple primary Chat Servers configured in the Connections tab in DMS. For information on configuring DMS HA, see Digital Messaging Server High Availability.
    • Support for InviteToChat ESP request. This method allows initiation of outbound chat sessions from a strategy and sending WhatsApp notification templates to customers. It is an invitation for a customer who is using voice IVR interaction or any interaction of any other media type to switch to Chat or Messaging and continue the conversation.

September 30, 2019

  • Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition (
    • Agents can create and send Notifications from regular WhatsApp messages if the response window to send the regular messages expires after the configured timeout. For more information, see Automatic notification messages.
    • It is now possible for agents to see the transcript only for the current WhatsApp or Apple Business Chat channel.
    • Agents can now view a thumbnail that indicates the attachment type along with the attachment’s file name and size for each incoming attachment in WhatsApp and Apple Business Chat interactions.
    • Agents can now create a new session from the Interaction Search view.
    • A new queue has been introduced for post processing of new outbound interactions.
  • Genesys Driver for use with Genesys Hub ( contains only resolved issues.
  • Digital Messaging Server (
    • Logging mechanism has been optimized.
    • Support for OpenJDK 11.

June 26, 2019

  • Genesys Driver for use with Genesys Hub (
    • The driver now receives and processes location information in the incoming messages.
    • The driver now supports video, audio, and document attachments in both incoming and outgoing messages.
    • A new option, x-phone-format, is added.
    • Support for OpenJDK 11.
  • Genesys Driver for use with Apple Business Chat via Hub (
    • Agents can now initiate an outbound session with their customers.
    • The following new configuration options are added:
      • msg-not-delivered
      • inbound-route-by-call
      • media-type-chat-by-call
      • x-hub-pull-reserve-time
    • Support for OpenJDK 11.
  • Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition (
    • Support for WhatsApp inbound and outbound videos (mp4), audio files (amr, mp3, aac, m4a, ogg, opus, oga), and documents (pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx).
    • A new button, Create new session, is added to the WhatsApp and Apple Business Chat Interaction view to allow agents to create a new outbound session when the current session is disconnected.
    • Agents can now view location information in the incoming WhatsApp messages.
    • An agent, for example agent A, can now invite another agent (agent B) to join agent A’s current Apple Business Chat session through a conference.
    • An agent can now transfer an Apple Business Chat interaction to another agent.
    • Agents can initiate an outbound Apple Business Chat session with a past contact from the My History view.
Starting with release, Apple Business Chat Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition is no longer a separate component. All its functionality is now available in Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition.
  • Digital Messaging Server ( contains only resolved issues.

March 27, 2019

  • Genesys Driver for use with Genesys Hub (
    This is the initial release of Genesys Driver for use with Genesys Hub, a component of Genesys Messaging Apps. This release contains the following new features:
    • Support for WhatsApp Highly Structured Messages (also known as Notifications).
    • Support for chat bots (text only).
    • Support for new outbound chat sessions that are initiated by agents.
    • Support for inbound and outbound text, emojis, and images (JPG/JPEG and PNG formats).
  • Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition (
    This is the initial release of Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition, a component of Genesys Messaging Apps. This release contains the following new features:
    • Agents can send WhatsApp Highly Structured Messages (also known as Notifications) to customers. Refer to the eServices Manager documentation for more information on how to create these standard responses for agents to use.
    • The plugin supports the following features:
      • Attachments (JPEG/JPG and PNG only)
      • Contact and chat history
      • Emojis
      • Receiving inbound text messages
      • Standard Response Library
      • Sending outbound messages to contacts (from history or Contact Directory)
      • Transfer to other agents or conference with another agent
      • Workbins
    • Support for ClickOnce deployment and silent install/uninstall.

What's New in Messaging Applications for 9.0

Feb. 13, 2019

  • Genesys Driver for SMS and MMS

Dec. 11, 2018

  • Apple Business Chat Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition
    • Structured messages now support Rich Linking, which shows customers an inline preview of an image or video within the chat. This feature enables customers to view media immediately without having to click a "Tap to Load Preview" message.
    • Administrators can configure the option applebcsession.max-text-message-size to set the maximum size of the outbound text message, specified in bytes by converting the message string to UTF-8 encoding. A notification appears below the message area if the maximum value is exceeded. Some symbols, such as emojis, might require additional characters.
    • Agents now see a pending-response indicator that signifies by color (green, to yellow, to red) how much time has passed since the agent received the customer message. The interval between color changes can be set by an administrator. Refer to the Apple Business Chat Guide for more information.
    • The plugin now displays a currency symbol for all currency amounts that appear in Apple Pay forms.
    • Agents can now perform the following functions in Apple Pay forms:
      • Calculate and add tax to the total amount and shipping options
      • Add, modify, or delete shipping options
    • Support for the Windows 2016 operating system. See the eServices page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all supported operating systems.

Sept. 27, 2018

  • Apple Business Chat Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition
    • The plugin now supports asynchronous chat. Agents can use workbins to store dormant chat sessions for later use. If a customer resumes the interaction, it is automatically removed from the workbin and transferred to an available agent.
  • Genesys Driver for use with Apple Business Chat via Hub
    • The driver now supports asynchronous chat. See the Chat Server Release Note for more information.
    • The driver now supports a new transactional Apple Pay schema that includes Stripe as a third-party transaction provider.
    • The driver now supports Intent, Group, Locale, and DeviceAgent attributes in an interaction.
  • Digital Messaging Server
    • Support for the latest releases of Apple Business Chat Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition and Genesys Driver for use with Apple Business Chat via Hub.

March 29, 2018

  • Apple Business Chat Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition
    • The plugin now supports Apple Business Chat interactive responses. Agents can use the following interactive responses when in chat interactions with customers:
      • Apple Pay
      • Custom Extension (referred to by Apple as Custom Interactive Message or Custom Message Extension)
      • Date Picker
      • List Picker
        Agents cannot modify Apple Pay credit card lists, shipping options list, shipping and billing addresses, and other Apple Pay attributes. Customers must provide this information using their Apple device.
    • The plugin supports the following features:
      • Attachments
      • Contact and chat history
      • Emojis
      • Standard Response Library
      • Text messages
      • Transfer to other agents
      • Typing notifications for customer devices
    • Support for the following operating systems. See the eServices page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all supported operating systems.
      • Windows 8
      • Windows 10
      • Windows Server 2012
  • Digital Messaging Server
    • Support for the initial release of Apple Business Chat Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition and Genesys Driver for use with Apple Business Chat via Hub.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: 5000
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 2147483647.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction

Specifies the maximum size of the message in bytes.


Section: log
Default Value: log4j2.xml
Valid Values: log4j2.xml
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the logging configuration file used by PSDK log4j2 loggers. The file is supplied with the server and is located in the installation directory. You can control PSDK loggers by editing this file. Use the PSDK loggers to see the events that occurred during the server startup.


Section: channel-any_name
Default Value: generic-media

Valid Values:

  • applebc-session: Apple Business Chat.
  • genesys-chat: WhatsApp.
  • fbm-session: Facebook Messenger.
  • fbp-session: Facebook Public.
  • generic-media: Other media.

Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the name of the media source that the channel works with.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: 5000
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 2147483647.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction

Specifies the maximum size of the message in bytes.


Section: log
Default Value: log4j2.xml
Valid Values: log4j2.xml
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the logging configuration file used by PSDK log4j2 loggers. The file is supplied with the server and is located in the installation directory. You can control PSDK loggers by editing this file. Use the PSDK loggers to see the events that occurred during the server startup.


Section: channel-any_name
Default Value: generic-media

Valid Values:

  • applebc-session: Apple Business Chat.
  • genesys-chat: WhatsApp.
  • fbm-session: Facebook Messenger.
  • fbp-session: Facebook Public.
  • generic-media: Other media.

Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the name of the media source that the channel works with.

What's New in Security Pack for UNIX for 9.0

December 06, 2019

  • Security Pack now uses OpenSSL version 1.0.2s for Linux operating system and OpenSSL version 1.0.2r for AIX and Solaris operating systems.

January 31, 2019

  • OpenSSL version 1.0.2q is now the default secure socket layer implementation to facilitate communication in the SSL/TLS protocol suite.

November 30, 2018

  • Security Pack now includes FIPS 140-2 encryption compliance on Linux only.
  • Support for the following operating systems:
    • Oracle Linux 7 with Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) 4.x
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise 12

August 31, 2018

  • Security Pack now supports only TLS version 1.1 and 1.2. TLS version 1.1 is the minimum supported protocol.

July 10, 2018

  • You can now use full wildcards, such as *.example.com, in certificate names (CNs). Partial wildcards are not supported.

December 22, 2017

  • Support for the CentOS Linux 7 operating system.

August 22, 2017

  • Support for the Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2016 virtualization platform.
  • You can now set alternative IP addresses by specifying the -IP <host IP> parameter when running create_cert.sh.

What's New in Management Framework for 9.0

For full information about supported operating systems, databases, browsers, and virtualization platforms, refer to the Framework page of the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide.

December 17, 2021

  • Oracle Database 19c Client is supported by:
    • Configuration Server
    • Message Server
    • DB Server

November 09, 2021

  • Configuration Server, DB Server, and Message Server now support PostgreSQL 13.

September 30, 2021

  • Oracle Database 18c Client is supported by:
    • Configuration Server
    • Message Server
    • DB Server

August 11, 2021

  • Configuration Server, DB Server, and Message Server now support PostgreSQL 12.
  • Configuration Server includes a VAG Calculation filter. This feature allows you to selectively calculate VAGs at the Configuration Server Proxy Application level.

January 29, 2021

  • Configuration Server is enhanced to keep track of recent user login/authentication failures to generate a standard level log message when the number/rate of failures exceeds the specified threshold. This new feature can be enabled by using the failure-alarm-* options.

June 26, 2020

  • Configuration Server, Message Server, and DB Server support:
    • MSSQL Server 2019 database on Windows and Linux
    • Oracle 19c database with Oracle client 12.x and Oracle 19c RAC database
  • Framework servers now support Red Hat Enterprise Linux AP 8 and virtualization (KVM) in Red Hat 8 operating system

March 27, 2020

  • Configuration Server supports Server Name Indication (SNI) extension in TLS handshake.

February 28, 2020

  • Configuration Server in Proxy Mode now supports deployment when a dedicated instance of a proxy is being used to calculate VAG membership and distribute updates to certain Genesys applications that require this information.

December 06, 2019

  • Configuration Server external authentication now uses OpenSSL version 1.0.2s for Windows and Linux operating systems, and OpenSSL version 1.0.2r for AIX and Solaris operating systems.
  • The following utilities are no longer installed by default with Solution Control Server:
    • logmsg
    • mlcmd
    • gstuckcalls
    • Scripts for gstuckcalls
    • SNMP utilities and scripts.
  • On Windows 64-bit operating systems, Local Control Agent now uses statically linked C runtime libraries.

September 27, 2019

  • DB Server 8.5 does not support AIX and Solaris operating systems. You can continue to use DB Server 8.1 for AIX and Solaris environments.
  • Limit the number of Configuration Server proxies reloading configuration data from the master Configuration Server.

July 30, 2019

  • Framework servers now support Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019 virtualization platform.

June 26, 2019

  • Framework servers now support Windows Server 2019 operating system.

May 28, 2019

  • Configuration Server, DB Server, and Message Server now support Oracle 18c RAC database.

April 26, 2019

  • Configuration Server, DB Server, and Message Server now support Oracle 18c database with Oracle client 12.x.
  • New configuration option to enable indefinite locking of an account after multiple failed connection attempts.

February 28, 2019

  • For Configuration Server and Solution Control Server, log events related to read access activities provide extended information, such as IP address of host, username, application name and application type.

January 31, 2019

  • Configuration Server external authentication now uses OpenSSL version 1.0.2q.
  • Language Packs for Configuration Server have been updated.
  • The Configuration Database Maintenance Scripts component includes a new version of locale to support a generic Linux OS type for creating Linux hosts.
  • Support is discontinued for Genesys Deployment Agent (GDA).

November 30, 2018

  • Framework servers now support:
    • Oracle Linux 7 with Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) 4.x
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise 12
  • Enhanced Keep-Alive feature support on connections between LDAP and Configuration Server.
  • New configurable option to detect hang-up during the data loading process between the Configuration Server HA pair.

August 31, 2018

  • Configuration Server now requires LDAP server to operate at minimum TLS version 1.1 for a successful connection.
  • Genesys LDAP authentication supports TLS version 1.1 and 1.2.

August 10, 2018

  • Configuration Server can now utilize User Principal Name (UPN) usernames for Kerberos external authentication.
  • Configuration Server is now using extended retention policies for audit records that are stored in the database. Audit records of up to 1 year or 100 thousand entries can be stored by Configuration Server.

July 10, 2018

  • For Configuration Server and DB Server, there are no Visual Studio redistributable packages associated with Visual Studio 2005 for 64-bit executables.
  • For Message Server, Local Control Agent, and Solution Control Server, there are no Visual Studio redistributable packages associated with Visual Studio 2005 (or prior Visual 88Studio releases) for 64-bit executables. These components now use Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 for installation on Windows 64-bit platform.

June 8, 2018

  • Configuration Server and Message Server now support MS SQL 2016 (and later) Always On with MultiSubnet Listener for disaster recovery and business continuity scenarios involving the Configuration and Log Databases, respectively. DB Server 8.1.3, if configured, supports the same functionality for one or both databases.
  • Audit performance with larger databases is improved, and includes a new filter to extract records from a large set of data.

May 8, 2018

  • Configuration Server can now be configured to skip all or some validation of changes (empty or duplicate sections) in the Annex of a configuration object.
  • Users can now specify a time interval in which Local Control Agent (LCA) expects a response to its switchover request to an application. If the application does not respond within that time, LCA sets the application to Unknown mode.
  • Minimum required database privileges are now documented in the Management Framework Deployment Guide.

March 27, 2018

  • Support of optional transaction serialization.
  • Limit the number of Configuration Server proxies reloading configuration data from the master Configuration Server.
  • Support for:
    • Microsoft SQL client software on Linux and Windows with support for MSSQL Server 2017
    • Oracle 12.1 client software on Linux and Windows
    • PostgreSQL 10.1 client software on Linux and Windows

March 6, 2018

  • DB Server support for:
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 running on Linux
    • Microsoft SQL client software on Linux
    • Oracle 12.1 client software on Linux and Windows

January 26, 2018

  • Support for Oracle 12c Release 2 Multitenant Pluggable Database (PDB).
  • Support for the Red Hat KVM (Kernel Virtualization Machine) virtualization platform.

December 22, 2017

  • Support for the CentOS Linux 7 operating system.
  • New timeout in which Solution Control Server can expect a TCP success or failure response from the Configuration Server to which it is connecting.

September 26, 2017

  • Support for the Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2016 virtualization platform.

August 22, 2017

  • Support for the Microsoft Windows Server 2016 operating system:
  • New Configuration Database Maintenance scripts to help you upgrade your single-tenant Configuration Database to multi-tenant format.

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What's New in Genesys Softphone 9.0.0


  • Support for macOS 11 "Big Sur" operating system. The Apple M1 processor is supported through the macOS 11 Rosetta 2 compatibility feature. See the Genesys Softphone page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide.
  • Genesys Softphone now ships with several ringing tones corresponding to the same sound but with different levels of loudness.
  • In a macOS environment, it is now possible to install Genesys Softphone so that it runs automatically when the agent is opening the OS session.



  • Genesys Softphone now correctly handles G.729 codecs with a packet size of 60 msec (SDP parameter ptime=60). Previously, such packets were processed incorrectly, only taking the first 40 msec of audio, resulting in poor audio quality.
  • When Genesys Softphone is running in Connector mode and is used as the voice channel support for a user-facing Agent Desktop application, it does not prevent this user-facing application from claiming WCAG 2.1 levels A and AA when the application supports this format for its own UI.


  • Genesys Softphone is now localized in the following languages: Arabic, German, Spanish, French, French (Canada), Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Turkish, Chinese (Traditional), and Chinese (Simplified).


  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019 support for Genesys Softphone and Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019 support for VDI deployments.
  • You can now deploy Genesys Softphone in Connector Mode and control it from a custom agent desktop by using an HTTP REST API, similar to how Genesys Softphone integrates with Workspace Web Edition and Workspace Desktop Edition for configuration, registration, and volume control.


  • Genesys Softphone HTTP connector has been improved to meet the requirements of Basic Hardening practices.
  • Genesys Softphone secured communication channels, such as Secured RTP, are now compliant with FIPS 140-2.
  • Genesys Softphone VDI Adapter can now be installed on eLux RP 5 Operating Systems to support Genesys Softphone running in Citrix XenApp or XenDesktop environments.



  • Genesys Softphone can now be deployed in the Citrix XenApp 7 and XenDesktop 7 virtual desktop infrastructures. Deployment requires Genesys Softphone VDI Adapter to be installed on the client workstations. Refer to the Supported OS and the Supported Virtualization system guides for details about the supported versions.
  • Genesys Softphone VDI Adapter is installed as a plugin to the Citrix Workspace App (formerly known as Citrix Receiver) on client workstations to enable Genesys Softphone to be deployed in the Citrix XenApp 7 and XenDesktop 7 virtual desktop infrastructures. Consult the Supported OS and Supported Virtualization system guides for details about the supported versions.


  • Support for TLS, up to version 1.2.


  • Genesys Softphone now supports the UNENCRYPTED_SRTCP parameter per RFC 4568, and also understands "best-effort SRTP" (optional SRTP offer) per RFC 5939, accepting or rejecting SRTP based on the configured security policy.
  • Genesys Softphone now supports Automatic Gain Control for the customer audio stream.


  • Real-time voice quality indicator: The Softphone icon in the system taskbar now notifies user of possible voice quality problem.

What's new in Genesys Pulse for 9.x

Introduced in 9.0.006

  • HTTPS support.

Introduced in 9.0.005

  • Support of Screen Readers.

Introduced in 9.0.004

  • Ability to set Genesys Pulse User Preferences in the Genesys Pulse navigation bar.

Introduced in 9.0.003

  • Keyboard Navigation support.
  • Updated Out-Of-Box Callback Activity template.
  • Auditing log capabilities. To enable this feature set the enable_audit_trail option in the log section of Genesys Pulse application options to true. User operations will be logged with an [AUDIT] marker.
  • Changes in the User Interface to match recent Genesys User Experience guidelines.

Introduced in 9.0.002

  • The login page and dashboard elements have Genesys branding colors.

Introduced in 9.0.001

  • Extended formatting of the current status is now available as a customization template based on JavaScript string literals syntax. It allows to fully replace the standard representation of the current status statistics value with a user-designed one.
  • The Grid widget and the Data view have new Compact and High Color Contrast modes. New options are available on the Display Options tab of the Widget Wizard for the Grid widget and in the new Customize menu of the Data view:
    • Row Density:
      Comfy (default) or Compact–Enables compact presentation for the high data density
    • Row Color Contrast:
      Low (default) or High–Enables High Color Contrast for better accessibility
  • The Text Widget supports extended styling options:
    • Customize the background color of the widget
    • Change the text size
    • Change the text style (normal, bold, italic)
    • Change the text color
  • Ability to show or hide the widget title for any type of widgets.
  • Updates on the Display Options preview for the Text Widget:
    • Added preview of the pinned Text Widget.
    • Preview now displays the appearance of the Text Widget with applied wallboard theme.
  • The pinned Text Widget on launched wallboard has an improved panning animation corresponding to the news ticker.
  • Ability to use a keyboard to navigate over the navigation bar in Genesys Pulse UI.
  • Ability to select or clear selections from columns in the Data view on the expanded widget using the new Select All option.
  • Extended logging configuration possibilities though the [log] section.

Introduced in 9.0.000

  • Genesys Pulse 9.0 is offering advanced alert capabilities to notify supervisors when your service levels are not met or when you agent occupancy is below service objective
    • Ability to configure rule-based alerts with Boolean expression
    • Send email notification when a condition is violated for a given period
  • Genesys Pulse 9.0 is offering more flexibility in showing current agent states within omnichannel contact center to be compliant with labor unions.
    • Ability to break down the current status by media
    • Show / hide agent status icon
    • Show / hide the duration of the agent in this state
    • Show Do-Not-Disturb status
  • Genesys Pulse 9.0 is offering better functionalities helping IT departments and/or service providers size their worldwide Pulse deployment while preventing from performance bottleneck
    • Limit the number of dashboards per user
    • Limit the number of widgets per user
  • Genesys Pulse 9.0 is supporting its community helping them build their own visualizations for real-time insights
    • Empower users to create their own visualization plugin
    • Collect not only the latest snapshot data but also the time series data to build more advanced visualizations
  • Based on the customer feedback and to be more agile in our cloud development, Genesys Pulse 9.0 can no longer be deployed as GAX plugin but supervisors with the right permissions can switch from Pulse to GAX seamlessly. Pulse users are also able to switch from Pulse to more task-driven specific dashboards like Contact Center Advisors.

Localization support

Genesys Pulse supports the following localizations:

  • Arabic:
  • Chinese (Simplified):
  • Czech:
  • Dutch
  • French:
  • French Canadian:
  • German:
  • Italian:
  • Japanese:
  • Korean:
  • Polish:
  • Portuguese:
  • Russian:
  • Spanish:
  • Turkish:

New in AICS Strategy Subroutines (07/19/2019)

  • The NGINX container is no longer included in AICS. Previously, NGINX was provided as a convenience for use in internal and/or pre-production environments.
  • This release enables you to log scoring details that you can then use to monitor and better understand the scoring process and outcomes. This release also includes scripts to clean up unneeded score logs from MongoDB. To how to turn on score logging, for information about what is logged, and for the cleanup script, see View the Scoring Logs.
  • New API endpoints have been added, enabling you to use the MinIO container to upload Agent Profile and Customer Profile data. Previously, only Dataset data used the MinIO container, which provides a performance improvement over the data_upload worker alone. For details about these new endpoints, see the Predictive Routing API Reference, which you can access from a link on this page. (Requires a password for access. Please contact your Genesys representative if you need to view this document.)
  • The GPR API now returns a file_path parameter in the response message when you request a presigned URL, which replaces the uploaded file name. You must now pass this file_path parameter in requests to create Datasets or the Agent Profile or Customer Profile instead of the uploaded file name, used in previous releases. For details, see the Predictive Routing API Reference, which you can access from a link on this page. (Requires a password for access. Please contact your Genesys representative if you need to view this document.)
  • The GPR web application has enhanced security by logging out inactive users.
  • GPR now accepts only CSV and zipped CSV files for upload to Datasets, the Agent Profiles, and the Customer Profile. JSON file uploads are no longer supported.
  • The numeric datatype now replaces both float and integer datatypes in Agent and Customer Profiles. This change resolves confusion about when to use float and integer datatypes.
    This is a breaking change from previous releases of AICS and Agent State Connector (ASC). If you upgrade either component you MUST also upgrade the other. The following versions are compatible:
    • AICS and higher + ASC and higher.
    • AICS and lower + ASC and lower.
  • Improvement in the queries used to run the Feature Analysis Report improve the speed and reliability with which these reports are generated.
  • The Deployment and Operations Guide now contains complete instructions for configuring HTTPS connections among all GPR components: Configure GPR to Use HTTPS
  • You can now optionally run ASC without a connection to Stat Server. ASC automatically detects whether there is a Stat Server Application in the ASC Application Connections tab. If so, ASC connects as in previous releases. If not, ASC does not connect to Stat Server and does not send agent login status updates to the GPR platform. In this case, AICS receives agent availability information from Universal Routing Server (URS).
  • ASC now validates the values you enter in the include-skills and include-groups configuration options. If ASC detects a skill name or Agent Group specified in these options that does not exist in Configuration Server, ASC triggers a Standard-level log message (Message Server log event number: 60401).
  • A number of subroutines have been introduced or modified. They perform the following functions:
    • The new GPRIxnSetup subroutine initializes all the GPR KVPs with default values, setting with gpmMode to off and gpmResult to 15 (Predictive Routing is turned off or not used for this interaction).
    • The GPRIxnCompleted subroutine has been updated to include the correct value of gpmScoreAboveMedian KVP by comparing the selected agent score with the returned median score.
    • The ActivatePredictiveRouting_v3 and GPRIxnCleanup subroutines have been enhanced to add connection_ids as a URL parameter in the score request and the score_log request, for easier troubleshooting in URS logs.
    • The GPRIxnCleanup subroutine now performs score log and UserEvent (KVP) distribution (previously done in the GPRIxnCompleted subroutine). This subroutine can now correctly identify abandoned interactions and interactions in which GPR was unable to route the interaction and add this information to the score log and the Genesys Info Mart gpmResult KVP, with the values 13 - Call Abandoned and 14 - Call Routing Failed.
  • The URS Strategy Subroutines now send the following new KVPs, which are stored in the Genesys Info Mart database and are available for reporting:
    • gpmAdjustedAgentScore - The final agent score used to route the associated interaction to the selected agent. This score is calculated from the gpmAgentScore combined with any agent occupancy factor.
    • gpmDefaultAgentScore - This default agent score for the associated interaction. The value is the outcome, for this interaction, of the setting specified in the default-agent-score configuration option.
    • gpmDefaultScoredAgents - The number of agents with default scores assigned for an interaction.
    • gpmDefaultScoreUsed - Indicates whether the agent score for the associated interaction is taken from the scoring response returned by GPR or the value of the default-agent-score configuration option.
    • gpmGlobalScoreCount - The number of agents scored using the Global model. This value is the content of the global_scores_count field returned by AICS in the scoring response.
    • gpmInitialScoreThreshold - The initial threshold value used for the interaction, taken from the value set in the score-base-threshold configuration option.
    • gpmFinalScoreThreshold - The final threshold value used to route the associated interaction to the selected agent. The routing strategy calculates the value from the configured score threshold combined with values resulting from any agent holdout options.
    • gpmScoreAboveMedian - Indicates whether the score for the selected agent was better than the median score for the target group.
    • gpmSuitableAgentsCount - The number of agents who had scores greater than or equal to the initial threshold value when the scoring response was received.
    • gpmPredictorType (Reserved for future use)
    • gpmRoutingMethod (Reserved for future use)
    For additional information see the following sources:
  • The gpmResult KVP now includes four new values:
    • 12 - Reserved for future use
    • 13 - Call Abandoned
    • 14 - Call Routing Failed
    • 15 - Predictive Routing is turned off or not used for this interaction
  • The value off was added to the valid values for the gpmMode KVP.
  • The gpmWaitTime value is now calculated using START_TS rather than gpm-ixn-timestamp.
  • The GetActionFilters subroutine was enhanced to identify the list of agents matching the target skill group along with the configured login status expression. This information is also reported in the action filters of the scoring request. This functionality is invoked only when the use-action-filters configuration option is set to false.
  • Two new documentation pages, Routing Scenarios Using GPR and How Does GPR Score Agents? provide detailed discussions of those aspects of GPR functionality.

New in Release (03/26/2019)

  • This release includes an updated and improved version of the Predictive Routing API Reference, which you can access from a link on this page. In particular, there are now cURL request examples for each endpoint.
  • AI Core Services now requires Docker version 18.09.2, which addresses important security issues. See the Release Notes for AI Core Services for important information about the reason for this change and for Docker deployment information.
  • You can now convert a regular account into an LDAP account. A toggle with label LDAP has been added to the Settings > Account update window. To enable LDAP authentication, enter your LDAP credentials and save changes. After that, you must also convert the user accounts for those who should use LDAP authentication. User configuration is done in the Settings > User Management window.
  • This release includes the following improvements to the user interfaces in the GPR web application:
    • A new navigation panel provides a tree view of all Datasets, Predictors, and Models configured for the current Tenant. This tree-view pane is available from the Settings > Datasets and Settings > Predictors windows. Each item in the tree view links to the specified object, enabling easy access to the entire hierarchy of Datasets, Predictors, and Models.
      NOTE: Composite Predictors, which can be built on data from multiple Datasets, are not shown in this tree-view pane.
    • For simplified navigation, breadcrumb links now appear at the top of windows in the GPR web application if you have drilled-down past a top-level window.

New in Release (12/21/2018)

  • You can now upload Dataset, Agent Profile, and Customer Profile data to Genesys Predictive Routing (GPR) from CSV files that use certain legacy encodings (listed below). By default, GPR always assumes the CSV files are encoded with UTF-8. This change applies to uploads using both the GPR web application and the GPR API. The following encodings are supported:
    • UTF-8
    • Shift JIS
    All data returned from GPR uses UTF-8 encoding.
  • GPR has optimized how cardinalities are stored. Cardinalities are now written into a dedicated database collection, so that the cardinalities for each field are stored in their own document. Previously, the cardinalities were stored along with the schema data. With high-cardinality features, this could lead to performance degradation due to additional conversions needed to extract the cardinality data.
  • The schema management workflow for Agent and Customer Profiles has been simplified and streamlined. The Discovered Fields tab has been removed and cardinality counts have been added to the schema view. This change ensures GPR always presents up-to-date Profile information. The schema tab always presented updated information, if available, but the Discovered Fields tab display was generated only once and did not reflect changes to the Profile schema.
  • The explanation for how to configure and interpret the Agent Variance Report has been clarified and expanded.
  • AI Core Services (AICS) now supports deployment in an environment running on a Kubernetes cluster.
  • AICS supports Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) on CentOS 7.
  • If the ASC configuration contains non-empty values for the new filter-by-skills and/or filter-by-groups configuration options, ASC subscribes to Stat Server for agent statistics only for the agents included in the specified Agent Groups or those satisfying the configured skill expression. If both options are configured, the agents are subscribed for statistics if they either satisfy the skill expression specified in the filter-by-skills option or are included in one of the Agent Groups specified in the filter-by-groups option. This functionality enables you to limit the number of agents monitored by GPR or to use GPR in environments where multiple Stat Servers are deployed to monitor different groups of agents.
  • Agent State Connector (ASC) now supports email interactions, as well as voice.

New in Release (10/25/2018)

  • Dataset handling has been made significantly faster by means of the following improvements:
    • For the initial data upload, this release introduces the Minio container.
    • The Dataset import to MongoDB now uses a multithreaded process.
  • The NGINX container has been removed from AICS. NGINX is an optional load balancer that had been provided only for use only in test environments.
  • The Sizing Guide for Genesys Predictive Routing (GPR) has been entirely reworked and expanded.
  • The explanation for how to use Composite Predictors has been revised and clarified.
  • The GPR web application and GPR API now use the same process to create Agent and Customer Profile schemas. In addition, the instructions for Configuring Agent Profiles have been revised and expanded.
  • The LOG_LEVEL environment variable has been added to the tango.env configuration file. By default, it is set to INFO, which is a minimal logging level, adequate for most circumstances.
  • This release upgrades AICS to Python 3.6 from Python 2.7.
  • AICS now performs automatic cleanup processes which should maintain an adequate amount of free disk space.
  • Memory handling for MongoDB was improved In this release.
  • The Lift Estimation report has been improved, adding Export functionality, the ability to toggle between graph and table displays, and showing the Aggregated view as the first tab listed.
  • This release includes a number of changes to the look and feel of the GPR web application interface, as well as multiple user experience improvements to provide more intuitive workflows and better presentation of information. For a complete list, refer to the AI Core Services Release Note for release
  • This release provides a number of improvements and additions to the GPR API, including the ability to sync and accept Datasets, check job status and support for nesting dictionary fields. For a complete list, refer to the AI Core Services Release Note for release and the Predictive Routing API Reference (Requires a password for access. Please contact your Genesys representative if you need to view this document.)

New in Release (08/23/2018)

  • The Quality column in the Models list table on the Model configuration window now includes a new metric, Local models. The metric displays the number of local models generated for agents in the dataset on which the predictor is built.
  • AI Core Services (AICS) has improved handling of UTF-8 characters. Data ingestion, model training, and analysis reports are all correctly processed for data containing non-ASCII UTF-8 characters.
  • The Genesys Predictive Routing (GPR) API now enables you to run Lift Estimation reports. The API returns a JSON response containing the Lift Estimation results. The resulting report is also automatically available for view from the GPR web application.
  • The GPR API now enables you to run Feature Analysis reports. The API returns a JSON response containing a list of features ordered by weight--that is, by the strength of the impact that feature has on the value of the target metric. The resulting report is also automatically available for view from the GPR web application.
  • The Lift Estimation report now uses the scoring expression configured for the predictor (if any) to decide whether the target metric should be minimized or maximized.
  • You can now configure Agent State Connector (ASC) to monitor the StatAgentOccupancy Stat Server statistic.
  • You can now configure ASC to monitor a subset of the total list of agent groups present in agent profiles.
  • You can now choose to have ASC ignore the following unsupported ASCII characters: [Space], -, <, >.
  • You can now configure ASC to monitor a subset of the total list of skills present in agent profiles.
  • ASC now supports a connection to Stat Server running in single-server mode, without a backup.

New in Release (07/13/2018)

  • This release includes a number of additions to the Predictive Routing API:
    • You can now generate and purge predictor data.
    • You can now create a new predictor by copying an existing one.
    • You can now use GET commands to retrieve dataset and predictor details.
    • The way Predictive Routing recomputes cardinalities when you append data to Agent or Customer Profiles using the API has been improved.
    • You can now retrieve information on the currently deployed platform using the new version endpoint.
  • This release includes the following new supported platforms:
    • Mongo DB 3.6 (requires a special upgrade procedure; see the AI Core Services Release Note for details)
    • Oracle Linux 7.3
  • You can now configure parameters to control password-related behavior such as how often users must change them, blocking users after a specified number of login attempts, and adding a custom message when users are blocked.
  • The audit trail functionality has been improved, to record additional actions and provide the ability to specify how long audit trail records are kept. All actions related to logins, object modification/creation/deletion, and so on, whether performed using the GPR application or the API, are logged.
  • You can configure the Predictive Routing application to display custom messages on the login screen.
  • You can now upload data (agent, customer, and dataset) using zip-archived .csv files.
  • Predictive Routing now correctly recognizes columns with any combination of the following Boolean values: y/n, Y/N, Yes/No. Previously, only columns with true/false and 0/1 values were discovered as Booleans. The identification is case insensitive.

New in Release (05/11/2018)

  • Genesys Predictive Routing complies with GDPR requirements for handling sensitive customer information. The Predictive Routing API has been expanded to provide Read and Delete functions, enabling you to locate and remove user data. For details, refer to Handling Personally Identifiable Information in Compliance with GDPR Requirements in the Genesys Predictive Routing Deployment and Operations Guide and to the Predictive Routing API Reference (access requires a password; contact your Genesys representative for assistance).
  • The Lift Estimation report now offers Advanced Group By functionality, which provides more flexibility in customizing the report. For details, refer to the Lift Estimation Report Overview in the Genesys Predictive Routing Help.

New in Release (03/28/2018)

  • Journey Optimization Platform (JOP) was renamed to AI Core Services (AICS).
  • When generating the Lift Estimation report, Predictive Routing now provides the option to produce a report for each unique value for a selected column (feature). Previously, any feature with a cardinality of more than 20 was excluded, which meant that you could not produce reports with a granularity higher than 20 unique features.
  • The agent pool for lift estimation is now constructed on a per-day basis for the interactions in the dataset. Previously, you might have observed a negative lift for higher agent availability or an unexpectedly high lift for low agent availability due to overcorrection caused by a mismatch between the input sample size and the actual sizes encountered through daily simulation.
  • Predictive Routing now supports LDAP authentication when logging in.

New in Release (03/05/2018)

  • You can now enable Predictive Routing to look up updated values for certain agent attributes, based on customer or interaction attributes during a scoring request. For instance, you can look up agent performance by virtual queue, enabling you to evaluate the agent’s previous performance when handling interactions from that queue. This avoids comparing agent performance for a specific queue against other agents who handle interactions from a different mixture of virtual queues.
  • You can now view an entire Agent Profile or Customer Profile record from the Agents Details and Customers Details tabs or an entire record on the Datasets Details tab. Click a single record to open a new window containing a table with all the related key-value pairs.
  • Agent State Connector now supports connection to a secured Configuration Server port and TLS 1.2 connections to Stat Server.
  • You can now configure Agent State Connector to automatically create an Agent Profile schema, if none exists, or to verify the existing schema.
  • You can now have Agent State Connector collect call connId data from Stat Server and write it to the Agent Profile schema for use in Predictive Routing.
  • Agent State Connector is now supported on Windows. For exact versions supported, see the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide.
  • Predictive Routing now supports datasets of up to 250 columns for predictor data generation, model training, and analysis.
  • Model training speed has been considerably improved.
  • Predictive Routing now provides progress indicators when loading predictor data and generating predictors. The progress indicators show the percent complete and the number of data rows already loaded.
  • The maximum supported cardinality for the Group By functionality in the Lift Estimation report has been increased to 20. All features with cardinalities between 1 and 20 are now available in the Group By selection menu.
  • You can now enter a maximum value of 500 simulations in the Lift Estimation analysis report settings. This prevents you from entering numbers too large to efficiently analyze and which can lead to an out-of-memory situation. The Number of Simulations field accepts any value larger than 0 and less than or equal to 500.
  • Predictive Routing now provides a text search field for use when selecting attributes for analysis.

New in Release (01/05/2018)

  • The user interface and the documentation have been updated to reflect the product name change from Genesys Predictive Matching to Genesys Predictive Routing.
For now, the following Genesys Predictive Routing components retain "Predictive Matching" as a part of the component name: Predictive Matching - Agent State Connector, Predictive Matching - Composer Strategy Subroutines, and Predictive Matching - URS Strategy Subroutines.

New in Release (12/22/2017)

  • The product name has changed from Genesys Predictive Matching to Genesys Predictive Routing. This change is not yet reflected in the application interface or in the documentation.
  • Genesys Predictive Routing now supports both single-site and multi-site HA architectures.
  • Genesys Predictive Routing now supports historical reporting, provided by the Genesys Reporting solution. The following reports are available in Genesys Interactive Insights/GCXI: Predictive Routing AB Testing Report, Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report, Predictive Routing Detail Report, Predictive Routing Operational Report, and Predictive Routing Queue Statistics Report.
  • Two new real-time reporting templates are available for use in Pulse dashboards: Agent Group KPIs by Predictive Model and Queue KPIs by Predictive Model.
  • Two new analysis reports have been added to the Genesys Predictive Routing application: Agent Variance and Lift Estimation.
  • The Model creation interface now includes additional model quality and agent coverage reporting.
  • The Feature Analysis report, the model creation and training functionality, and the dataset import functionality have been improved to handle large datasets.
  • You can now combine simple predictors to create composite predictors.
  • Health checks and monitoring have been improved for both Journey Optimization Platform (JOP) and Agent State Connector (ASC). ASC now enables you to set alarms if there are persistent connection issues with Configuration Server or Stat Server.

New in Release (09/26/2017)

  • You can now deploy the Journey Optimization Platform (JOP) in Docker containers.
  • This release includes updates to the Predictive Matching web interface for improved usability and rebranding.
  • This release includes context-sensitive Help.
  • You can now update and retrain models that have not yet been activated. You can also make changes to activated models by cloning them, editing the parameters, then activating the new model in place of the old one.
  • Agent State Connector and the Strategy Subroutines components can be deployed in a high availability configuration.
  • Predictive Matching now supports HTTPS.
  • Predictive Matching now supports TLS 1.2 encryption. Support for TLS 1.1 has been discontinued.
  • Routing using Predictive Matching can now take agent occupancy into account when selecting the best target.
  • The workflow for creating Predictors has been made more logical and straightforward.
  • Users can now reset their passwords from the Predictive Matching web interface.

New in Release (06/27/2017)

  • Predictive Matching now provides REST APIs for scoring, agent profile updates, and customer profile updates.
  • Predictive Matching now supports strategies created in Composer and processed by Orchestration Server (ORS). These strategies utilize common Universal Routing Server (URS) subroutines to store scores returned from the scoring server and to set callback functions in URS.
  • Schema modification has been extended to enable manual creation of fields not included in an imported dataset. This extended functionality also enables discovery of additional fields by uploading further data and thereby extending the schema.

New in Release (03/28/2017)

  • Extended datasets functionality now includes built-in analysis capabilities to make data exploration and feature analysis more straightforward without requiring customers to first build a predictive model.
  • Customer profile data can now be loaded to the platform by means of a REST-API and joined at run time for scoring. This simplifies the integration requirements for deploying Predictive Matching, requiring less modification to existing routing strategies or run time CRM integrations.
  • Predictive Matching now enables logging of routing decisions, required for accurate A/B testing, to JOP rather than Genesys Info Mart. This simplifies Predictive Matching deployment, by removing the need to make changes to Interaction Concentrator and Genesys Info Mart to support Predictive Matching.
  • The new Predictive Matching Help now opens when you click the Help link in the Predictive Matching interface.

New in Release

  • Improvements to the analytics and reporting functionality:
    • Reports can now indicate whether a predictive score was generated (that is, A/B testing), and whether it was interleaved, or time-divided.
    • The range of visualization on the Reporting Dashboard page has been improved.
    • Predictive Routing can now perform analysis and data discovery on factors driving the KPI that is being optimized.
  • You can now upload data sets in CVS format, enabling you to have Predictive Routing analyze the data, define predictors based on it, and report on it. You can use these data sets for model training and testing, and you can calculate statistics for correlation and cardinality from them.
  • Self-service predictor management and model creation. Note the following properties of predictors and models:
    • You can have multiple models built from one related data set.
    • You can only use a predictor to optimize a single metric (that is, a column in the data set); each model under the same predictor optimizes the same metric.
    • You can use a subset of features from the data set to define a predictor.
    • A predictor can be based on a subset of data (such as a time range, or a subset created by filtering data set column values).
    • Once you define a predictor, you can append new data to its underlying data set.
    • A predictor can use any source of data matching the source data set schema to retrain and update models.

New in Release

  • Routing subroutine support to score agents in agent-surplus mode, where there are more agents in ready status than interactions requiring agent handling. Agents can be scored on various criteria you configure so that interactions go to the most suitable agent.
  • Routing subroutine support to score agents in customer-surplus mode, where more customer interactions are waiting in queue than there are available agents. Interactions are scored based on criteria you define so that customers you consider highest priority are handled first.
  • Logging, monitoring, and alarm capabilities.
  • Ability to combine various criteria for scoring agents or interactions for suitability, leading to a more nuanced matching of agents and interactions.
  • Fault­ Tolerance. If Predictive Routing is unavailable, or if a Predictive Routing strategy subroutine takes more than a specified amount of time to process an interaction, the routing strategy defaults back to standard behavior.

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''

The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] '''Knowledge Center CMS'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Server'''

[+] '''Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition'''


New in

  • Intelligent Automation now supports direct audio streaming to Google Dialogflow Essentials using Nexus, GWS, and Google Dialogflow. A new Natural Language Audio Streaming Menu microapp has been included to support audio streaming.
  • The Groovy script execution in Script Blocks and the getRemoteHttpData method are optimized to use the connection pool feature. A new option, Script.RemoteHttpClient.connectTimeout is added to configure the connection timeout value.
  • Intelligent Automation now allows configuring the Menu Controller VXML options from the UI instead of configuring them in the fish.properties file.
  • To support localization, the database schema and the column sizes in the tables have been enhanced.
  • Intelligent Automation supports high availability (N+1) chat servers.
  • Intelligent Automation now supports masking user input entries in Visual IVR applications. If the Confidential Mode setting is enabled, Visual IVR masks the strings instead of displaying the actual information. This setting does not mask the currencies, dates, numbers, and phone number grammar types.

New in

  • A new server setting, GoogleASR.NBestValue.ConfidenceScoreBased is introduced to pick the N-Best best results based on the confidence score. Previously, only the first entry in the list was chosen.
  • A new server setting, VoiceXML.SSML.Play.DynamicSSML is introduced to control Dynamic Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) playback with variables. SSML playback from GIA Prompts and NLM (Natural Language Menu) responses are supported. When this flag is set to true, Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) interprets the SSML tags available in a variable. Previously, GVP played the SSML values present in a variable as a string value.
  • Intelligent Automation now supports Enhanced ASR (Advanced Speech Recognition) properties to support Google Speech Recognizers. Two new Voice UI (VUI) preference options, google_use_enhanced and google_use_model_type are introduced to configure the Enhanced ASR properties.
  • Intelligent Automation now supports single utterance properties to support Google Speech Recognizers. A new VUI preference option, single_word_utterance is introduced to configure the single utterance option.
  • Question blocks now support the YMD, DMY, and MDY date formats.
  • The size of the cti_fields field in the calls and historical_calls tables of the Fish Reports database is increased from 1000 to 2000 characters.

New in

  • The Tomcat version has been upgraded from 9.0.27 to 9.0.37.

New in

  • The Tomcat Session ID can now be included in the Tomcat logs (localhost_access_log.xxxxxxx.txt) by adding the regex pattern, %S to the existing list of patterns: pattern="%h %l %u %t %r %s %S %b %T %{CallId}s".

New in

  • The createNativePrompt method has been enhanced to support an optional parameter (JSON) to supply Rich Media related key-value pairs in the structured transcript message. This allows IA to send Rich Media UI-related properties to be sent to Chat clients. See Adding custom rich media for more information.
  • The fish-cbp plugin now supports using proxy servers to communicate with IA servers. See Using Bots from more information.

New in

  • Intelligent Automation now supports Google Dialogflow's follow-up intents and output contexts.
  • Intelligent Automation now supports Microsoft Bot Framework using Direct Line v3 API.
  • The version number now displays on the login page.
  • Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) pauses can now be added in increments of 50 milliseconds.
  • When the Debug logging is enabled, requests and responses between Genesys Dialog Engine and Google Dialogflow are now logged.
  • Concatenated prompt recording (CPR) packs for dynamic prompt playback, if configured, are now used even if the environment setting, VoiceXML.SSML.AlwaysUseSSML is set to true.
  • The Date Picker in Web IVR now supports DMY (default), MDY and YMD date formats.

New in

  • Multi-modal applications in IA will now check for the ORS session status before transitioning to the final vxml.jsp. This prevents IA runtime sessions from timing out while waiting for new requests.

New in

  • The fallback to voice on client error functionality now works properly.
  • Switching back to the Voice option from the Multi-modal option will no longer trigger execution of the Visual Mandatory On VUI preferences.
  • Browsers can now use Web IVR without requiring cookies to be set.
  • Additional contingency messaging is added to the VisualMessages.properties file to cover scenarios when no sessions are available.
  • WebIVR pages now change the location to EndSession.jsp after loading. This resolves the issue where requests made with expired sessions caused errors.
  • Logging has been included for multimodal sessions when a new session request is received. The logs will now include information on the validity of the session ID.
  • The footer buttons now display correctly in WebIVR when cookies are not enabled.

New in

  • The default Text Responses from Google Dialogflow can now be accessed using the NLTextResponse variable.
  • Session variables can now be sent to Dialog Engine or Dialogflow for slot filling purposes.
  • The Natural Language Menu product now displays only the first five utterances for each intent.
  • Intelligent Automation personas now allow selecting a TTS voice to use for both Nuance and Google TTS.
  • Intelligent Automation can now provide a maximum limit for the number of attempts to collect a slot value.
  • Intelligent Automation now allows you to use separate variables and slot names when skipping questions. Previously, the variable could only be created with the same name as the slot.
  • Intelligent Automation now supports Dialogflow's SmallTalk feature.
  • Intelligent Automation now reads the DialogFlow fulfilment messages field rather than the fulfilment text. This allows multiple messages to be returned and now supports text returned from fulfilment webhooks.
  • Intelligent Automation now supports fulfillment from Dialogflow.
  • Intelligent Automation now supports Dialogflow System Entities.
  • Intelligent Automation now supports the ability to pass a variable to Natural Language menu to use as the first utterance. Intelligent Automation also provides the ability to configure a path/module to use if no intent is found.

New in

  • Intelligent Automation now reads the Dialogflow fulfilment messages field rather than the fulfilment text. This allows multiple messages to be returned and now supports returned text from fulfilment webhooks.

New in

  • You can now set the length of time a HTTP connection lives in the connection pool before it is closed. This is configured by the default server setting, HttpClient.ConnectionPool.ConnectionLifetimeInSeconds. This will be useful in environments where firewalls or other systems kill idle connections without informing the client.
  • Intelligent Automation now supports Genesys Dialog Engine's v2 API.
  • Intelligent Automation now supports Google Text-To-Speech for both Genesys Engage and PureConnect voicebots.

New in

  • Intelligent Automation is now fully integrated with Google Dialogflow. This latest AI integration enables conversation powered by machine learning and natural language understanding to take place between customers and chat bots.
    Refer to the Natural Language AI Integration page in the Intelligent Automation Help manual for more information.
  • Support for Windows Server 2016.

New in

  • Natural Language Menu modules now include an Intents List tab, which displays all Intents associated with a Dialog Engine domain. Use the Intents List tab to map each Intent to a module, and Intelligent Automation will create or update an application's callflow accordingly.
    For more information, refer to the Integrating Dialog Engine page in the Intelligent Automation Deployment Guide.
  • Intelligent Automation now supports two types of two-factor authentication in self-service applications:
    • Internal authentication - Intelligent Automation generates a code internally and delivers the code to the user's verified email address or phone number (SMS).
    • External authentication - Customers use their own systems to verify a user.
    For more information about this feature, refer to the Two-Factor Authentication page in the MicroApps section of the Intelligent Automation Help manual.

New in

  • You can now create chat personas for use in chat-based applications.
  • Visual elements within the user interface have been rebranded to align with the latest Genesys design standards. This includes visual enhancements to the login screen and color changes to UI elements such as buttons, toggles, menus, text fields, and icons.
    These visual changes do not impact functionality.
  • Intelligent Automation now supports rich media in the chat channel. This includes the ability to enhance chat messages with images, videos, buttons, rich text, and hyperlinks.
  • Support for OpenJDK 8.
  • Changes to TLS support include the following:
    • Intelligent Automation no longer supports SSLv2, SSLv3, or TLS 1.0 as a default supported protocol.
    • Intelligent Automation now supports secure communication using only TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 by default.
    If you require TLS 1.0 or any other configuration, you must explicitly specify it in the HttpClient.Security.SupportedProtocols default server setting. This will override the default.

New in

  • You can now add multiple retry and timeout prompts to Menu, Question, and Recording blocks.
  • You can now use TLS v1.2 connections with Genesys servers. Refer to the migration procedure in the Genesys Intelligent Automation Migration Guide for more information.
  • Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2016 and Microsoft SQL Server 2017 databases. See the Supported Operating Environment: Genesys Intelligent Automation page for more detailed information and a list of all supported databases.
  • Integration Hub processes now allow underscores in their names. Previously, using underscores in names caused an error.

New in

  • VoiceBots (previously known as Cognitive IVR) uses Google Cloud Speech-to-Text to improve the performance of natural-language interfaces such as Dialog Engine. VoiceBots makes it easier for callers to use spoken natural-language phrases to navigate through a Genesys Intelligent Automation application.
    The VoiceBots feature is currently part of the Early Adopter Program (EAP). For more information, contact Product Manager Jonathan McKenzie.
  • You can now use Personas with the Dynamic Menu builder product, which allows you to configure display labels for digital channels and separate lists of recognition phrases for voice channels.
  • Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2017 databases. See the Supported Operating Environment: Genesys Intelligent Automation page for more detailed information and a list of all supported databases.
  • The plugin for Bot Gateway Server now calls directly from the Bot Gateway Server driver (on Digital Messaging Server) to the Intelligent Automation VUI Server, bypassing the Intelligent Automation Messaging Server.
  • Connections to other Genesys servers (for example, Configuration Server or Interaction Server) now use Genesys ADDP functionality.

What's new in Genesys Info Mart for 9.0

What's New in Genesys Decisions for 9.0

The following new features were added in the 9.0 release:

January 18, 2019

  • Extended Outbound Adapter — Genesys Decisions includes a new outbound adapter. Decisions continues to include the existing Outbound Phone adapter, but the new Extended Outbound adapter imports additional data such as Connects per attempt, List Size, Total Time for Wrong Party Connects, and Total Time for Right Party Connects. The Extended Outbound adapter specification file contains detailed information about the file requirements.
  • Database Timeout is added to configuration files during upgrade — The database timeout property is now added to the configuration files when you upgrade your Decisions installation.

September 25, 2018

  • Advanced Forecasting — Genesys Decisions now connects to the Decisions Cloud Service. The Decisions application sends historical data to the service. Based on that data, the service determines outliers and missing data, and determines which forecasting method to use and which parameters to use with the selected method. The results are then returned to Decisions and displayed. The following additional functionality is included with the new Decisions Forecasting module:
    • Apply Forecast Scenarios to Planning Scenarios — Once you are satisfied with your forecast scenario and its results, you can apply that to your planning scenario. From within the Decisions application, you select a forecast scenario from a list of published scenarios and apply that to your planning scenario. Applying a forecast scenario populates the planning scenario metrics with the forecast results.
    • Forecast Modifications — The forecast results that are returned from the Decisions Cloud Service are based on your historical data. If there are future events planned, such as a marketing release that will increase call volume by 10%, then you can apply modifications to the forecast results to take the future events into account, as well as the historical data.
    • View Detailed Forecast Data — In addition to showing the results of a forecast scenario, you can also use the Decisions application to see the forecast model used for the results, the parameters selected for that model, the forecast error, and the points that were designated as outliers and missing.
    • View Historical Values used to Generate Forecast Results — In the Decisions Forecasting module, you can view the historical values (both graphically and in tabular format) that the Decisions Cloud Service used to generate results. Use this information to help you understand what was happening in the past that contributed to the resulting forecast.

What's New in Genesys Administrator Extension for 9.0

For full information about supported operating systems, databases, browsers, and virtualization platforms, refer to the Genesys Administrator Extension page of the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide.

Configuration Object Management

  • To allow ease of navigation in Configuration Manager, GAX now displays all available configuration objects under each panel on the Configuration Manager view.


  • GAX now provides navigation links to edit the dependent or associated objects within all configuration objects.
  • GAX interface is updated to comply with the latest Genesys UX design guidelines.
  • Support for new version of Jetty web server—Refer to the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for details.

Localization Support

Genesys Administrator Extension supports the following Language Packs:

  • Arabic
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Czech
  • French (Canada)
  • French (France)
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazilian)
  • Russian
  • Spanish (Latin America/Mexico)
  • Turkish

What's New in Digital Administration for 9.0

March 04, 2022

eServices Manager Plug-in for GAX (

  • The plugin now allows users to create and edit Standard Responses templates with interactive messages (List Messages and Reply Buttons) for WhatsApp.

October 11, 2021

Training Server (

  • Support for Microsoft Windows Server 2019 and Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019.
  • Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.

September 10, 2021

eServices Manager Plug-in for GAX (

  • Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.

Content Analyzer Plug-in for GAX (

  • Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.

Privacy Manager Plug-in for GAX (

  • Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.

December 18, 2020

eServices Manager Plug-in for GAX (

  • The plugin is updated to ensure compatibility with Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition

May 22, 2020

eServices Manager Plug-in for GAX (

  • Support for Microsoft Edge Chromium.
  • Support for rich message notifications that can contain attachments and buttons.

Training Server (

  • Support for Oracle OpenJDK 11.
  • Support for Platform SDK version Additionally, the supplied log4j2.xml configuration file enables you to review the events that occurred during the server startup.

December 26, 2019

eServices Manager Plug-in for GAX (

  • Support for Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) 9.0.100.xx or later.
  • Support for Oracle OpenJDK 11.
  • Support for the default Language business attribute to be used for Notifications.

Content Analyzer Plug-in for GAX (

  • Support for Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) 9.0.100.xx or later.
  • Support for Oracle OpenJDK 11.

Privacy Manager Plug-in for GAX (

  • Support for Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) 9.0.100.xx or later.
  • Support for Oracle OpenJDK 11.

July 26, 2019

Classification Server (

  • Support for Platform SDK version Additionally, the supplied log4j2.xml configuration file enables you to review the events that occurred during the server startup.
  • Support for OpenJDK 11.

March 27, 2019

eServices Manager Plug-in for GAX (

  • Support for OpenJDK 8.
  • You can now create and edit Genesys Chat Notifications (also known as WhatsApp Highly Structured Messages) in standard responses.
  • A live preview now appears when editing most structured messages to show you how the message will appear to the customer. You can also click Render Field Codes to render field codes and associated variables, if any, that are used in the message. Variables are rendered with their default value.
  • Date Picker is now known as Time Picker.

New in

This release contains the following new feature and enhancement:

  • When Partitioning is enabled, Outbound Analytics dashboards now display data only for the active partition.

New in

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • The new partitioning functionality allows the split of outbound objects in a tenant to logical sections (partitions). Different departments can now store objects under different partitions, so that administrators can only operate with objects (for example, campaigns and contact lists) belonging to their department.
  • CX Contact now supports optional preprocessing of the input file before the List import is executed.
  • In the Outbound Schedules dialog, CX Contact UI now supports a condition based on the statistical value in the sequential and instant Schedule commands.
  • Call Result Records dashboard in Outbound Analytics now contains the new Boolean field isFinal.
  • The CX Contact login screen can now contain optional user-specified information about the environment you are logging into.
  • Small exported *.csv files are now handled correctly for List Automation Jobs of type Export Analytics.
  • Negative values are now supported for the Selection rules expressions.
  • CX Contact now expects the where query parameter in the GET /contacts API request to be encoded with a Base64 format.
  • In the List Automation Jobs output file, the name generation for patterns of type <fixed name>_MMDDYYYY is now processed correctly.

New in

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • CX Contact now supports Enterprise Redis 6 over TLS.
  • CX Contact now supports PostgreSQL 12.x, Redis 6.x, and Elasticsearch 7.6.
  • CX Contact now supports PostgreSQL 11.
  • It is now possible to optionally utilize basic authentication on CX Contact HTTP or HTTPS connections to Elasticsearch.
  • The new Disposition Code field has been added to the mandatory Contact Lists fields.
  • You can now apply a Dialing Filter to a specific Calling List. A Dialing Filter can be applied to lists in unloaded or in active or running Campaign Groups.
  • When creating or editing a schedule you can now select the Time in state (Advanced) condition. This new condition enables you to configure the Set Time interval and state for a specific campaign group.
  • It is now possible to use a SSH Private Key (or combined SSH Private Key and Password) authentication methods to access the remote SFTP Server.
  • Device Mask is now supported for the Selection (Contacts) rule. It is now possible to define a Selection (Contacts) rule that operates over a Device Mask field.
  • The end user can now create a filter using only mobile phone numbers from the input list.
  • For SMS outbound campaigns, the list of keywords for help and stop signals has been expanded with the following additional keywords (in any letter case):
    • help: 'aide'
    • stop: 'arret' and 'unsub'

New in

This release includes only resolved issues.

New in

This release contains the following new feature and enhancement:

  • The Campaign Group Event Record Dashboard now contains data that indicates when pre-loading was started and completed for each Campaign Group.

New in

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • CX Contact is now capable to decrypt PGP files encrypted with older PGP encryption standards.
  • CX Contact analytics Call Result Records index now contain ChainID, ChainN, and ClientID data fields.
  • The Attempt Rule can now be configured to govern attempts at specific time periods during the day. For example, an Attempt Rule can be configured to run 2 attempts in the morning (9am - 2pm), 1 in the afternoon (2pm - 4pm), and 2 in the evening (4pm - 9pm).
  • Compliance Tools Improvements
    • All Compliance Tools have been significantly extended to include the ability to define the scope of each compliance rule for a particular country and for subdivisions by regions, states, and provinces within a defined country.
    • The Contact Times rule can now work in strict Contact Times mode (applied during pre-loading by the Campaign Manager), and apply a Disposition Code.
    • The Contact Times rule can now support device position and device type configuration options.
    • Attempt Rules can now work in a Today time interval and apply a Disposition Code.
    • Attempt Rules now support device position and device type configuration options.
    • Location Rules now support device position and device type configuration options.
    • The Custom Timezones Table has been extended to include the ability to optionally define the exchange code for each Timezone mapping.
    • Custom Compliance rules can now apply a Disposition Code.

New in

This release contains the following new feature:

  • From the Settings > Security page you can now view information about the uploaded public key algorithm and the public key expiration date.

New in

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • The DB field name of every Contact List field is now located under its respective column header when using List Details Viewer. When working with SQL use the DB field name to query the correct DB fields. For additional information, see Contact List Import.
  • You can now filter the List Details View according to the following free-form SQL entries. For additional information, see the SQL row in the List Details View table.
    • Where - An SQL filtering expression applied to the selected contact list.
    • Order By - An SQL ordering expression applied to the selected contact list.
  • You can now hide/show columns in the List Detail View. For more information, see the Important note in the Contact List Import section.
  • A summary of the number of contacts and devices in the entire contact list and in the selected filtered view is now provided above the List Details View you. For additional information, see List Details View
  • All List Details View filtering rules, and selection rules (contact and advanced) are accessible from the *Rule* drop-down list. As a result, you can now apply previously created filtering and selection rules to view previous results. For additional information, see the Rule row in the List Details View table.
  • The records in the List Details View are now automatically color grouped. Each color represents a different customer. Since each customer can have more than one device, the colors enable you to view which records belong to the same customer. For additional information, see the Important note under the List Details View table.
  • The Copy Contact option now includes a Copy as Callback option that enables you to maintain the callback information (that is, agent name, the date and time the callback occurred, and the type of callback) when a contact is copied to a new contact list. For more information, see Apply to Record Options Defined
  • Custom Compliance rules created using custom expressions can now be validated before they are saved and applied to campaign groups.
  • You can now create a filtering rule from the List Details View. Using this option, you can now test and validate SQL queries against uploaded contact lists and save the active query as a filtering rule for future use. For additional information, see the SQL row in the List Details View table.
  • CX Contact Analytics now supports HTTPS connection to Elasticsearch.
  • You can now view the import history of lists imported when working with List Automation. The new Activity Type field will show the List Automation value if imported by SFTP automation.
  • Campaign dashboard statistics now include the number of successful contact attempts during an active session and the total number of successful contact attempts for the selected campaign group. Note: The Aggregation of Delivered, Not Delivered and Not attempted will always match the total contact list size.

New in

This release includes only resolved issues.

New in

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • When a Contact list encoded with PGP-encryption (that is, secured encryption) is selected, a closed padlock icon is displayed and all of the list options are disabled. Previously, the encoded Contact list details were visible and the list options were enabled.
  • The local timezone is now displayed in the CX Contact user interface at all times. The local timezone is configured in the CX Contact Settings page.
  • When working with List Automation you can now export analytics data to a .csv file via SFTP.
  • You can now incorporate special characters (white-space, @, -, and so on) in the List Automation SFTP directory.
  • The Agent Callback Error call result now includes a new action type: AssignToGroup. AssignToGroup redistributes the callback to another agent in the agent group if the original agent is unable to initiate the scheduled callback. This option is only available when the call result is: agent callback error.
  • Interactions that are cancelled during pre-loading and pre-dial validation are stored in Outbound Analytics with Blocking rule and Blocking Suppression list information.
  • The Settings > Security tab now includes a new Use strict sign out option. When this new option is enabled, users will be forced to sign out of the CX Contact UI every time the browser page is closed.
  • You can now select to show/hide individual columns in the Outbound Analytics Custom Table panel.
  • It is now possible to calculate the duration between two different date timestamps in the Outbound Analytics Custom Table panel.

New in

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • The Settings tab now includes a strict-logout option. When enabled this option forces the user to be logged out of the CX Contact UI as soon as the browser is closed.
  • The Analytics Histogram panel now supports X-Axis labels to show date and time ranges.
  • The CX Contact UI now supports a Secure with encryption option when creating or editing a List Automation Job.

New in

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • A new CX Contact Dashboard (Outbound Analytics) has been added for the new Schedules index.
  • An Attempt rule can now be defined using the Agent Disposition code. As a result, when an attempt is made to initiate an interaction, the attempt can be counted according to its Disposition value. This allows for greater granular control over agent and customer interactions.
  • The Schedules menu was added to CX Contact. With Schedules you can now configure instant and sequential events by determining when dialing is active. This new option enables you to:
    • Schedule when a campaign group starts/finishes.
    • Schedule a campaign group to run for a specified period of time or until a specific statistic is achieved.
    • Sequence campaign groups. For example, starting one campaign group when another campaign group closes at a defined time.

New in

This release includes only resolved issues.

New in

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • PGP encryption for data in transit is now supported. Contact Lists, Suppression Lists and Analytics exports can now be PGP encrypted to secure data during upload and download from CXContact.
  • It is now possible to create custom Compliance rules. Using JS expression users can create Bespoke Compliance rules and enable apply these rules to Campaign Groups in the same way standard Compliance rules are applied.
  • When editing a campaign group the Contact list dropdown menu is now listed in alphabetical order.
  • Analytics now provides a format configuration option for managing Time conversion for the time and duration fields. For example, milliseconds can be rounded seconds, or seconds with a decimal place to 1 or 2 or 3 positions.
  • Improvements have been made to the List Automation user interface to support SFTP over MPLS with new file server, directory and public key fingerprint options.
  • All drop down menu options are now listed alphabetically. This includes all menus found in Campaign Group, Upload rule, Label, Contact attempt, Suppression and Session Profiles.
  • Advanced Selection rules that are built using Visual Editor are now converted in SQL when a user disables the visual editor to access free-form SQL advanced options.
  • To enable detailed event logging a new Trace connection attempt option was added to List Automation.
  • An exported List Rule can now be imported into CX Contact.
  • Table panel has been enhanced to support custom column options.

New in

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Users can now select to view the Label column in the Create/Edit contact list preview screen.
  • When configuring a filtering rule, users can now select an ascending or descending order using a slider widget instead of a drop-down list.
  • Users can now configure the Caller ID Set modal window using a slider widget instead of a checkbox.
  • When a Selection rule is selected in the List Rules table, the right side of the view now includes field names. Previously, the view only included Other values.
  • Importing Contact Lists with Splitting rules now takes less time. The process was optimized in the List Builder.
  • You can now download and export a Selection Rules as a .JSON file.
  • A new Non-Geographic option has been added to the drop-down list for the Device Mask field option while creating/editing advanced selection rules.
  • Device Escalation check boxes for Answer Machine Delivery have been replaced with drop/connect switches.
  • The Advanced button in the Delivery Option section of the Treatment tab has been replaced with a more prominent button.
  • The CX Contact Analytics PDF Export document option now includes additional details. The PDF now includes a Report title, Dashboard name, Index name, and the report's time frame.
  • User-defined Other1-OtherN fields of type string can be added to the CX Contact Analytics Device Import Detail Records Dashboard.
  • CX Contact now checks for Non-Geographical numbers during the pre-loading phase of a campaign group.
  • A Non-Geographical numbers filter option was added to the Dialing Profile filter options.
  • CX Contact now supports a Caller ID set (with multiple Caller List IDs (CLI) instead of a single CLI assigned to the Campaign Group.
  • When configuring a Dialing Profile you can now select a Caller ID set (includes multiple CLI), instead of the single CLI assigned to the Campaign Group level.
  • Selection Rules can now identify the validity of devices.
  • CX Contact Analytics SMS/EMail Records Dashboard now supports storing the final state of the SMS Aggregator in the providerReceipt field. This field enables users to review the final SMS delivery state as it was received from the SMS Aggregator.
  • For auditing purposes an invalid device can now be imported into a Target Contact list. As a result, records are not rejected during the import process.

New in

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Due to the nature of LIFO (Last in First Out) campaigns, Time Remaining statistics are not displayed in the UI.
  • During the editing of an active/running Campaign Group, all Dialing Profile options that only take effect after a campaign group restart are now either disabled or show a “campaign is running” prompt when trying to edit.
  • Labels can now be exported and imported.
  • Campaign Groups / Dialing Profiles now support LIFO (Last In First Out) Dialing modes.
  • Outbound Analytics now displays a yellow warning ribbon and a red error ribbon.
  • A new Found In column has been added to the Suppression List Table view. That is, when you search for a suppression record the target Suppression List in which the match was found is now shown in the results.
  • A new Search option is now available for all drop-down menus.
  • Outbound Analytics—It is now possible to export panels to a .csv file.
  • Outbound Analytics—It is now possible to export panels and dashboards to a .pdf file.

New in

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Searching for records in suppression lists now supports multiple list search options. Previously, only one suppression list was available to search against.
  • The Treatments view no longer appears as a modal window. A new Summary tab has also been added to the sub-menu.
  • In Analytics, a new sumtable panel is now available.
  • A new treatment Copy Contact has been added to the list of available Retry Options. The Copy Contact treatment can be applied to the call result or disposition code and allows to copy an active contact into a different contact list either as General or as Rescheduled.

New in

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • In the Campaign Template > Dialing Profile and Campaign Group > General tabs the Wireless filter has been renamed Mobile and a new Landline filter option has been added.
  • Location rules now support an asterisk wildcard as part of the postal code.
  • The Contact List table now includes a Caller ID column.
  • Horizontal scrolling is now supported for the User Actions Dashboard > Audit Panel.
  • The Analytics Dashboard > Terms Panel now supports more than one field.
  • When working with CX Contact Analytics you can now apply Time Picker settings to each field.
  • The Control Panel has been removed from the Dashboard Configuration options.
  • When importing a Contact List you can now search for the correct Upload Rule > Custom Splitting option.
  • An exported Data Mapping schema can now be imported into CX Contact.

New in

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • List Builder now nullifies binary characters during ingestion.
  • When editing a contact list, the Caller ID is now displayed and can be modified.
  • Contact Time rules are no longer limited to 15-minute increments. You can now specify a value (in Minutes) in the Minutes option.
  • It is now possible to manually delete contact information records from a suppression list.
  • When creating a List Automation job for exporting contact lists, it is now possible to select a Use label option. This option replaces the Other1-OtherN fields with the field names from the associated list labeling schema.
  • It is now possible to configure the Time format on an Analytics dashboard.
  • When downloading a contact list from the User Interface, CX Contact now replaces the Other1-OtherN user-defined fields with the field labels assigned to the contact list.
  • CX Contact Analytics now includes a new User Actions index to audit user events. The system administrator can now track who did what and exactly when.
  • When importing a contact list, you now see a progress bar in the Size column. The progress bar displays the current status of the import process.
  • A yellow warning icon was added next to problematic services in the About Help > Current Version section of the User Interface.
  • The CX Contact Analytics SanKey panel can now support additional parameters. Previously, this panel only supported three parameters.
  • You can now edit a CX Contact Analytics dashboard label. This new option enables you to define each system field value name.
  • The User Interface now supports a tabular layout, meaning that pages now open in new tabs, allowing you to easily switch back and forth between tasks. Previously, the current page closed when you navigated to a new page within the User Interface.

New in

  • The following enhancements have been made to the Analytics tab:
    • The navigation bar now continually floats at the top of the Analytics tab screen. This allows the user to access the navigation bar without scrolling to the top of the page.
    • You can now save multiple dashboard views per Elasticsearch index.
    • You can now resize each Analytics tab panel when editing the panel. To resize the panel, move the cursor to the edge or corner of the panel and use the double-headed arrow to increase or decrease the size.
    • You can now rename a panel after it is created.
  • The Call wait connected timeout option is now a permanent option on a campaign object's Advanced tab. Users can now easily and quickly set a maximum value for the timeout by seconds option.
  • When you create or edit a Selection rule with a Device1 - Device10 field type, the following two new operators are now available.
    • is valid
    • is not valid
    These operators provide device validation during ingestion against the Genesys Integrated Global Numbering plan.
  • Custom Time Zone is now stored as a script object within configuration server. As a result, you can now control permissions and access the Custom Time Zone objects.
  • When configuring a suppression list, you can now specify the duration of the record retention. This means that records added to the suppression list will be retained within that suppression list for the period of time they are configured and automatically purged at the end of that duration.

New in

  • CX Contact now includes support for the SMS channel. More specifically, you can use the CX Contact user interface to do any of the following:
    • Create SMS outbound alert templates for one-way text messaging campaigns.
    • Create and modify message content for initial outbound messages, opt-out/stop responses, and help responses.
    • Personalize message content (for example, greet the customer by name).
    Note: This functionality is available to Cloud customers only.
    Refer to the Create an SMS Template page in the CX Contact Help manual for more information.
  • CX Contact now includes support for the Email channel. More specifically, you can use the CX Contact user interface to do any of the following:
    • Create outbound email alert templates.
    • Use a built-in visual editor to create message content (text and images) or upload an HTML file that contains the message content.
    • Personalize message content (for example, greet the customer by name).
    • Add an Unsubscribe option.
    Note: This functionality is available to Cloud customers only.
    Refer to the Create an Email Template page in the CX Contact Help manual for more information.
  • When a contact uses the Opt-out or Unsubscribe option within a text message or email, the record is automatically added to a contact suppression list, called CXContactSMSOptOut and CXContactEmailOptOut, respectively. These suppression lists have the following characteristics:
    • The type is set to Device.
    • The suppression list is set to Required.
    • The suppression list Never expires.
    • The suppression list cannot be deleted.
    Note: This functionality is available to Cloud customers only.
  • You can now use the Analytics tab in the user interface to create custom dashboard views of the following Elasticsearch data:
    • Device imports
    • Pre-loading events
    • Campaign Group events
    • Call results
    • Contact history
    • SMS/Email events

New in

This release includes only resolved issues.

New in

  • CX Contact now supports call treatments based on disposition codes. In the event a treatment is defined for both a call result and a disposition code, CX Contact gives priority to the disposition code when applying the call treatment. Refer to the Delivery and Retry Options page in the CX Contact Help manual for more information.
  • For call treatments (Retry Options), the Apply to Record menu now includes a Suppress option that allows you to suppress a record (by client ID or by phone number) that meets the treatment criteria. When you select this option, you must specify a suppression list for the suppressed record from the new Suppression List menu, which contains all suppression lists set to Never expire. Refer to the Delivery and Retry Options page in the CX Contact Help manual for more information.
  • CX Contact now supports historical reporting of unattempted (suppressed) records through Elasticsearch and Genesys Info Mart. Once CX Contact writes the data to an Elasticsearch index, Genesys Info Mart extracts the data and transforms it into Genesys Info Mart LDR_* tables.
    For detailed information about this functionality, refer to the Integrating CX Contact with Genesys Historical Reporting page in the CX Contact Deployment Guide.
  • On the General tab of a dialing profile, campaign template, and campaign group, a new Filtering Rule menu replaces the following menus:
    • Labels
    • Contact Order
    • Ascending/Descending
    A filtering rule encompasses all of these options.
  • On the Campaigns dashboard, the List Size field has been renamed List Size/Devices, and the Filtered field has been renamed Contacts Filtered/Devices Filtered. The previous release ( introduced the new Devices and Devices Filtered statistics but excluded updates to the field names.

New in

  • A new filtering rule allows you to sort and order contact data within in a contact list. Unlike upload rules and selection rules, a filtering rule can be applied while a campaign group is running. It does not have to be applied at the time a list is being uploaded to CX Contact.
    The Filtering Rule option replaces the Contact Order option on the General tab of a dialing profile, campaign template, and campaign group.
    Related Documentation: Filtering Rules
  • There are now two types of upload rules:
    • Contacts - The selection rule applies to a contact list.
    • Suppression - The selection rule applies to a suppression list.
    Related Documentation: Upload Rules
  • There are now three types of selection rules:
    • Contacts - The selection rule applies to a contact list.
    • Suppression - The selection rule applies to a suppression list.
    • Advanced - The selection rule applies to a contact list export and filtering rules. When defining the filtering criteria for this type of rule, you can now define an SQL WHERE clause in place of the standard visual editor.
    Related Documentation: Selection Rules
  • On the Campaigns dashboard, the Filtered cell now includes the total number of filtered devices from the contact list, in addition to the total number of filtered records. The count is displayed as Records Filtered/Devices Filtered. Related Documentation: View Campaign Statistics
  • On the Campaigns dashboard, the List Size cell now includes the total number of devices contained in the contact list, in addition to the total number of unique records. The count is displayed as Record Count/Device Count. Related Documentation: View Campaign Statistics
  • On the campaigns dashboard, the Expand All option, which is used to view campaign groups and contact lists associated with each campaign template, now functions as follows:
    • Click Expand All once to view all campaign groups associated with each campaign template.
    • Click Expand All again to view all contact lists associated with each campaign group.
    The Collapse All functionality remains unchanged. Related Documentation: Search or Filter Campaign Statistics
  • Contact lists exported from CX Contact now include compliance classification data for each device (record in chain), including:
    • Wireless
    • Duplicate Position
    • Duplicate List
    • International
    • Ends in 00
    • Ends in 000
    • TPS/DNC
    • Toll Free
    • Duplicate Contact
    • Contains Extension
    • VoIP
  • Contact lists exported from CX Contact now store all devices associated with each record in a chain.
  • You can now create a campaign group against an individual campaign template using the More Actions menu (displayed as an ellipsis) on the Campaigns dashboard. When you do this, the campaign template and associated parameters will automatically populate on the New Campaign Group page. Related Documentation: Create a Campaign Group
  • You can now duplicate attempt rules and location rules. The duplicated rule will inherit all settings from the original rule, but you can change any or all of them. If you do not change the name of the rule, it will inherit the name of the original rule, with _duplicate# appended to it. Related Documentation: Compliance Tools
  • The user interface now contains a context-sensitive Help tool that enables you to view Help content relative to the page you're viewing in the user interface. To access the tool, click the question mark icon in the top right-hand corner of the user interface.
  • The width of each menu on the General tab for a dialing profile, campaign template, and campaign group has increased by 50%.

New in

  • On the Treatment tab for a dialing profile, campaign template, or campaign group, you can now specify a URI to a stored SCXML treatment script. When you do this, the system applies all treatment configuration defined in the SCXML treatment script and ignores all treatment configuration previously defined in CX Contact.
    For more information, refer to the SCXML-based Treatments page.
  • The new data mapping feature is an alternative to using an input specification file to map contact data to fields in a CX Contact contact list. You can create a data mapping schema for either a fixed-position file or a delimited file and then apply the schema to a list being imported into CX Contact via manual import or via list automation.
    For detailed instructions, refer to the Create a Data Mapping Schema page.
  • For call treatments, the Increment retry option is no longer a mandatory option. Previously, if you selected Retry in from the Apply to Record menu, you had to define an increment value.
  • On the Campaigns dashboard, an icon now displays to the right of a campaign group name to indicate the type of dialing mode the campaign group uses. When you hover over the icon, the name of the dialing mode and associated dialing parameters display in a text box.
    For more information, refer to the Create and Manage a Campaign Group page.
  • The media control icons on the Campaigns dashboard have increased in size and have changed in color. In addition, a new status bulb displays next to the media controls to indicate the status of the campaign group.
    For more information, refer to the Create and Manage a Campaign Group page.

New in

  • You can now use the List Automation feature to schedule a contact list export. The file is exported out of CX Contact and sent to a remote FTP directory.
    For a complete description of this feature, refer to the Create and Manage List Automation Tasks page in the CX Contact Help manual.
  • The new Device Escalation feature enables you to do any of the following when records in a contact list contain more than one device:
    • Identify which device(s) should be contacted.
    • Specify the order in which the devices should be contacted.
    • Specify how to handle answering machine detection - drop the call, deliver the call to an agent, or send the call to a DN for treatment (for example, leave a pre-recorded message).
    For a complete description of this feature, refer to the Apply Device Escalation page in the CX Contact Help manual.
  • In the Timezone source field, a new option, called Explicit, enables you to select a specific time zone for records in a contact list. When you apply this option, the system ignores all Contact and Device time zone assignments, so we do not recommend this option if your contact list contains international numbers or countries with multiple time zones.
    For more information, see the Time Zone Assignment page in the CX Contact Help manual.

What's New in Bot Gateway Server for 9.0

[+] The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] The following new features were introduced in the release:

[+] The following new features were introduced in the release:


Section: channel-chatbot
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any integer from 0-86400
Changes Take Effect: Immediately for new connections

Specifies the delay between attempts when Bot Gateway Server tries to reconnect the bot to the chat session when there is a Chat Server disconnect.


Section: channel-chatbot
Default Value: 15
Valid Values: Any integer from 0-1000000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately for new connections

Specifies how many times Bot Gateway Server tries to reconnect the bot to the chat session when there is a Chat Server disconnect.


Section: channel-chatbot
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any integer from 0-86400
Changes Take Effect: Immediately for new connections

Specifies the delay between attempts when Bot Gateway Server tries to reconnect the bot to the chat session when there is a Chat Server disconnect.


Section: channel-chatbot
Default Value: 15
Valid Values: Any integer from 0-1000000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately for new connections

Specifies how many times Bot Gateway Server tries to reconnect the bot to the chat session when there is a Chat Server disconnect.

What's New in Billing Data Server for 9.0

October 17, 2022

  • Billing Data Service (BDS) now tracks the agent login sessions through Gplus Workforce Management (WFM) Adapter. A new metric, seats_gplus_wfm, is introduced to measure the Concurrent and Named number of agents' login sessions as registered by Gplus WFM Adapter. For more details, see Gplus WFM Adapter Seat. (CBILL-6422)
  • In the Configuration Utility (Brsctl.py) > decrypt command, if the directory to store the decrypted file is not mentioned (-fd value), the utility automatically creates a directory within the encrypted files directory (-fe value). Additionally, the decrypt command now decrypts all the files in the directory. For more details, see Configuration Utility. (CBILL-6408)
  • As part of the multi-tenant configuration, when a metric is enabled or disabled through the Multitenancy-specific Configuration (Brsctl.py) commands, the same configuration is propagated to the corresponding metric in all the tenants that are part of the multi-tenant that is being configured. (CBILL-6242)
  • A new metric, seats_unique_agents, is now available to measure the number of unique agent sessions. For more details, see the Named seats metric documentation. (CBILL-6087)
  • The seats_third_party metric now supports a new parameter, parameters, to configure media types as you would configure in Intelligent Workload Distribution (IWD). You can configure media types using the Config.json file or through Metrics-specific Configuration (Brsctl.py) commands. (CBILL-6086)
  • A new parameter, LOG_JSON_FORMAT, is now available to enable or disable writing structured logs in the JSON format. Structured logs are written in STDOUT. By default, LOG_JSON_FORMAT is set to false. An example log for a record is as follows:
    "timestamp": "2022-08-18T11:22:20Z", 
    "level": "INFO", 
    "processName": "MainProcess", 
    "threadName": "ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0", 
    "traceId": 140145279710976, 
    "component": "job_controller", 
    "loggerName": "brs.job_controller._get_test_agents", 
    "context": {"date": "2016-09-30", "tenant": "Tenant800", "tenantId": "800"}, 
    "msg": "Number of persons DBIDs: 3", 
    "service": "bds"
  • A new parameter, port, is now available in the loader_sftp section to configure ports for transferring the SFTP files. By default, the port value is set to 22. (CBILL-6008)
  • BDS now supports configuring multiple tenants with each tenant owning a dedicated Genesys Info Mart (GIM) database. You can define multiple tenants with dedicated GIM databases and configure them manually under the multi-tenant section in the Config.json file or through the multi-tenant template using the Multitenancy-specific Configuration (Brsctl.py) commands. Refer Provision and import multi-tenant template procedure for manual configuration using templates.
    For multi-tenant configurations, the transform files and report outputs from BDS now display an additional folder for 'multi-tenant'. The 'multi-tenant' folder carries the name according to the multitenant_name configuration and it displays the consolidated usage information of all the tenants. Refer Understanding BDS reports documentation to know changes in output folder structure. (CBILL-5899)

July 13, 2022

  • The Subscription mode billing is now removed. However, there are no changes to the existing metrics and their measurement criteria to track a certain activity. Removing the Subscription mode leads to the following changes:
    • Configuration wizard no longer prompts users to select the Subscription type.
    • Subscription mode templates are no longer available.
  • Two new brsctl.py commands -se and -sed are introduced in the Tenant options.
    • -se command shows the last successful extract date from all or specific data sources such as GIM, GVP RS, and so on.
    • -sed command along with the -se command sets the last successful extract date for all or specific data sources such as GIM, GVP RS, and so on.
      An example command to show a specific extract date for GIM and GVP RS is as follows:
      brsctl.py tenant -t name -se gim,gvp
      An example command to set a specific extract date for GIM and GVP RS is as follows:
      brsctl.py tenant -t name -se gim,gvp -sed 2022-05-05
  • The -fe and -fd options in the decrypt command now support decrypting a batch of extract or transform files and place them in the results folder. (CBILL-5791)
  • The Named user metrics calculation and its corresponding detailed reports are now available for resellers. (CBILL-5627)
  • A new parameter namely Vendor rules is introduced in the Tenant configuration section. Using this optional parameter, you can define the ASR vendor rule such that the GVP report outputs are processed based on the rule. The default vendor rule is set to "nuance".
    For more information and sample codes, see the Tenant parameters description in Configuring BDS. (CBILL-5556)
  • The global variables file (gvars.py) is now deprecated. The variables configured using gvars.py are modified as environment variables and are now part of the .env file. Additionally, includes changes to the following environment variables in the .env file:
    • DETAILED_REPORT_DIR is introduced which stores the report outputs such as Concurrent users detailed reports, GVP detailed reports, and Named users detailed reports. The default path is DETAILED_REPORT_DIR = /genesys/data/reports, however, customers can configure this path.
    • Log-related variables such as LOG_FILE_MAIN, LOG_FILE_STATS, LOG_FILE_AUDIT, LOG_FILE_MIGRATE, and SBC_BRS_LOG_FILE are removed and their associated logs are available in the path configured in BDS_OVERRIDE_LOG_DIR in the .env file.
      Note: Migration scripts are not currently available to move your existing settings from gvars.py to .env. Genesys recommends to move the settings manually. You can leave the .env file empty in which case BDS uses the default paths.
    For more information, see Environment variables in the BDS deployment guide and Understanding BDS reports in the BDS user’s guide.
    (CBILL-5442), (CBILL-5780)
  • The following reports are introduced to calculate GVP specific consumption in terms of milliseconds:
    • gvp_minutes
    • gvp_asr_minutes
    • gvp_tts_minutes
    The report outputs are stored in the path configured in the BDS_OVERRIDE_DETAILED_REPORT_DIR variable in the .env file. For more information about the reports, see the GVP detailed reports.
    (CBILL-5407), (CBILL-5533)
  • A new environment variable namely DR_location is introduced in the .env file to manage disaster recovery (DR) situations. During DR, BDS verifies the existence of DR_location, if it exists, BDS verifies the existence of primary_location configuration at the tenant-level. In a DR scenario, all aliases and switches from the primary location are used even if the primary location is disabled. For more information, see Environment variables. (CBILL-5233)

April 14, 2022

  • Billing Data Server (BDS) now masks Personally Identifiable Information (PII) stored in the extract, transform, and final BDS reports. The PII data such as phone number, agent’s name, agent’s email ID, and so on are masked.
    A new parameter anonymizer_salt is added to the gvars.py file to anonymize the PII data such as name, email ID, and so on in the extracted data.
    For more information, refer to Global Variables. (CBILL-5432)
  • BDS now supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. See the START_WIDGET6458f84f149db5b7-2END_WIDGET page in the START_WIDGET6458f84f149db5b7-3END_WIDGET for more detailed information and a list of all supported operating systems. (CBILL-5619)
  • BDS now supports installing software on plain Kubernetes version starting 1.22 and later. For detailed instructions, refer to Installing BDS on Kubernetes clusters using Helm. (CBILL-5759)
  • BDS now supports installing software in an arbitrary directory instead of the default (/home/genesys) directory. For more details, refer to the Installation procedure using the script. (CBILL-5773)

December 22, 2021

  • The rounding algorithm in Billing Data Server (BDS) is improved to group the events by Source Unique ID before summarizing the duration in ASR/TTR minutes. (CBILL-5366)
  • BDS now supports Elasticsearch v7.0 for Genesys Interaction Recording (GIR) metrics. (CBILL-5355)
  • BDS no longer supports uploading the resulting files to S3 storage. Hence, the following fields are removed from the config.json file:
    • S3 section and its options are removed.
    • In the mode_settings section, the subscription_mode field is removed.
    The modified config.json file after removing the S3 specific fields would look like the following sample configuration:
    "globals": {
            "SourceId": "GEN",
            "cfg_template_version": "",
            "mode_settings": {
                "subscription": true,
                "local_extract_path": "extract",
                "local_transform_path": "transform",
                "local_cache": "/genesys/data"
    For more information, see Configuring BDS. (CBILL-5328)
  • Performance improvements have been made in the process that extracts the voice_sessions dataset from the Oracle database. (CBILL-5226)
  • To improve performance, BDS now implements multithreading capability while extracting data from sources such as GIM, GVP, and so on. In the single tenant configuration for BDS, multithreading allows to have one thread for one data source which significantly reduces the data extraction time. (CBILL-5156)
  • Performance improvements have been made in the transformation process of GVP ASR/TTS metrics. (CBILL-5155)
  • During the Transform stage, BDS now applies a dedicated process for each metric instead of applying a single process for all metrics in order to improve the performance. (CBILL-5108)

What's New in Billing Data Server for 9.0

September 30, 2021

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Billing Data Server (BDS) provides values for specific metrics and attributes to the Genesys CX Insights Reporting (GCXI) tool to generate the following reports in the GCXI > Billing Data folder:
    • Inbound Voice report
    • IVR Usage report
    The metrics shared are:
    • Seats Voice Concurrent
    • Seats Voice
    • GVP Minutes
    • GVP Ports
    The attributes shared are:
    • Business Unit
    • Metric
    • Region
    • Start Date Time Key
    For more details, see the Genesys CX Insights 9.0 Projects Reference Guide. (CBILL-4361, CBILL-4563)
  • A new configuration parameter (optional) hostkey is introduced in the loader_sftp section to specify a public key available for the SFTP server. The public key provides extra authorization for the SFTP server. The public keys are available in the SFTP server in the following location:
    The hostkey parameter value consists of two sections separated by a space, where:
    • The first section requires the public key type. Supported key types are:
      • ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
      • ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
      • ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
      • ssh-ed25519
      • ssh-rsa
      • ssh-dss
    • The second section requires the actual value of the public key.
    The following example shows the hostkey configuration:
    "hostkey": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBP/4CFOOhQPL1L5SVpU8Y1H6SWaAQuCGieAWbC6/RqY1lX/2XyoE39owQgWPjFzEPatAoD5rSq6GoLbBCCMAnzE="
    For more information, see the Configuration guide. (CBILL-4875)
  • BDS uses code checksum to protect the code from ineligible changes. (CBILL-5081)
  • Datasets are removed from the configuration file, and are now read directly from the template files. (CBILL-4986)
  • The BDS Control utility (Brsctl.py) now prints the actual BDS version when the following command is executed:
    brsctl.py -v (CBILL-4930)

July 09, 2021

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • The BDS Control utility (Brsctl.py) now supports a new key, --force-yes for the migration command. When set (brsctl.py migration --force-yes), this key suppresses the migration confirmation prompt. (CBILL-4894)

May 12, 2021

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • SFTP enhancements — The premise_loader_sftp section to the config.json file is renamed as loader_sftp. For more information, see Configuring BDS. (CBILL-4749)

April 19, 2021

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Exit code enhancements — Two Billing Data Server (BDS) modules now return exit codes upon completion:
    • The BDS Control utility (Brsctl.py) now returns exit codes to indicate whether processing was successful (0 - success, or 1 - failure). (CBILL-4470)
    • The Dispatcher.py utility now returns exit codes when extraction, transformation, and load (ETL) processes complete, indicating whether the ETL was successful, and if it failed, where the error occurred.
      For more information about exit codes, see exit codes. (CBILL-4376)
  • Dataset integrety validation — The BDS Installation Package now includes hashed datasets. During extraction, BDS makes new hashes of the datasets and validates them against the original hashes. (CBILL-4334)

February 16, 2021

  • Enhanced configuration migration support — The BDS Control utility supports a new command, migrate, which will enable you to migrate configuration information when you upgrade to future releases from release or later. For more information, see Configuration: the Control utility. (CBILL-4264)
    To support this change:
    • gvars.py is updated to include support for the new migration API. (CBILL-4318)
    • A new parameter, cfg_template_version, is added to the global section, to provide support for migration between BDS releases. See Configuring BDS. (CBILL-4275)
  • Configuration enhancements — In addition to configuration enhancements associated with migration, the following changes are introduced:
    • BDS now stores a backup of the configuration file, in the path /genesys/brs/timestamp_config_name.json. (CBILL-4262)
    • The configuration wizard now validates watermarks to ensure they match the pattern yyyy-mm-dd.
    • The configuration wizard now performs additional error-checking, and prompts the user to correct any misconfigurations.
    • The configuration wizard now consistently displays the name of the section and subsection in the middle of the display, and each question is cleared before the next one appears. For information about the configuration wizard, see Configuring BDS. (CBILL-4347)

December 17, 2020

This release includes the following new features:

  • Bot reporting enhancements — Three new metrics provide reporting on chatbot and voicebot usage:
  • Multi-tenant configuration enhancements — A new parameter, cme_credentials, is added to the tenant and to gvp configuration sections. Populate these values in multi-tenant deployments where each tenant has unique credentials/endpoints. In single-tenant scenarios, leave them blank, which causes BDS to use the credentials defined in the globals section. (CBILL-4089)
  • Tenant template updates — The fields seat_model and elasticsearch_host were removed from tenant generation and sample templates. (CBILL-4195)

December 01, 2020

This release includes the following new features:

  • Installation and Configuration enhancements — BDS now provides enhanced deployment and configuration methods that reduce the complexity and time required to deploy and set up the software.
    • Deployment script — A new deployment script, deploy_prem_install.sh, automates the installation of BDS on the premise host. (CBILL-4015)
    • Configuration wizard — A new option (brsctl.py setup), enables you to easily create new BDS configurations. (CBILL-3815)
    For more information, see Installing BDS and Configuring BDS. (CBILL-4072)
    • When generating the global template, BDS now automatically adds only appropriate attributes in the mode_settings section. (CBILL-3786)
  • Logging Enhancements:
    • BDS now logs an error when the Configuration Server returns an empty list of test agents. BDS repeats the request up to three times, logging an error each time. (CBILL-4059)
    • BDS now logs an error if it cannot create a cursor object from the connection, and makes a new connection to the database server. (CBILL-4143)

August 27, 2020

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Data encryption enhancements — Extract and transform files are now encrypted using a new BDSCrypto class. (CBILL-3845, CBILL-3846)
    • The Billing Data Server (BDS) Control utility (Brsctl.py) now accepts a command, decrypt, that you can use to decrypt extract or transform files. For more information, see Configuration: the Control utility. (CBILL-3876)
    • BDS now allows you to use the premise_loader_sftp parameter to upload decrypted transform files to a configured SFTP server. For information about premise_loader_sftp, see Initial configuration of BDS for on-premise deployments. (CBILL-3847)
    • The Statistic utility (brs/bds_statistic/statistic.py) now works with encrypted extract or transform files. (CBILL-3896)
  • Daily enabled seat reporting — BDS now generates a 'daily' version of the Enabled seats detailed report. See the Billing Data Server User's Guide for more information. (CBILL-3892)
  • Configuration enhancements —Several parameters are renamed for clarity in the globals.json and configuration.json files:
    • The 'globals/premise' section is renamed as 'globals/mode_settings'.
    • The parameter 'premise_transform_path' is renamed as 'local_transform_path'.
    • The parameter 'premise_extract_path' is renamed as 'local_extract_path'.
    For more information about configuration parameters, see Initial configuration of BDS for on-premise deployments and Global variables in the Billing Data Server Deployment Guide.
    If you are upgrading from an older BDS release, you must update your configuration to account for these changes. (CBILL-3785)
  • Operating Mode control — A new environment variable, BDS_OPERATING_MODE, now controls the current operating mode (CLOUD, MULTICLOUD, PREMISE). For more information, see Global variables. (CBILL-3784)
  • Record filtering enhancements — In scenarios where a tenant configuration has IVR usage profiles set to the default location ("ivr_usage_profiles":"000"), BDS now filters out records that have an empty value for LOCAL_URI. It does not filter out records that have media-service=treatment, or that have a populated LOCAL_URI, but an empty value for media-service.
    When a record is filtered out, BDS logs a message similar to the following:
    Default IVR profile, discarded media services: {'media': 1, 'record': 3}, discarded IVR: ['1665'].
  • Error logging enhancements — BDS now creates log entries to track the number of regular error messages and critical error messages. (CBILL-3940)

July 20, 2020

  • SFTP configuration enhancements — A new section, premise_loader_sftp, in the config.json file, defines the SFTP server to which transformed files are automatically uploaded. When this optional section is present, BDS uploads files to the location specified. For more information, see the Billing Data Server Deployment Guide. (CBILL-3741)
  • Usage statistics — BDS now provides the ability to aggregate peak usage data over configurable reporting intervals. New parameters in statistic.py control the reporting interval over which this data is aggregated; for more information, see the Billing Data Server User's Guide. (CBILL-3749)
  • Dataset enhancements:
    • Two new fields, gvm_mailbox_terminatedts and infra_class_terminatedts, are added to the dn dataset.
    • A new field, gvm_mailbox_terminatedts, is added to the agent_login and agent_group datasets.
    • The following datasets are now version voice_session, mm_sessions, dn, agent_login, and agent_group. (CBILL-3797, CBILL-3793)
  • Extraction performance enhancements:
    • Co-browse logins are now correctly joined with corresponding user data in the co-browse section of the voice_session and mm_sessions datasets.
    • ORDER BY is removed from the voice_session, mm_sessions, and sm_fact datasets.
    • RESOURCE_TYPE_CODE is now used (instead of RESOURCE_TYPE) to filter AGENTS in the voice_session and mm_sessions datasets. (CBILL-3793)
  • Version-checking enhancements — A new configuration parameter, source_version in the primary_statements section, specifies the minimum required release of the data source (such as Genesys Info Mart). BDS uses this information to ensure that it executes a compatible SQL statement. BDS executes the primary statement, unless the installed data source version is earlier than the value specified in this parameter, in which case it executes an alternative secondary statement. (CBILL-3760)

June 25, 2020

  • Configuration template enhancements:
    • This following enhancements improve usability of the region template:
      • The location_name parameter is renamed as region_name.
      • The put_location_name_here placeholder is renamed as put_region_label_here. (CBILL-3498)
    • This following enhancements improve usability of the location template:
      • The deprecated dc_name parameter is removed from the location configuration template. (CBILL-3489)
  • Configuration validation enhancements — BDS now validates values provided for the dc_aliases parameter to ensure that each tenant has unique aliases (including global configuration) only in enabled locations. (CBILL-3621)
  • Error handling enhancements — Error handling was rewritten to provide clearer, more concise logging, and now provides complete details about errors that cause the transformation process to stop. (CBILL-3542)

May 21, 2020

  • BDS now checks to ensure that metrics are used only in appropriate modes, and logs error messages for both of the following scenarios:
    • A user attempts to enable a metric that cannot be used in the current mode. For example when a metric that is intended for extended usage measuring is being enabled in subscription mode.
    • The transformation job attempts to transform a metric that cannot be used in the current mode. (CBILL-3635)
  • A new configuration option, check_gim_data_availability, in the gvars.py file controls whether BDS checks for available data in the Genesys Info Mart database before processing. The default value is False; to enable checking, change the value to True. Previously, BDS always queried Info Mart's database control tables, however, this sometimes produced false negative results in scenarios where there was no new activity, but Info Mart processing was moving ahead without delays. (CBILL-3632)
  • A new metric, Genesys SIP Interaction, counts the number of agents with voice sessions registered on switches of type 72 (SIP Switch or SIP Cluster), and who handle interactions during the reporting period. For more information, see Genesys SIP Interaction. (CBILL-3565)
  • The scope of the metric Genesys CIM Premise Users has changed to global. This means that BDS now produces one file for each tenant for a given metric, regardless of how many regions are defined for the tenant. (CBILL-3533)
  • BDS now performs filtering to exclude non-agent login sessions — such as sessions of IVR ports configured as agents — in the following metrics:
    • seats_voice
    • seats_inbound_voice
    • seats_outbound
    • seats_callback
    • seats_webrtc
    • seats_supervisor

April 15, 2020

  • CIM Platform billing enhancements:
    • A new metric, Genesys CIM Premise Users (cim_platform_users), tracks the number of unique agents having active sessions.
      This metric replaces the Genesys Customer Interaction Management Platform (seats_CIM) metric, which is discontinued. The new metric provides enhanced filtration and checking. (CBILL-3155)
    • A new metric and associated dataset enhancements, Genesys CIM Premise Places (cim_platform_places), tracks the number of unique agent places in the deployment. (CBILL-3325, BILL-3324)
  • Enabled-seat calculation enhancements — Whenever possible, BDS now uses the enabled seats detailed report for the previous day to calculate enabled seats metric for the processing date. (CBILL-3396)
  • Error management enhancement — A new configurable parameter, raise_error_DC_aliases in gvars.py, permits you to control whether BDS stops with an error, or continues transformation in scenarios where BDS uses a location dc_aliases list to process a metric, and the list includes a dataset that is not containing a value that is not defined in any tenant location. (CBILL-3504)

March 31, 2020

  • Enhanced agent location tracking — BDS now leverages functionality introduced in Genesys Info Mart release to more accurately associate agent seat counts with regions. (CBILL-3075)
  • Control Utility enhancements — The BDS Control utility (Brsctl.py) now supports deletion of metrics defined in the BDS configuration. (CBILL-3286)
  • Enhanced error checking — In scenarios where BDS detects that a Data Center (DC) alias encountered in a dataset is not present in any of dc_aliases lists of locations defined in the BDS configuration, BDS now stops processing the current metric and logs an error. (GCXI-3458)
  • Miscellaneous enhancements — The BDS container now runs Python 3.6. Previous releases ran Python 2.7. (CBILL-3249)

January 22, 2020

  • Social media reporting enhancements — The following enhancements are introduced:
    • The metrics seats_twitter_public and seats_twitter_messenger are now merged into a single metric, seats_twitter, with RMS_SERVICE_CLASS 24. (CBILL-3131)
    • The metrics seats_facebook_public and seats_facebook_messenger are now merged into a single metric, seats_facebook, with RMS_SERVICE_CLASS 22. (CBILL-3130)
    See the Billing Data Server User's Guide for more information.
  • Chat reporting enhancements — The metric seats_chat_nexus is removed. Instead, Genesys Chat Seats for NEXUS now uses the metric seats_chat. The metric seats_chat is enhanced so that it now correctly measures chat agent seats in Nexus deployments. (CBILL-3129)
  • Genesys Task Routing enhancements — The following enhancements are introduced:
    • The metric configuration template was updated.
    • The gtr_interactions metric is now calculated without the test sessions dataset. See the Billing Data Server User's Guide for more information.
  • Miscellaneous performance enhancements — The following enhancements are introduced:
    • BDS now produces both concurrent and enabled reports on a daily basis, where the number of enabled seats is calculated as a running total since the first day of the month. Previously, BDS produced a file each day with the peak concurrent seats number, but produced a file only once a month to capture the number of unique seats during the month. (CBILL-3134)
    • The query used in the sm_fact dataset is enhanced to improve performance. (CBILL-3147)
    • In Nexus deployments where SMS interactions are handled by agents who are logged in to the chat media channel, BDS now uses a new field, SMS, in the sm_fact query, to calculate the seats_sms metric. (CBILL-3167)

November 27, 2019

  • Extraction Optimization — Logic for Configuration Management Environment (CME) data extraction is optimized, resulting in an estimated 70% decrease in extraction time. (CBILL-3095)

October 28, 2019

  • General Datasets template enhancements — Two new fields are introduced:
    • version — shows the version of the template creation, or last update. Default value:
    • scope — indicates the scope of the dataset (global | location | region), where:
  • Genesys SMS metric enhancement — The seats_sms metric now tracks whether sessions include any interactions in which the corresponding media type was handled by an agent who was logged into the sms or smssession channel, and the metric count includes only those sessions where at least one such interaction was handled.
  • Configuration enhancements — During startup, BDS now checks for the the configuration file specified in gvars.pym. If the configuration file does not exist, BDS now automatically creates it as brs/config.json.
  • GIR Elastic Search enhancements — BDS now supports extracting data from GIR Elastic Search v3 index schemas.
  • Improved Peak Usage reporting — In metrics that show peak usage, the column _StartTime_ in the output CSV file is now populated with the actual peak time value. If the peak usage is null, the column is populated with the last second of the reported day, as it was in all scenarios for previous releases.
  • GIR metric enhancements — If there is no requirement to break down data based on business unit, BDS now generates GIR metrics (Active Call Recording, Screen Recording, and Quality Management) even when Genesys Info Mart datasets are not available. As a result, test datasets (test_voice_interactions) are no longer required, and are removed from the these metrics.

July 19, 2019

  • BDS now generates detailed reports for:
    • Each GIM-based voicemail boxes (voicemail_boxes_gim) transformation.
    • Each SIP voicemail (voicemail_boxes) transformation.
  • A new metric, Genesys Task Routing interactions, tracks the daily volume of Genesys Task Routing interactions.
  • BDS now tracks whether sessions include any interactions, in these metrics: Genesys E-mail and Genesys Voice metric.
  • The agent_login dataset is expanded to include a new column, switchname. (CBILL-2617)
  • Several usability and user experience improvements are introduced for the command-line Control Utility (brsctl.py), including many new or improved output messages.
  • BDS now supports S3 connections with or without credentials.
  • Logging of events peak calculation is enhanced by the addition of peak timestamp information.
  • BDS now logs more detailed information about the causes of failed initialization of the configuration object.

April 12, 2019

  • New options are introduced to more easily control how data is handled in premise mode (whether it is uploaded to S3, or only stored locally), and to allow a wide range of usage metrics to be tracked. Settings for premise and subscription modes (including extraction, transformation, and local cache paths) are now stored in the 'global' section of the BDS configuration file.
  • The Third Party work items and Genesys Chat metrics now include only sessions where at least one interaction was handled.
  • BDS now supports deployment without Oracle. (Oracle support continues as in previous releases, but it is installed as a separate, and optional, step.)

January 22, 2019

  • Support is added to track data for Genesys Info Mart-based voicemail.
  • Authentication through Web Services and Applications (GWS) is now supported.
  • BDS now provides enhanced logging capabilities.

See Billing Data Server Release Note to learn more about these, and other, new features and changes.

September 25, 2018

  • BDS now includes the Business Units breakout functionality.

See Billing Data Server Release Note to learn more about the new feature.

June 27, 2018

  • BDS now has the detailed concurrent and enabled seats report functionality.
  • BDS now unifies the native python logging approach.

See Billing Data Server Release Note to learn more about the new features and issues resolved with this release.

28 March 2018

  • BDS provides the data required for the Genesys financial organization to bill customers for subscription services.

See the Billing Data Server Release Note to learn about the main functions.

Find all Genesys Engage products that are currently part of 9.x — the latest Release Notes, as well as the particular component releases when support for 9.x started.
9.x can include component releases from 9.1.x, 9.0.x, and 8.5.x code streams. Use the tables below to check which component releases are part of 9.x.

Billing Data Server

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Billing Data Server

Bot Gateway Server

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Bot Gateway Server

Bot Gateway Server

CX Contact

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

CX Contact

CX Contact

Digital Administration

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Digital Administration

Classification Server

Content Analyzer Plug-in for GAX

eServices Manager Plug-in for GAX

Privacy Manager Plug-in for GAX

Training Server

Genesys Administrator

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Genesys Administrator Extension

Genesys Administrator Extension

Genesys Decisions

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Genesys Decisions

Genesys Decisions

Genesys Info Mart

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Genesys Info Mart

Genesys Info Mart

Genesys Info Mart Manager

Genesys Info Mart Manager

Genesys Intelligent Automation

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Genesys Intelligent Automation

Genesys Intelligent Automation

Genesys Knowledge Center

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Genesys Knowledge Center

Genesys Knowledge Center CMS

Genesys Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition

Genesys Knowledge Center Server

PureEngage Cloud Reporting Guide

Genesys Predictive Routing

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Genesys Predictive Routing

AI Core Services

Genesys Mobile Services

Predictive Routing - Agent State Connector

Predictive Routing - Composer Strategy Subroutines

Predictive Routing - URS Strategy Subroutines

Genesys Pulse

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Genesys Pulse

Genesys Pulse

Genesys Pulse Collector

Genesys Rules System

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Genesys Rules System

Genesys Rules System Rules Authoring Tool

Genesys Rules System Rules Engine

Genesys Softphone

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Genesys Softphone

Genesys Softphone

Genesys Softphone VDI Adapter

Genesys Widgets

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Genesys Widgets


intelligent Workload Distribution

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

intelligent Workload Distribution

iWD GAX Plug-In

iWD History Node

iWD Manager

iWD Runtime Node

iWD Stat Server Extensions

iWD Web

Management Framework

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Management Framework

Configuration Database Maintenance Scripts

Configuration Server

DB Server

Local Control Agent

Message Server

Solution Control Server

Security Pack on UNIX

Genesys Security Pack on UNIX

Messaging Applications

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Messaging Applications

Apple Business Chat Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition

Digital Messaging Server

Genesys Driver for SMS and MMS

Genesys Driver for use with Apple Business Chat via Hub

Genesys Driver for use with Genesys Hub

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition

Genesys Engage Chat

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Chat Server

Chat Business Process Sample



Chat Server


Real-Time Metrics Engine

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Stat Server

Stat Server

Universal Contact Server

9.x Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Universal Contact Server

Genesys Data Processing Server

This page was last edited on September 28, 2021, at 17:26.
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