This page was last edited on October 5, 2021, at 18:44.
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If you plan to run a campaign using the email channel, you can build and modify email templates in CX Contact. This page explains how.
To get started, you need to create an Email dialing profile
When you set up your email profile, you'll see a tab named Content. This is where you'll create the email content and specify all associated parameters.
To begin, specify the following general information:
You have two options for creating email content: use the visual editor to create and format all message content or upload an HTML file containing the message content.
To use the visual editor, set the Use Visual Editor switch to the On position. The visual editor box appears onscreen, enabling you to create and format text and graphics.
To upload an HTML file containing the message content, go to Browse for HTML -> Select File. Two new options appear onscreen:
You can personalize message content in the following sections of an email:
The instructions for adding personalized content to a body of a message depend on whether you're using the visual editor to create content or importing an HTML file that contains the content.
To personalize content when using the visual editor:
Personalizations in imported HTML
To personalize the content in an imported HTML file, use the following format: tag <t> and attribute value. The value must contain the exact name of the value from the list of allowed send attributes.
To provide customers with the option to unsubscribe from your mailing list: