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Performance Advisors 8.5 Legal Notices

  • [+] Advisors Cisco Adapter
  • [+] Advisors Genesys Adapter
  • [+] Advisors Platform
  • [+] Contact Center Advisor - Mobile Edition
  • [+] Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor
  • [+] Frontline Advisor and Agent Advisor

Performance Advisors 8.5 Product Alerts

  • [+] Advisors Cisco Adapter
  • [+] Advisors Genesys Adapter
  • [+] Advisors Platform
  • [+] Contact Center Advisor - Mobile Edition
  • [+] Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor
  • [+] Frontline Advisor and Agent Advisor

New in Contact Center Advisor – Mobile Edition 8.5.x Releases

[+] New in Release 8.5.1

[+] New in Release 8.5.0

New in Frontline Advisor & Agent Advisor 8.5.x Releases

[+] New in Release 8.5.2

[+] New in Release 8.5.1

[+] New in Release 8.5.0

New in Contact Center Advisor & Workforce Advisor 8.5.x Releases

[+] New in Release 8.5.2

[+] New in Release 8.5.1

[+] New in Release 8.5.0

New in Advisors Cisco Adapter 8.5.x Releases

[+] New in Release 8.5.1

[+] New in Release 8.5.0

New in Advisors Genesys Adapter 8.5.x Releases

[+] New in Release 8.5.2

[+] New in Release 8.5.1

[+] New in Release 8.5.0

New in Advisors Platform 8.5.x Releases

[+] New in Release 8.5.2

[+] New in Release 8.5.1

[+] New in Release 8.5.0

Pulse Advisors 9.0 Legal Notices

  • [+] Advisors Genesys Adapter
  • [+] Advisors Platform
  • [+] Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor
  • [+] Frontline Advisor

Pulse Advisors 9.0 Product Alerts

  • [+] Advisors Genesys Adapter
  • [+] Advisors Platform
  • [+] Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor
  • [+] Frontline Advisor

What's New in Frontline Advisor for 9.0

The following new features were added in the 9.0 release:

December 21, 2018

  • Improved Dashboard Performance — The performance of the Frontline Advisor dashboard has been improved, which includes improved rollup performance. The dashboard loads into the browser faster than it did in previous 9.0 releases and is quicker to respond to user activity, even in large configurations and in any supported browser. For example, as you select nodes in the Hierarchy pane, the Team pane updates more quickly than it did previously.
  • Improved Startup Time — Frontline Advisor startup time has been improved.
  • Improvements to Search Functionality in the Hierarchy Pane — The Frontline Advisor Hierarchy pane now retains each node's expanded/contracted status after you clear a search term from the pane's Search field.
  • Improved Dashboard Filter Functionality — In the Frontline Advisor dashboard toolbar, it is now easier to see which filters are enabled and which are disabled. For example, if you click the Voice channel filter to enable it, it will display as a much darker color than the channel filters that are disabled.

October 11, 2018

  • Automatic Historical Data Cleanup—An Advisors database administrator can delete or purge historical data with a scheduled job or a manual operation. The historical data purge process for FA relies on the following property that is recorded in the Platform database table CONFIG_PARAMETER, which purges archived threshold violations:
    Starting with this release, the historical data cleanup process runs automatically and on the schedule specified by the preceding property.
    • In an Oracle installation, the job runs nightly. The job log contains the data cleanup results. The new automatic job is not created in your migrated schema if you already have a job created manually for the same purpose.
    • In an MS SQL Server installation, the cleanup is done by XML Generator during the nightly refresh or at XML Generator startup. No SQL Server Agent job is created automatically and there is no check to verify if a manual job exists. You can drop any existing SQL Server Agent job, although it is not necessary to do so because both processes (manual and automatic) use the same purge parameters.

July 5, 2018

  • Support for Mobile Devices — You can now view the Frontline Advisors dashboard using your mobile device. You can view the full Advisors desktop dashboard on your mobile device, if necessary, but the dashboards are available as an optimized view that is intended specifically for mobile device users. The Frontline Advisor mobile view gives you access to the desktop dashboard's Hierarchy pane.
  • Reason Code for Non-voice Only Agents — Frontline Advisor now reports the reason code for non-voice only agents when used in a deployment with Stat Server release
  • Dashboard usability enhancements — The following enhancements have been made to the Frontline Advisor dashboards:
    • The order in which channel filters (Voice, Web Chat, E-Mail, and All) display in Column Chooser and on the dashboard is now consistent across the applications.
    • Tooltips are easier to read.
    • For increased visibility, the highlighting on a row that you have selected in a pane is now dark blue.
    • To improve legibility, the tooltip associated with Agent Skills values on the Team pane now displays skills as a list, in cases where an agent has multiple skills.

What's New in Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor for 9.0

The following new features were added in the 9.0 release:

December 21, 2018

  • Improved Dashboard Performance — Performance of the Contact Center Advisor (CCAdv) and Workforce Advisor (WA) dashboards has been improved. The dashboard loads into the browser faster than it did in previous 9.0 releases and is quicker to respond to user activity, even in large configurations and in any supported browser. Improvements include better response time for dashboard rendering when you select a node in the Contact Centers pane and improved rollup performance. In addition, because of improvements made to dashboard performance and response time, the Internet Explorer 11 browser no longer becomes unresponsive if you leave the CCAdv or WA dashboard open for extended periods of time.

October 11, 2018

  • Automated Contact Center Advisor Rollup Configuration—Starting with this release, Contact Center Advisor contains a default rollup configuration. In new Advisors installations, all base objects to which the Advisors user has access display as already assigned to a default Advisors hierarchy; the CCAdv dashboard starts showing the metadata and the real-time data on the initial start of the application. Previously, all base objects appeared as available for the rollup configuration and the dashboard remained empty until you added a rollup configuration.
  • New Configuration Parameter in the Platform Database—The new CCAdv automated rollup configuration method is turned on by default in installations where the database is newly created using the new database creation scripts. In existing installations, where the database is migrated from a previous version using the migration scripts, this feature is turned off by default. To disable and enable the automated rollup configuration method, use the new ccadv.configuration.method.auto parameter, which is recorded in the Platform database CONFIG_PARAMETER table. Initially the parameter is set to true. When you disable the automated configuration method (change the value for the ccadv.configuration.method.auto parameter to false), all configuration that was previously added automatically is preserved.
    If you disable the automatic configuration method and later enable it again, then all new base objects that are added to Configuration Server following the automated configuration activation, and which are accessible by the Configuration Server user, will be automatically mapped to the default hierarchy.
  • Change to the WA Default Configuration Mode—Starting with this release, the independent configuration mode becomes the new default configuration mode for Workforce Advisor. Previously the integrated configuration mode was deployed as the default mode. The configuration mode determines how the applications and agent groups are mapped to contact groups:
    • In the integrated configuration mode, a CCAdv application and a WA contact group can be mapped to one another only if they are associated with the same aggregation objects. An agent group that is mapped to an application becomes automatically mapped to any contact group that is related to the application.
    • In the independent configuration mode, WA has no mapping restrictions. The agent groups can be mapped directly to the contact groups. Applications can be mapped to contact groups even if they are not present in the CCAdv configuration or when they are mapped to a different aggregation object combination.
  • Changes to Log Files and Storage—The default storage location for log files changes in this release. In addition, the component name is now included in log file names.
    When you install Contact Center Advisor XML Generator, the installation wizard now prompts you to specify the location in which to store log files. Starting with this release, the default locations are:
    • Windows: c:\genesys\log\advisors\
    • Linux: /mnt/log/advisors/
    In addition, CCAdv XML Generator no longer begins a new log file each time it starts. The xmlgen/log4j.xml now controls rotation of the log file, which is consistent with the behavior of other log files written by Advisors components.
    For more information about log files, see Adjust Logging Settings and Configure Administrative Actions Logs in the Genesys Pulse Advisors Deployment Guide.
  • Automatic Historical Data Cleanup—An Advisors database administrator can delete or purge historical data with a scheduled job or a manual operation. The historical data purge process for CCAdv/WA relies on the keyactions.purging.timeframe.months property that is recorded in the Platform database table CONFIG_PARAMETER. The property's value is used to set the age for purging archived historical CCAdv alerts and WA threshold violations.
    Starting with this release, the historical data cleanup process runs automatically on the daily schedule, removing the data based on the age specified by the preceding property. The job log contains the data cleanup results. The new automatic job will not be created in your migrated schema if you have a job already created manually for the same purpose.
    In an MS SQL Server installation, the cleanup is done by XML Generator during the nightly refresh or at XML Generator startup. No SQL Server Agent job is created automatically and there is no check to verify if a manual job exists. You can drop any existing SQL Server Agent job, although it is not necessary to do so because both processes (manual and automatic) will use the same purge parameters.

July 5, 2018

  • Support for Mobile Devices — You can now view the Contact Center Advisor (CCAdv) and Workforce Advisor (WA) dashboards on your mobile device. You can view the full desktop dashboard on your mobile device, if necessary, but the dashboards are available as an optimized view that is intended specifically for mobile device users. The CCAdv and WA mobile views give you access to the desktop dashboard's Contact Centers pane and Alerts pane. See the Genesys Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor Help for more information.
  • Configuration Simplification — The Base Object Configuration page has been removed from the administration module. All CCAdv/WA agent groups and applications are now directly configurable on the Application Configuration page. Objects are now loaded into the administration module and are listed as available for application configuration and the mapping of agent groups. For additional information, see the Advisors Platform Release Note.
  • Changes to Object Filter Configuration — You now configure an object filter as an Annex option on the filter attribute value. You enter the filter expression in the Option Value field when you create the filter option. You can also add a NameFormat option to control the filter's display name for presentation purposes.
    The lists of available applications and agent groups in CCAdv and WA are automatically segmented when there is at least one object segmentation filter configured. Interaction queues and calling lists are excluded from the automatic filter segmentation as statistic filters are not generally applicable for interaction queue and calling list metrics. If a filter is to be used for object segmentation, then you must add an ObjectSegmentationFilter option to the Filter section.
    For more information, see the Application Configuration page in the Genesys Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor Administrator User's Guide.
  • Updated Migration Wizard — For migrated installations, you must run the migration wizard in order to move existing filter definitions to the Annex section in Configuration Server. Use the Reconfigure Advisors Filters Business Attributes option on the migration wizard.
  • Changes to Bulk Configuration — Application and agent group names no longer need to be presented in the form of concatenated tenant name, base object name, switch name, and filter name; that is, [tenant name] [base object name or number] / filter name@switch. Instead, the bulk configuration structure contains separate fields for what was previously the parts of the concatenated object names. The Application Name and Agent Group Name columns should now only contain the base object name or number as it appears in the Configuration Server. The tenant name, switch name, and filter name are added if applicable or necessary. For data transformation, data content, and other details, see the CCAdv/WA Bulk Configuration section in the Genesys Pulse Advisors Deployment Guide. Applying the 9.0. bulk configuration object creation script to a Platform database that has bulk configuration tables containing the concatenated names used in the previous versions will transform the names as required in release 9.0.
  • Dashboard usability enhancements — The following enhancements have been made to the CCAdv/WA dashboards:
    • The order in which channel filters (Voice, Web Chat, E-Mail, and All) display in Column Chooser and on the dashboard is now consistent across the applications.
    • Tooltips are easier to read.
    • For increased visibility, the highlighting on a row that you have selected in a pane is now dark blue. In addition, when you make a selection in the Applications or Contact Groups pane, rows for related agent groups are highlighted in dark blue in the Agent Groups pane.
    • To increase the amount of data that can be viewed onscreen in each CCAdv/WA dashboard pane, the dashboards are now more compact and the Agent Groups pane has been moved to the lower, right-hand side of the dashboard.
  • Improved Data Display in Alerts Charts — In the dashboard Alerts pane, alerts chart data continues to refresh if left open for an extended period of time. Previously, if the chart for an alert was left open for approximately seven minutes or more, the chart data would stop refreshing.
  • Metric Graphing Enhancements — The following enhancements have been made to metric graphing:
    • There is a new configuration parameter for metric graphing in CCAdv and WA. The waredhoused.metrics.objects.per.batch parameter controls the number of objects for which to write metrics values to the metric graphing database in one batch. For more information, see Configure Metric Graphing Properties in the Genesys Pulse Advisors Deployment Guide.
    • The way in which WA's processing cycle is scheduled has changed. It is now governed by a cron expression in the WorkforceUtilization.properties file. The default expression causes the cycle to start at five seconds before each even minute. This calculates the metrics' values as close as possible to the end of a half hour.
      The timestamps of graphed points for forecast metrics at the end of a half-hour interval are now adjusted to five seconds before the end of the interval, rather than one minute before it.
      The effect of both changes is to cause the final graphed value of forecast metrics to appear at even half-hour intervals.
    • Metric graphing timestamps in hh:mm format are now rounded to the closest minute based on the number of seconds. If the number of seconds past the minute mark is less than 30, then the timestamp is rounded down, otherwise it is rounded up.
  • Browser Console Debug Logging for the Advisors UI — You can now enable and disable the browser console debug logging for the Advisors user interfaces. The debug logging is turned off by default. See the Genesys Pulse Advisors Deployment Guide for more information.

What's New in Advisors Platform for 9.0

The following new features were added in the 9.0 release:

December 21, 2018

  • Advisors Administration Module Available as a Desktop Client Application — Customers concerned with Adobe Flash vulnerabilities can now run the Advisors administration module as a desktop client application, instead of using the existing Advisors administration web application that requires Flash. Contact your Genesys representative to request the administration module client application.
  • Improvements to Caching of Advisors Data — Cached Advisors data now makes use of Kryo serialization, which should improve the performance for most environments. Default use of Kryo serialization is configured in the new distributed.caching.useKryo property contained in the Advisors Caching.properties file.
  • New ReadMe Files Included in the Installation Package — There are new ReadMe files included in the Advisors Platform installation package. The content of all Oracle folders and subfolders is described in the WhatsInThisFolder.txt file. The WhatFolderToUse.txt file explains how to decide which folder to use (definer or current_user) when creating or migrating Oracle databases. The two folders, as well as the WhatFolderToUse.txt file, are included in the following three subfolders: oracleJServer, oracleNoJServer, and migration.
  • Increase in Size of the Application Group Name Column — The size of the application group name column has been increased to 128 characters. Previously, using application group names longer than 50 characters did not allow the recording of alerts and threshold violations.
  • JDK Support — Support for OpenJDK 8. See the Prerequisites section on the Pulse Advisors page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all prerequisites.
  • Version Support for Chrome Browser — Starting with this release, you require Chrome version 66.0+ to run the Advisors user interfaces.
  • Discontinued Support for Chrome Browser on Windows Server 2008 — Starting with this release, you can no longer use the Chrome browser on Windows Server 2008 to run the Advisors user interfaces. Windows Server 2008 support for Chrome ends with Chrome version 49.0 and the Advisors user interfaces require, as a minimum, Chrome version 66.0.

October 11, 2018

  • Changes to Log Files and Storage — The default storage location for log files changes in this release. In addition, the component name is now included in log file names.
    The Advisors Platform installation wizard now prompts you to specify the location in which to store log files. Starting with this release, the default locations are:
    • Windows: c:\genesys\log\advisors\
    • Linux: /mnt/log/advisors/
    For more information about log files, see Adjust Logging Settings and Configure Administrative Actions Logs in the Genesys Pulse Advisors Deployment Guide.
  • Advisors Platform IP Updates — The following changes have been made to the Advisors Platform Installation Package:
    • The structure of subfolders has been rearranged in the platform-database-sql/oracle folder. The content description is in the WhatsInThisFolder.txt file. The archive folders contain adjusted scripts for older versions. They are included for use in migrations that involve database versions older than 9.000.06.
    • The database validation script that Genesys recommended for use with previous releases is now added to the Advisors Platform Installation Package. The advisors-platform-<version>_ValidateDatabaseInstall.sql script becomes part of the installation/migration process and you must apply it after all application components are installed and before they are started for the first time.
  • Updated Web Services Health Check URL — The URL to request a health check of the Advisors Web Services changes in this release to http://<host:port>/adv/health</host:port>. Previously, the URL was http://<host:port>/adv/rest/health</host:port>. For additional information, see Health Check API for the Platform Web Services Node in the Pulse Advisors Deployment Guide.
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) — To assist customers who must comply with the European Union's GDPR, some unused columns have been removed from the Platform database tables. The columns stored persistent data that could be personally identifiable information (PII), such as users' first and last names. Although the columns stored such data, the data was not used by Pulse Advisors.
    For additional information about PII that might be stored in properties files or an Advisors database, see the following sources:
    • In the Pulse Advisors Deployment Guide, see Advisors Platform prerequisites information.
    • In the Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisors Administrator User's Guide, see the note about email addresses that you enter on the Notification Lists page in the Advisors administration module (used only with Resource Management Console).
    For more information about PII and the GDPR, see the Genesys Security Deployment Guide.
  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII) — All PII, such as first name, last name, email address, will be removed when you migrate the Platform database and, going forward, will no longer persist in the database.

July 5, 2018

  • Changes to the Advisors Administration Module — To simplify Advisors configuration, the following changes have been made to the Advisors administration module:
    • The Genesys Adapters page has been removed from the Advisors administration module. You can query currently-installed adapters directly from the database, if needed.
    • The Base Object Configuration page has been removed from the administration module. All CCAdv/WA agent groups and applications are now directly configurable on the Application Configuration page. Objects are now loaded into the administration module and are listed as available for application configuration and the mapping of agent groups.
    • There are changes to the regions, application groups, and contact centers configuration. When these objects are imported into Advisors from the Configuration Server for the first time, all regions and application groups are set to the "Active" state by default and all contact centers are preconfigured and set to the "Active" state. See the Genesys Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor Administrator User's Guide for more information.
    • For CCAdv/WA, only applications that you have configured in the application rollup can be mapped to agent groups.
    • For CCAdv/WA, agent group statistics requests are processed along with the process of configuring application-agent group relationships. Statistics are requested for an agent group as soon as the agent group is assigned to a configured application. If an agent group is mapped to only one application, then the statistics requests are closed for that agent group as soon as you remove the relationship between it and the application. If you remove an application from the rollup before first removing the mapping between it and agent groups, then statistics requests are closed during the nightly update for each agent group that was mapped to that application and which is not mapped to any other application.
    • For CCAdv/WA, statistics requests are processed along with the process of configuring applications. The statistics requests are sent when you add an application to the application rollup. The requests are closed for an application when you remove the application from the application rollup.
      If you currently have an Advisors installation with objects configured for your environment, no reconfiguration is necessary when you upgrade to release 9.0. The migration procedures will manage the reconfiguration of object configuration data.
  • Support for OCC Java Extension — Using the Metric Manager, you can now create Calling List custom metrics based on the Stat Server Outbound Contact Java Extension (OCCStatExtension).

What's New in Advisors Genesys Adapter for 9.0

The following new features were added in the 9.0 release:

December 21, 2018

There are no new features for Advisors Genesys Adapter (AGA). This release of AGA is compatible with the following Advisors components:

  • Advisors Platform release
  • Contact Center Advisor/Workforce Advisor release
  • Frontline Advisor release

October 11, 2018

  • Changes to Log Files and Storage—The default storage location for log files changes in this release. In addition, the component name is now included in log file names.
    The Advisors Genesys Adapter (AGA) installation wizard now prompts you to specify the location in which to store log files. Starting with this release, the default locations are:
    • Windows: c:\genesys\log\advisors\
    • Linux: /mnt/log/advisors/
    For more information about log files, see Adjust Logging Settings and Configure Administrative Actions Logs in the Genesys Pulse Advisors Deployment Guide.
  • Improvement to Time Required for Statistics Requests—Tenants and filter business attributes now load at AGA startup to reduce the time required to issue statistics requests. Previously, tenants and filter business attributes were loaded when statistics requests were issued.

July 5, 2018

  • Changes to Requests for Statistics — In Contact Center Advisor/Workforce Advisor, statistics requests for a Genesys application are now sent to Advisors Genesys Adapter (AGA) when the application is assigned to the rollup configuration in the Advisors administration module. Similarly, when you remove an application from the rollup configuration in the administration module, the statistics requests are closed during runtime with the subsequent removal of the real-time data from the database. Statistics are requested for an agent group as soon as the agent group is assigned to a configured application. For information about the closure of agent group statistics, see the Advisors Platform release note.
  • Object Configuration User is No Longer Required — The Object Configuration user is now obsolete; you no longer create this user account. The installation wizards no longer prompt you for the Object Configuration user account name.
  • Load time for Non-agent Objects has been Improved — When XML Generator starts up, there is less of a delay in requesting Contact Center Advisor statistics from the Stat Servers. AGA's process of loading agents from Configuration Server is now asynchronous to the initial request of statistics for objects other than agents, which means that statistics for non-agent objects are requested sooner at startup because there is no need to wait for the agents to be completely loaded to AGA.

Pulse Advisors

The Genesys Pulse Advisors (formerly Genesys Performance Management Advisors) product family displays real-time metrics and Key Performance Indicators. Contact center business managers, operations managers, and key users can view information specific to their role using Contact Center Advisor (CCAdv), Workforce Advisor (WA), and Frontline Advisor (FA), enabling them to quickly identify developing service and performance issues and take corrective action before customers and revenues are affected.

All versions of Genesys Pulse Advisors reach End of Support (EOS) on April 30, 2025. They previously entered End of Life (EOL) on April 30, 2024, and End of Maintenance on April 30, 2025. If you have questions, contact your account representative.
Informiam Frontline Advisor/Agent Option (all versions) reached End of Support (EOS) on February 7, 2014. It previously entered End of Life (EOL) on February 7, 2012, and End of Maintenance on August 7, 2013. If you have questions, contact your account representative.

What's New

Pulse Advisors is part of 9.x, which can include component releases from 9.1.x, 9.0.x, and 8.5.x code streams. Use the table below to check which component releases are part of 9.x.

All 9.x products 9.x Pulse Advisors Release Notes
Product Component Latest Starting

Advisors Genesys Adapter

Advisors Genesys Adapter

Advisors Platform

Advisors Platform

Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor

Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor

Frontline Advisor

Frontline Advisor

Product Alerts

Pulse Advisors User Interface Documentation

Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor Help

The CCAdv/WA Help describes the CCAdv and WA dashboards and how to use them.

Frontline Advisor Manager Help

The FA Manager Help describes the FA dashboard and how to use it.

Pulse Advisors Configuration Documentation

Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor Administrator User's Guide

The Administrator's Guide focuses on using the features and functions of the System Administration module.

Frontline Advisor Administration User's Guide

The Administration Guide provides information to help you understand and use the Frontline Advisor administration page.

Advisors Metrics Reference Guide

Use the Advisors Metrics Reference Guide to find information about metrics used by Advisors, including formulas, associated Stat Server metrics, and data sources.

Pulse Advisors Deployment and Upgrade Documentation

Pulse Advisors Deployment Guide

The Deployment Guide describes how to deploy all Advisors components, and includes information about features and post-installation configuration.

Pulse Advisors Migration Guide

The Advisors Migration Guide contains information about migrating Advisors components.

Pulse Advisors Hardware Sizing Documentation

Pulse Advisors Hardware Sizing Guide

The Advisors Hardware Sizing Guide provides information about hardware sizing for typical contact center scenarios.

International Help

More Release Information

Starting with release 9.0.0, the name of the Performance Management Advisors family of products changes to Pulse Advisors.

What's New

Release Notes

Advisors User Interface Documentation

Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor Help

The CCAdv/WA Help describes the CCAdv and WA dashboards and how to use them.

Frontline Advisor Manager Help

The FA Manager Help describes the FA dashboard and how to use it.

Frontline Advisor Agent Help

The FA Agent Help describes the FA agent dashboard and how to use it.

Advisors Configuration Documentation

Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor Administrator User's Guide

The Administrator's Guide focuses on using the features and functions of the System Administration module.

Frontline Advisor Administration User's Guide

The Administration Guide provides information to help you understand and use the Frontline Advisor administration page.

Advisors Metrics Reference Guide

Use the Advisors Metrics Reference Guide to find information about metrics used by Advisors, including formulas, associated Stat Server metrics, and data sources.

Advisors Deployment and Upgrade Documentation

Performance Management Advisors Deployment Guide

The Deployment Guide describes how to deploy all Advisors components, and includes information about features and post-installation configuration.

Performance Management Advisors Migration Guide

The Advisors Migration Guide contains information about migrating Advisors components up to, and including, release 8.5.2.

Advisors Hardware Sizing Documentation

Performance Management Advisors Hardware Sizing Guide

The Advisors Hardware Sizing Guide provides information about hardware sizing for typical contact center scenarios.

International Help

More Release Information

Starting with release 9.0.0, the name of the Performance Management Advisors family of products changes to Pulse Advisors.

Release Notes


Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor Administrator User's Guide

The Administrator's Guide focuses on using the features and functions of the System Administration module.

Frontline Advisor Administration User's Guide

The Administration Guide provides information to help you understand and use the Frontline Advisor administration page.

Advisors Metrics Reference Guide

Use the Advisors Metrics Reference Guide to find information about metrics used by Advisors, including formulas, associated Stat Server metrics, and data sources.

CCAdv/WA Administrator User’s Guides for releases prior to 8.1.5

FA Administration User’s Guides for releases prior to 8.1.5

CCAdv and WA Help for releases prior to 8.1.5

Readme and Advisories

This page was last edited on July 8, 2024, at 05:14.
Comments or questions about this documentation? Contact us for support!