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kafka-<cluster-name> Section


Kafka cluster–specific configuration sections enable you to specify connection and topic information that enables Genesys Info Mart to consume data from Apache Kafka, in order to make data from producer applications available in the Info Mart database for downstream reporting applications.

If you want Genesys Info Mart to process data that a particular data source published to a Kafka topic, add the applicable configuration section(s) and options on the Options tab of the Genesys Info Mart Application object. Name the section kafka-<cluster-name>, where <cluster-name> is any alphanumeric string that identifies the Kafka cluster in your deployment, such as kafka-1.

In addition to the bootstrap.servers and g:topic:<topic-name> options described below and the kafka-idle-timeout option in the [gim-transformation] section, Genesys Info Mart supports native Kafka client options. Any options in the kafka-<cluster-name> section whose name does not start with the g: prefix are treated as Kafka client options. In particular, for a Kafka cluster that uses SASL_SSL authentication, consider configuring the following security options:

  • sasl.mechanism = SCRAM-SHA-512
  • security.protocol = SASL_SSL
  • sasl.jaas.config = org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required username="<USERNAME>" password="<PASSWORD>";
To avoid connection failures in deployments where your Kafka cluster uses SASL_SSL authentication and you are using Kafka 2.0.0 or later, you might need to adjust your security setup or else add the ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm option and set the value to an empty string. For more information, see the Known Issue in the Genesys Info Mart 8.5.x Release Note.

If you are using SSL connections with a self-signed certificate, consider configuring the following option to specify the path to the trust store file that contains the self-signed certificate and that is located outside of the Genesys Info Mart installation directory:

  • ssl.truststore.location = <PATH>

For descriptions of native Kafka configuration options, refer to Apache Kafka documentation at https://kafka.apache.org/documentation#consumerapi.

Each cluster-specific configuration section can contain the following options.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid host:port combination that identifies a Kafka server in the cluster
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None

Specifies the location of the Kafka broker(s) in the cluster, in the form of host:port. If there are multiple servers, use a comma-separated list.

bootstrap.servers is a standard Kafka consumer option. The option is mandatory for Genesys Info Mart, as a Kafka consumer, to know where to connect for the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. In high availability (HA) deployments, Genesys recommends that you list all the brokers in the cluster.

For more information about the bootstrap.servers option, see the Apache Kafka documentation (https://kafka.apache.org/documentation#consumerapi).


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any Genesys Info Mart–defined <mapping-id>, as listed in the option description
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None

Specifies a Kafka topic to consume and how messages in this topic will be mapped. The <topic-name> in the option name identifies the topic Genesys Info Mart will look for in Kafka message headers and matches the topic name configured in the producer application. The option value identifies the ID in the CTL_XML_CONFIG table that Genesys Info Mart will use to map that topic into the database schema.

Configure a separate g:topic:<topic-name> option for each topic to which the Kafka producers publish reporting data. A particular kafka-<cluster-name> section might contain multiple g:topic:* options, some of which might have the same <mapping-id> value, depending on the data source.

Genesys Info Mart supports the following <mapping-id> values:

Producer application <mapping-id> Supported since Genesys Info Mart release
Bot Gateway Server (BGS) BGS_K
Genesys Co-browse (GCB) COBROWSE

This page was last edited on November 23, 2020, at 19:55.
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