This page was last edited on October 5, 2021, at 18:46.
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The Device Import Detail Report Dashboard contains data about Device Import Detail Report results.
Device Import Detail Reports can contain data associated with one or more of the following fields.
Field | Type | Description |
@timestamp | date | The ISO format of the index timestamp. |
jobid | keyword | The Import jod ID. |
jobts | date | The timestamp of the start of the Import job. |
importfile | keyword | The original input Import file name. |
line | integer | The line number in the Import file. |
useSpecificationFile | keyword | The Specification file. |
mappingfile | keyword | The name of the Specification file. |
ccid | keyword | Contact center ID. |
listid | integer | Calling list database ID. |
listTableName | keyword | Calling list database table name. |
chain_id | integer | Indicates the Contact ID in the database table. |
customTZMap | boolean | The selected Custom Time Zones. |
listName | keyword | Calling list name. |
id | keyword | The Index ID. |
type | keyword | The type of list. |
chain_n | integer | The number of the device in the contact/chain. |
contact_info | keyword | The phone number that should be dialed. |
defaultRegion | keyword | The Settings default region configuration. |
accepted | byte | Indicates if the recorded has been accepted. 0-false, 1-true. |
dbAccepted | integer | Indicates whether or not an error occurred when the saving to the database. 0 - was error, 1 - no. Default value is 1. |
error | keyword | Indicates the processing device error. |
deviceIndex | short | Device index. |
maskValue | long | Device mask value. |
mask | object | Device mask per bits. |
deviceDigits | text | The original Input file device string. |
e164 | keyword | The e164 format of the device number. |
countryCode | keyword | Country code. |
areaCode | keyword | Area code. |
exchange | keyword | The device number Exchange part. |
restOfNumber | keyword | The Rest part of the device number. |
extension | integer | Extension |
tzuid | integer | Device Time Zone Java UID. |
state_code | keyword | The State code detected in the device number. |
country_code_iso | keyword | Device ISO Country code. |