Contact History Record Dashboard
The content of this document has been moved and is no longer being updated in this location.For the latest content and most recent updates, see the CX Contact Help on the Genesys Multicloud site.
The Contact History Record Dashboard contains statistical and contact data about the last call attempt to a specific contact associated with a calling list in a specific campaign group session.
Contact History records can contain data associated with one or more of the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
@timestamp | date | The timestamp at which OCS starts to process the call attempt. It is the time at which the pre-dial validation request is sent by OCS to CX Contact. |
@endtime | date | The timestamp at which the outbound record for the given call is considered complete and is removed from OCS active processing (for example, on dial error, or when a finalization event is received from the agent desktop). |
ccid | keyword | The Contact Center ID. |
calluuid | keyword | The call attempt GUID. |
chain_id | integer | Indicates the Contact ID in the database table. |
chain_n | integer | The number of the device in the contact/chain. |
contact_info | keyword | The device's phone number. |
contact_info_type | keyword | The Common library enum (GctiContactType) based on the cd_device_index. For example, ['No Contact Type', 'Home Phone', 'Direct Business Phone', ...]. |
duration | integer | The processing duration (that is, endtime - timestamp). |
durationCall | integer | The call duration (ms). That is, (timeAbandoned - timeClientPickedUp), (timeAgentCallReleased - timeClientPickedUp), or (timeBadCallReleased - timeDialing). |
timeDialing | integer | The dialing timestamp. |
timeClientRinging | integer | The timestamp of when the client number rang. |
callTime | integer | The timestamp of when the call started. |
callResult | integer | The call result. |
optimizationGoal | integer | Indicates the highest allowable percentage of proactively triggered interactions that can be closed by visitors prior to an agent joining the session. |
optimizationMethod | keyword | The OCS optimization method. |
listName | keyword | The Calling list name. |
campaignName | keyword | The Campaign name. |
campaignTemplateName | keyword | The campaign template name. |
campaignGroupName | keyword | The campaign group name. |
groupName | keyword | The agent's group name. |
timezoneNameCME | keyword | The name of the CME timezone. |
timezoneName | keyword | The name of the JAVA timezone. |
timezoneOffset | keyword | The timezone offset. |
recordType | keyword | The type of chain (enum is GctiRecordType). |
recordStatus | keyword | The status of the record in the State machine (enum is GctiRecordType). The default value is Ready. |
VoiceTransferDestination | integer | The GSW Queue name. |
countryCode | keyword | The phone number's country code. |
ClientCountryCode | keyword | The client's country code. |
areaCode | keyword | The phone number's area code. |
postalCode | keyword | The postal code. |
disposition | keyword | Indicates whether or not GSW_BLOCKING_RULE is available. If it is available the value is Blocked. If it is not available GSW_HIST_SEQUENCE_NUM == 0 and the value is Unknown or Called. |
sessionuuid | integer | The Session GUID of the currently active or running campaign group. |
userData | keyword | Includes all of the information received from OCS in a History HTTP POST. The information does not start with GSW_. |
id | keyword | Identifies the last call made to any device belonging to a contact listed in the Session GUID and calling list. |
contact_id | integer | A composite property used to identify a contact in the calling list. For example, listid.chainId. |
listId | integer | The Calling list ID in the database. |
successful | keyword | The call attempt result [false, true]. |
Related Topics
This page was last edited on October 5, 2021, at 18:46.
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