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Interaction Concentrator

Also known as ICON. A Genesys product that collects and stores detailed data from various sources in a contact center that is empowered by using Genesys software. Downstream reporting systems can access Interaction Concentrator data in near–real time.
Operating on top of Genesys Framework, the product consists of a server application that is called ICON and a database that is called Interaction Database (IDB). The server receives data from data sources such as Configuration Server, T-Server, or particular Genesys solutions; it then stores this data in IDB by using Genesys DB Server.




Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of queue names
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.1.402

In multimedia deployments that use stop-interaction queues in their business processes, this option specifies the Interaction Queues that are used to handle stopping an interaction (for example, Twitter_StopIxn). When an interaction is placed into one of these queues, Genesys Info Mart considers the interaction to be terminated. The transformation job assigns the technical result/reason combination of COMPLETED/UNSPECIFIED in the IRF of the handling resource that placed the interaction in the queue, and Genesys Info Mart excludes the interaction from further processing. The agent who placed the interaction in the queue is represented as the party that stopped the interaction, and the strategy that actually stops the interaction and performs any associated post-processing is not represented in Genesys Info Mart reporting.


Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: 7200
Valid Values: Any nonnegative integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Modified: .5.015.19 (behavior changed with respect to Elasticsearch data)

Specifies the maximum size of the time interval, in seconds, for which transformed data is committed in one transaction.

  • For data that comes through ICON and IDB, the option applies to transformation of Multimedia and Outbound Contact details.
    • A value of 0 means that the transformation job takes chunks from GIDB based on extraction high-water marks (HWMs) and audit keys generated by the extraction job. In this case, the transformation chunk size does not exceed the chunk size for extraction, as specified by the extract-data-chunk-size option.
    • A value greater than 0 means that the transformation job takes chunks from GIDB based on the value of chunk-size and the previous transformation HWM, without regard to audit keys set by the extraction job.
  • For data that comes through Elasticsearch:
    • In releases earlier than, the transformation job always uses the value of extract-data-chunk-size to set the chunk size for transformation.
    • Starting with release, the transformation job uses the smaller of extract-data-chunk-size and chunk-size to determine the chunk size to use for Elasticsearch data transformation.
  • For data that comes through Kafka, starting with release the chunk size logic is similar to the logic applied to Elasticsearch data.

For data that comes from IDB, Genesys expects that the value of chunk-size (default value 2 hours) will usually be greater than the value of extract-data-chunk-size (default value 15 minutes). When Genesys Info Mart extraction and transformation are running normally with frequent ETL cycles, the amount of data available for transformation is smaller than the chunk-size option, and all available data is transformed. In cases where there is a transformation backlog, a chunk-size value greater than extract-data-chunk-size will enable transformation to catch up with extraction quickly.

However, attempting to transform a large amount of data in one chunk can lead to performance issues or OutOfMemory errors. In cases where there is a very large backlog or where a very large quantity of data has been extracted (for example, because extract-data-chunk-size has been set to a large value and/or "runaway strategy" scenarios have occurred), temporarily reducing the value of the chunk-size option, even to a value smaller than extract-data-chunk-size, enables Genesys Info Mart to process abnormally large amounts of data more efficiently, eventually catching up with extraction.


Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 900
Valid Values: Any integer
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None

Specifies the size of the time interval, in seconds, for which data is committed in one transaction. The data from this period is considered to be one data chunk, for the purpose of extract and transform. For example, if you set the value of extract-data-chunk-size to 900, Genesys Info Mart extracts 15 minutes (900 seconds) of available data.


Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 14
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_MaintainGIM
Dependencies: None in releases 8.1.0 and 8.1.1; starting with release 8.1.2, days-to-keep-gim-facts
Modified:, 8.1.2 (behavior changed with respect to multimedia interactions)
Related Options: days-to-keep-active-facts

Starting with release 8.1.1, specifies the number of days to retain fact data in GIDB. Facts that have a start time that is earlier than the retention period are eligible to be purged.

Starting with release, the retention period for multimedia facts in GIDB is determined solely by the value of days-to-keep-gidb-facts. For releases through, be aware that, if days-to-keep-gidb-facts is less than days-to-keep-active-facts, user data for active multimedia interactions older than days-to-keep-gidb-facts might not be transformed correctly (see the Known Issue for GIM-13320 in the Genesys Info Mart 8.5.x Release Note).

For multimedia interactions in releases earlier than, this option, together with days-to-keep-active-facts, specifies the retention period for facts in GIDB: The retention period is the greater of the days-to-keep-gidb-facts and days-to-keep-active-facts option values.

In 8.1.1 releases, days-to-keep-gidb-facts specifies the retention period for completed multimedia facts, provided that there are no active facts that have the same (or earlier) start timestamps. If there are active facts with the same (or earlier) start timestamps, the eligible completed facts will not actually be purged until these active interactions have been terminated and, therefore, also become eligible to be purged, as described in days-to-keep-active-facts.

Genesys expects the value of days-to-keep-gidb-facts to be less than 30. Be aware that, although many GIDB tables contain personally identifiable information (PII), Genesys Info Mart does not include most GIDB tables in General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) processing.

For a list of the tables for which this option controls the purge threshold, see Info Mart Tables Purged by the Maintenance Job in the Genesys Info Mart Operations Guide.


Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM or Job_MaintainGIM
Dependencies: None in releases 8.1.0 and 8.1.1; starting with release 8.1.2, days-to-keep-gim-facts
Modified: (plays no role in determining purge thresholds); 8.1.2 (dependencies introduced); 8.1.1 (behavior and default value changed)

Starting with release 8.1.1, specifies the maximum number of days to retain active multimedia interactions in GIDB and the dimensional model, including certain Staging tables, after which the interactions become eligible for artificial termination.


Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: 1-120
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Modified: (scope extended); 8.1.4 (minimum valid value changed)

Specifies the maximum time deviation, in seconds, to take into account for time synchronization inaccuracy between host system clocks. Starting with release, this option also specifies the maximum acceptable delay the transformation job will accommodate in scenarios in which ICON creates delayed records in the GM_F_USERDATA table in IDB.

If the maximum time deviation or delay is exceeded, Genesys Info Mart results become unreliable.

Genesys Info Mart Release Notes

Genesys Info Mart is part of 9.x starting in
Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
11/12/20 Update X X X X

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Deployment Procedure

8.5.0 Deployment Procedure

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Genesys Info Mart

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List of Release Notes

What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Reporting on bot activity in Genesys Designer applications — Genesys Info Mart now supports reporting on voice bot and chat bot activity orchestrated with Genesys Designer. (Support for Genesys Designer is available in certain Genesys Engage cloud and on-premises deployments.) Three new tables store bot-related data for Designer analytics:
    For more information about the new tables, as well as other schema-related changes in this release, see the Physical Data Model documentation for your RDBMS (for Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL, respectively).
  • Callback mediation reporting enhancement — A new option, cb-virtual-queue-pattern in the [gim-transformation] section, enables you to fine-tune Genesys Info Mart behavior with respect to excluding callback virtual queues from mediation reporting. The default value excludes all virtual queue activity that ended after termination of the original call in accepted callback scenarios, which is consistent with the legacy behavior. However, with the default value, potential desynchronization between SIP Server (which provides the timestamp for call termination) and Universal Routing Server (URS, which provides the timestamp for virtual queue termination) can cause Genesys Info Mart to incorrectly exclude non-callback virtual queues.


Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: .*
Valid Values: Any Java regular expression
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None

Specifies a pattern for the names of virtual queues used for callbacks. The option enables you to fine-tune Genesys Info Mart behavior with respect to excluding callback virtual queues from mediation reporting. Use any Java regular expression to specify the pattern.


  • Enhanced operating environment support — See the Genesys Info Mart page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference for more detailed information and a list of all supported environments and databases. This release adds support for:
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (GIM-12750)
    • Oracle 19c RAC (GIM-12453)
    • PostgreSQL 11
    • PostgreSQL 12.x (GIM-12694)
    See also the Discontinued Support section for discontinued third-party prerequisites starting with this release.
  • Support for Elasticsearch 7.6 — For data that comes to Genesys Info Mart through Elasticsearch, Genesys Info Mart supports extracting data from Elasticsearch 7.6 databases. (GIM-12694)
  • Miscellaneous enhancements:
    • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) processing now includes the TARGET_OBJECT_SELECTED column in the ROUTING_TARGET table. (GIM-12732)
    • In preparation for future support of alternative data streams, a new column, PRODUCER_BATCH_ID, has been added to a number of *_FACT and GIDB tables. The column is reserved for internal use. (GIM-12717)
    • Language usage in the Genesys Info Mart application and documentation has been revised in accordance with a corporate initiative towards inclusive language. For example, the word master (as in master [database] lock) has been removed from log messages. (GIM-12774)
  • Significant documentation updates — In addition to documentation updates relating to software and database changes in this release, the following important documentation changes have been made:
    • Genesys no longer recommends using database links to improve performance of the extraction job. The Genesys Info Mart Deployment Guide has been updated to recommend setting the UseDbLinks Java system property to ensure that Genesys Info Mart does not use any database links you may have configured.
    • There are specific Genesys Interaction Concentrator (ICON) topology requirements for deployments that include multiple Interaction Servers. The Genesys Info Mart Deployment Guide now includes links to updated information about Login Session Considerations in the ICON Deployment Guide.
    • Descriptions of various days-to-keep-* configuration options have been extended to warn against setting excessively large retention periods.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

The scope of the max-time-deviation option has been extended to apply to possible delays that can occur when ICON creates records in the GM_F_USERDATA table in IDB. As a result, in scenarios with delayed GM_F_USERDATA records, the transformation job now adjusts for the delay and correctly populates the INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY column in the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT (IRF) table.

Previously in this scenario, the transformation job sometimes recorded an incorrect value in IRF.INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY referring to INTERACTION_SUBTYPE with value "Unspecified". Note however, that even with the changes to this option, if the delay before ICON creates the GM_F_USERDATA record exceeds the value of max-time-deviation, Genesys Info Mart results continue to be unreliable. (GIM-12873)

The retention period for active multimedia facts, which is defined by the days-to-keep-active-facts configuration option, no longer affects the purge threshold for multimedia facts in GIDB, which is defined by days-to-keep-gidb-facts. Previously, if the value of days-to-keep-active-facts was greater than days-to-keep-gidb-facts, the days-to-keep-active-facts value determined the purge threshold for multimedia fact data in GIDB, which could cause an increase in the size of the GIDB, and potentially impact ETL performance. See Known Issue GIM-13320 for a related caveat. (GIM-12835)

When transforming Kafka data, Genesys Info Mart now takes into account the speed with which data is written. Previously, in deployments with slow database write performance, the transformation job could read Kafka data more quickly than it could be written, which could cause OutOfMemoryException errors. (GIM-12842)

To determine the chunk size to use for Elasticsearch data transformation, Genesys Info Mart now checks the value of both extract-data-chunk-size and chunk-size options, and uses the smaller value. Previously, the Elasticsearch data transformation chunk size was equal to the value of extract-data-chunk-size. (GIM-12815)

Genesys Info Mart now correctly populates ASM_* metrics in the IRF table in scenarios where:

  1. An Outbound Contact campaign is running in an Active Switching Matrix (ASM) dialing mode.
  2. The engaging call is routed cross-site to an agent.
  3. The agent is later successfully connected to a customer.

Previously in such scenarios, Genesys Info Mart sometimes incorrectly populated the ASM_COUNT and ASM_ENGAGE_DURATION metrics for the agent IRF record with values of 0, instead of populating ASM_COUNT with a value of 1, and ASM_ENGAGE_DURATION with a value indicating the amount of time that the agent spent in the engaging call. (GIM-12787)

The transformation job now correctly processes multimedia interactions in environments where the option stop-ixn-queues is set for some queues. Previously in such scenarios, duration-related metrics in the IRF table sometimes had incorrect values. (GIM-12745)

The performance of the transformation job is improved for business processes that require many long-living multimedia interactions. Previously in such environments, the transformation job sometimes delayed processing of multimedia data. (GIM-12670)

Upgrade Notes

Refer to the Deployment Procedure for this release to deploy the installation package within your environment.


  • To enable all of the functionality provided in this release, Genesys Info Mart requires Interaction Concentrator (ICON) release 8.1.514.27 or higher. At a minimum, Genesys Info Mart release 8.5 requires Interaction Concentrator For additional recommendations, see ICON Recommendations in the Known Issues and Recommendations section.
  • Genesys recommends that you manage jobs using Genesys Info Mart Manager, but if you continue to use Genesys Info Mart Administration Console, Genesys recommends that you use Genesys Info Mart Administration Console release 8.1.3 or higher.
  • Genesys Info Mart Manager release 8.5.010 requires Genesys Info Mart release 8.5.009 or higher. Genesys Info Mart release 8.5 is compatible with Genesys Info Mart Manager release 8.1.4 and higher.
  • Genesys Info Mart Manager and Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) interoperability requirements are reciprocal:
    • Genesys Info Mart Manager release and later requires GAX release, and vice versa.
    • Genesys Info Mart Manager 8.5 releases earlier than 8.5.010 require GAX 8.5 releases earlier than GAX, and vice versa.
This page was last edited on March 18, 2022, at 15:05.
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