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Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any nonnegative integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.001

Specifies a time threshold, in seconds, for Genesys Info Mart to treat a conference as an introduced transfer. If the conference initiator's participation is less than the threshold, while the receiving agent continues on the call, Genesys Info Mart treats this call flow as a special case of transfer. The option applies only to voice calls.

Genesys Info Mart Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
03/09/17 Hot Fix X X X X

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Deployment Procedure

8.5.0 Deployment Procedure

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Genesys Info Mart

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List of Release Notes

What's New

This release includes only resolved issues.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

The transformation job now correctly processes multimedia interactions that have multiple records in GIDB_G_USERDATA_HISTORY_MM with KEYNAME values ChatServerSessionClientLeftAt or ChatServerSessionClosedAt.

Previously in such scenarios, the transformation job might fail with the following error:

… FillTmpUdHistoryForCurChunk threw runStep - JdbcUniqueConstraintViolationException


The migration job now successfully upgrades the Genesys Info Mart database schema in deployments where release was previously installed. Previously, if release had been installed, upgrade to a release in which the schema changed (such as would fail. (GIM-11238)

Genesys Info Mart now correctly reports the technical result in the Interaction Resource Fact (IRF) table in scenarios where:

  • The introduced-transfer-threshold configuration option is set to a value greater than zero.
  • Two agents participate in a conference, and the conference receiver, followed by the conference initiator, both hang up before the number of seconds specified by the value of the introduced-transfer-threshold configuration option has elapsed.
  • The call is sent to a routing point for post-call survey purposes.

Previously in such scenarios, Genesys Info Mart populated the IRF record for the conference initiator with an incorrect technical result of Transferred/IntroducedTransfer instead of Conferenced.


Genesys Info Mart now correctly links the MEDIATION_SEGMENT_FACT (MSF) record for a virtual queue to the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT (IRF) record for the answering agent and assigns a correct technical result of Diverted/AnsweredByAgent in scenarios where:

  • A predictive outbound call originates on one site and is routed to an agent on another site, using a strategy that includes a virtual queue.
  • After the agent hangs up, the call is sent to a routing point for post-call survey purposes.


The transformation job now correctly processes multimedia interactions on Oracle and PostgreSQL multimedia deployments.

Previously, on Oracle and PostgreSQL multimedia deployments that had been upgraded to Genesys Info Mart release or later, multimedia interactions might not have been transformed correctly, resulting in data loss. Contact Genesys Customer Care if you lost data due to this issue.


Upgrade Notes

Refer to the Deployment Procedure for this release to deploy the installation package within your environment.


  • To enable all of the functionality provided in this release, Genesys Info Mart requires Interaction Concentrator release 8.1.509.07 or higher. At a minimum, Genesys Info Mart release 8.5 requires Interaction Concentrator For additional recommendations, see ICON Recommendations in the Known Issues and Recommendations section.
  • Genesys recommends that you manage jobs using Genesys Info Mart Manager, but if you continue to use Genesys Info Mart Administration Console, Genesys recommends that you use Genesys Info Mart Administration Console release 8.1.3 or higher.
  • Genesys Info Mart Manager release 8.5 requires Genesys Info Mart release 8.5.002 or later. Genesys Info Mart release 8.5 is compatible with Genesys Info Mart Manager release 8.1.4 and higher.
This page was last edited on March 9, 2017, at 21:10.
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