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CX Contact Deployment Guide

Welcome to the CX Contact 9.0 Deployment Guide!

CX Contact is being released to pre-approved customers as part of the Early Adopter Program. This means that both the product and the documentation are still under development. As a result, documentation sections might require revision as the product develops. We advise that you use this documentation with care. Before you make changes that could affect the success of your deployment, verify them with your Genesys representatives.

CX Contact contains a set of components that enable you to create, run, and manage outbound voice, SMS, and email campaigns. Some of its key principles and capabilities include the following:

  • Has state-of-the-art user interface (UI) and middleware components.
  • Is set of microservices that run in Docker containers, each scalable in N+1 horizontal mode.
  • Uses Genesys servers on the back end, such as Configuration Server, Outbound Contact Server (OCS), and Stat Server.
  • Has Genesys Web Services (GWS) as a prerequisite.

You can deploy CX Contact on premises using one of two methods:

  • Docker Compose—Suitable for lab or demo environments only, where no product traffic exists. A Docker Compose deployment is easier than a Kubernetes deployment because all CX Contact and GWS components are deployed using a single docker-compose file on a single VM. There are also fewer prerequisites with a Docker Compose deployment because components such as External Load Balancer, Enterprise Redis, and Network File System are excluded from a Docker Compose deployment.
  • Kubernetes—Suitable for production environments but is considerably more complicated because it deploys CX Contact across multiple VMs and presumes availability of all third-party prerequisites, such as External Load Balancer, Enterprise Redis, and Elasticsearch cluster.

Other Considerations

Before deciding on the deployment method you'll use, consider the following additional information about CX Contact:

  • Currently, CX Contact supports single region deployments.
  • Only a Helm v3 deployment method is supported.
  • High Availability (HA) is provided through N+1 architecture.
  • Information about Disaster Recovery (DR) is provided through your Genesys representative. Contact the Architecture team for guidance about recommended DR designs.
  • CX Contact Compliance Data. Contact your Genesys representative to ensure coverage is provided for your desired calling region.
  • Check with your Genesys representative for supported container orchestration technologies.
  • Genesys does not deploy and operate databases in on-premises deployments. It is the responsibility of the end user. In a production deployment, data store components (PostgreSQL, Redis, Elasticsearch) must be deployed outside of the Kubernetes cluster and managed by the end user's DBA team. The end user's DBA team is also responsible for ensuring that the data store components are configured with the appropriate scalability, resiliency, and data protection (backups, and so on).
This page was last edited on November 15, 2021, at 15:03.
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