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Post Deployment Procedures

After you've deployed CX Contact, you'll want to monitor the status of containers, access logs, upgrade CX Contact components, and so on. This topic describes the post deployment procedures you'll use if you deployed CX Contact using Docker Compose.

Upgrading CX Contact Components

This topic outlines the steps required to upgrade CX Contact components.

  1. Ensure the CX Contact Docker images included in the upgrade are tagged with the proper version number and are available in the Docker registry.
  2. Edit the Container Versions section of the .env file to specify one or more versions of the CX Contact components that you're upgrading to. For example, if you're upgrading the List Builder component of CX Contact to version, specify the following: CCSListBuilderTag=
  3. Execute the following command:
    When upgrading, ensure that old containers are stopped and new containers are started. This means that the CX Contact solution is not available during the upgrade.

Using Portainer

Genesys recommends you use Portainer to view the status of all containers and to access logs.

  1. To start Portainer on the same VM where all containers are started, execute the following command:
    docker volume create portainer_data
    docker run --restart=always -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer --no-auth
  2. Go to http://<your-vm-ip>:9000. The user interface displays the state of all containers. Open each container and click logs to see the stdout / stderr logs.


CX Contact components must use the Docker host network mode. The components must not use Docker bridge networks or swarms, which severely impact performance of the production systems.

CX Contact components use the following ports:

Service Ports used
User Interface (UI) 8101 - Nignx listener port (static content served)
API Aggregator
  • 8102 - API main
  • 9102 - API management
List Builder
  • 3004 - API main
  • 3101 - API management
Compliance Manager
  • 3007 - API main
  • 3107 - API management
List Manager
  • 3005 - API main
  • 3105 - API management
This page was last edited on April 23, 2021, at 18:42.
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