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Interaction Concentrator

Also known as ICON. A Genesys product that collects and stores detailed data from various sources in a contact center that is empowered by using Genesys software. Downstream reporting systems can access Interaction Concentrator data in near–real time.
Operating on top of Genesys Framework, the product consists of a server application that is called ICON and a database that is called Interaction Database (IDB). The server receives data from data sources such as Configuration Server, T-Server, or particular Genesys solutions; it then stores this data in IDB by using Genesys DB Server.




Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM or Job_MaintainGIM
Dependencies: None in releases 8.1.0 and 8.1.1; starting with release 8.1.2, days-to-keep-gim-facts
Modified: (plays no role in determining purge thresholds); 8.1.2 (dependencies introduced); 8.1.1 (behavior and default value changed)

Starting with release 8.1.1, specifies the maximum number of days to retain active multimedia interactions in GIDB and the dimensional model, including certain Staging tables, after which the interactions become eligible for artificial termination.


Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 14
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_MaintainGIM
Dependencies: None in releases 8.1.0 and 8.1.1; starting with release 8.1.2, days-to-keep-gim-facts
Modified:, 8.1.2 (behavior changed with respect to multimedia interactions)
Related Options: days-to-keep-active-facts

Starting with release 8.1.1, specifies the number of days to retain fact data in GIDB. Facts that have a start time that is earlier than the retention period are eligible to be purged.

Starting with release, the retention period for multimedia facts in GIDB is determined solely by the value of days-to-keep-gidb-facts. For releases through, be aware that, if days-to-keep-gidb-facts is less than days-to-keep-active-facts, user data for active multimedia interactions older than days-to-keep-gidb-facts might not be transformed correctly (see the Known Issue for GIM-13320 in the Genesys Info Mart 8.5.x Release Note).

For multimedia interactions in releases earlier than, this option, together with days-to-keep-active-facts, specifies the retention period for facts in GIDB: The retention period is the greater of the days-to-keep-gidb-facts and days-to-keep-active-facts option values.

In 8.1.1 releases, days-to-keep-gidb-facts specifies the retention period for completed multimedia facts, provided that there are no active facts that have the same (or earlier) start timestamps. If there are active facts with the same (or earlier) start timestamps, the eligible completed facts will not actually be purged until these active interactions have been terminated and, therefore, also become eligible to be purged, as described in days-to-keep-active-facts.

Genesys expects the value of days-to-keep-gidb-facts to be less than 30. Be aware that, although many GIDB tables contain personally identifiable information (PII), Genesys Info Mart does not include most GIDB tables in General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) processing.

For a list of the tables for which this option controls the purge threshold, see Info Mart Tables Purged by the Maintenance Job in the Genesys Info Mart Operations Guide.


Section: gim-etl
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Introduced: 8.5.003
Related Options: link-msf-userdata (DN) and link-msf-userdata (Script)

Specifies whether associated user data will be stored in mediation segment facts (MSFs) for multimedia interactions that are in mediation.

  • true—MSFs for multimedia interactions will store associated user data.
  • false—MSFs for multimedia interactions will not store associated user data.


Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM or Job_MaintainGIM
Dependencies: None in releases 8.1.0 and 8.1.1; starting with release 8.1.2, days-to-keep-gim-facts
Modified: (plays no role in determining purge thresholds); 8.1.2 (dependencies introduced); 8.1.1 (behavior and default value changed)

Starting with release 8.1.1, specifies the maximum number of days to retain active multimedia interactions in GIDB and the dimensional model, including certain Staging tables, after which the interactions become eligible for artificial termination.


Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 14
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_MaintainGIM
Dependencies: None in releases 8.1.0 and 8.1.1; starting with release 8.1.2, days-to-keep-gim-facts
Modified:, 8.1.2 (behavior changed with respect to multimedia interactions)
Related Options: days-to-keep-active-facts

Starting with release 8.1.1, specifies the number of days to retain fact data in GIDB. Facts that have a start time that is earlier than the retention period are eligible to be purged.

Starting with release, the retention period for multimedia facts in GIDB is determined solely by the value of days-to-keep-gidb-facts. For releases through, be aware that, if days-to-keep-gidb-facts is less than days-to-keep-active-facts, user data for active multimedia interactions older than days-to-keep-gidb-facts might not be transformed correctly (see the Known Issue for GIM-13320 in the Genesys Info Mart 8.5.x Release Note).

For multimedia interactions in releases earlier than, this option, together with days-to-keep-active-facts, specifies the retention period for facts in GIDB: The retention period is the greater of the days-to-keep-gidb-facts and days-to-keep-active-facts option values.

In 8.1.1 releases, days-to-keep-gidb-facts specifies the retention period for completed multimedia facts, provided that there are no active facts that have the same (or earlier) start timestamps. If there are active facts with the same (or earlier) start timestamps, the eligible completed facts will not actually be purged until these active interactions have been terminated and, therefore, also become eligible to be purged, as described in days-to-keep-active-facts.

Genesys expects the value of days-to-keep-gidb-facts to be less than 30. Be aware that, although many GIDB tables contain personally identifiable information (PII), Genesys Info Mart does not include most GIDB tables in General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) processing.

For a list of the tables for which this option controls the purge threshold, see Info Mart Tables Purged by the Maintenance Job in the Genesys Info Mart Operations Guide.


Section: gim-etl-populate
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None

Enables you to align reporting of agent states more correctly in multimedia deployments with Interaction Server Cluster where:

  • The Interaction Servers are configured as an Interaction Server Cluster, but each ICON connects directly to an individual Interaction Server in the cluster, instead of to the proxy.
  • Only one ICON (or ICON HA pair) is configured to write agent state information (the ICON role option value includes gls).

Genesys Info Mart introduced support for this scenario in release, to resolve reporting inconsistencies that would otherwise occur if more than one ICON (or ICON HA pair) recorded agent state information. However, when only one ICON (or ICON HA pair) is configured with the gls role, only that ICON (or ICON HA pair) will report a BUSY state for an agent when the agent is engaged in an interaction handled by the Interaction Server to which that ICON (or HA pair) is connected. Other ICONs in this configuration will write interaction data when the respective Interaction Server to which the ICON is connected handles an interaction, but these other ICONs will not provide BUSY states.

To enable Genesys Info Mart to support the scenario without losing any BUSY state information, set populate-sm-busy-from-mm-ixns to true. With this setting, Genesys Info Mart generates BUSY states for agents based on multimedia interaction data, resulting in more accurate agent state reporting.

However, be aware that state durations might still be affected if time is not synchronized among the Interaction Servers in the cluster—for example, a state’s duration might be reported as one second less than actual.

Genesys Info Mart Release Notes

Genesys Info Mart is part of 9.x starting in
Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Mac Solaris Windows
05/14/21 Update X X

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Deployment Procedure

8.5.0 Deployment Procedure

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Genesys Info Mart

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List of Release Notes

What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Enhancements for multimedia deployments with Interaction Server Cluster — A number of processing changes support a wider range of topologies for deployments with Interaction Server Cluster, and improve agent state reporting in these deployments:
    • Genesys Info Mart requirements for the value of the ICON role option have been relaxed. Specifically, Genesys Info Mart no longer requires that the gcc,gls,gud values occur together, and Genesys Info Mart now supports scenarios where the ICON application is configured without the gls role. In scenarios where each Interaction Server in a cluster is connected to a separate ICON (or ICON HA pair), this change enables you to configure only one of the ICONs (or ICON HA pairs) to have the gls role, and thus meet Genesys Info Mart topology requirements to have only one of the ICONs (or ICON HA pairs) collect data about agent states and agent login sessions. (GIM-12984)
    • The transformation job now correctly populates values for the resource state reason in the SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT table when processing data in Interaction Server Cluster environments. Previously in such scenarios, Genesys Info Mart did not populate some reasons in the SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT table because of conflicts between different ICONs regarding the start and end times of a reason. Additionally, when processing data in Interaction Server Cluster environments where time is not synchronized between Interaction Servers in the cluster, Genesys Info Mart no longer creates extraneous sessions of one-second duration in the SM_RES_SESSION_FACT table. (GIM-13339)
    • A new configuration option, populate-sm-busy-from-mm-ixns, in the [gim-etl-populate] section, supports a topology that offers improved agent state reporting, where each ICON connects directly to an individual Interaction Server in the cluster, instead of to the proxy, and where only one ICON (or ICON HA pair) is configured to write agent state information (in other words, only one ICON or ICON HA pair has the gls role).
      In this scenario, the ICONs (or ICON HA pairs) that do not have the gls role write interaction data when the respective Interaction Server to which the ICON is connected handles an interaction, but that ICON will not provide BUSY states. Setting populate-sm-busy-from-mm-ixns to true enables Genesys Info Mart to generate BUSY states for agents based on multimedia interaction data, resulting in more accurate agent state reporting. However, be aware that state durations might still not be reported accurately if time is not synchronized among the Interaction Servers in the cluster — for example, a state duration might be reported as one second less than actual. (GIM-13384)
  • Support for Red Hat OpenJDK 11. See the Prerequisites section on the Genesys Info Mart page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all prerequisites. (GIM-13084)

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

When creating resource records on demand, Genesys Info Mart now uses the current time to populate GMT_START_TIME fields in the RESOURCE_ table. Previously, resource records created on demand were populated with NULL values. (GIM-13398)

The extraction job now completes successfully on PostgreSQL deployments that use PostgreSQL JDBC driver version 42.2.11 and later. Previously in such scenarios, the extraction job failed, and Genesys Info Mart logged the following exception:

IllegalArgumentException: wrong number of arguments


Genesys Info Mart now reports a correct technical result of CustomerAbandoned/AbandonedWhileQueued in the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT (IRF) and Mediation Segment Fact (MSF) tables in callback scenarios where:

  1. A successful callback media attempt is made to the customer.
  2. The call is sent to a routing point, where it is abandoned by the customer.

Previously in such scenarios, the IRF record for the routing point was populated with an incorrect technical result of None, and if the call was in a virtual queue at the time it was abandoned, the MSF record for the virtual queue was populated with an incorrect technical result of Incomplete. (GIM-13359)

Genesys Info Mart now transforms multimedia user data correctly in scenarios where the value of the days-to-keep-gidb-facts option is less than the value of the days-to-keep-active-facts option. However, correctly transforming this data requires that:

  • The link-msf-userdata-mm option is enabled (set to true), causing Genesys Info Mart to attach user data to all MSF records.
  • Each KVP is mapped to only one column.
  • Neither the IRF_FIRST_UPDATE nor the PARTY propagation rule is enabled.

Previously in Genesys Info Mart and later, when the value of the days-to-keep-gidb-facts option was less than the value of the days-to-keep-active-facts option, for active multimedia facts older than the value of days-to-keep-gidb-facts, Genesys Info Mart stored user data values calculated using the remaining GIDB data (that is, the data that was not purged), or stored the default value if no GIDB data was available. (GIM-13320)

Upgrade Notes

Refer to the Deployment Procedure for this release to deploy the installation package within your environment.


  • To enable all of the functionality provided in this release, Genesys Info Mart requires Interaction Concentrator (ICON) release 8.1.514.47 or higher. At a minimum, Genesys Info Mart release 8.5 requires Interaction Concentrator For additional recommendations, see ICON Recommendations in the Known Issues and Recommendations section.
  • Genesys recommends that you manage jobs using Genesys Info Mart Manager, but if you continue to use Genesys Info Mart Administration Console, Genesys recommends that you use Genesys Info Mart Administration Console release 8.1.3 or higher.
  • Genesys Info Mart Manager release 8.5.010 requires Genesys Info Mart release 8.5.009 or higher. Genesys Info Mart release 8.5 is compatible with Genesys Info Mart Manager release 8.1.4 and higher.
  • Genesys Info Mart Manager and Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) interoperability requirements are reciprocal:
    • Genesys Info Mart Manager release and later requires GAX release, and vice versa.
    • Genesys Info Mart Manager 8.5 releases earlier than 8.5.010 require GAX 8.5 releases earlier than GAX, and vice versa.
This page was last edited on June 14, 2021, at 19:22.
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