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Genesys Knowledge Center CMS Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
07/09/19 General X X

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What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • All of the WYSIWYG document editor formatting options now work as expected.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

When working with Oracle DB and Knowledge Center CMS, a document with an empty Optional section can now be moved to Review without issue. Previously, when attempting a review, a java exception would occur. (GK-8238)

When the Knowledge base has a huge amount of data, the Knowledge Center CMS now works as expected with Oracle DB. Previously, when the Knowledge base had a huge amount of data, Knowledge Center CMS did not work as expected with Oracle DB . (GK-8217)

The data base scheme migration now works as expected with MS SQL for GKC versions v.9.0.000.x to 9.0.004.x. Previously, when working with GKC version, the migration data base scheme did not function as expected with MS SQL for GKC versions v.9.0.000.x to 9.0.004.x. (GK-8216)

The data base scheme migration now works as expected with Oracle for GKC versions v.9.0.000.x to 9.0.004.x. Previously, when working with GKC version, the migration data base scheme did not function as expected with Oracle for GKC versions v.9.0.000.x to 9.0.0004.x. (GK-8191)

Knowledge Center CMS now uses more effective data base queries for Oracle DB. Previously, executing some Oracle DB queries would sometimes cause performance issues. (GK-8167)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

This page was last edited on November 18, 2019, at 11:23.
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