Deploying with Kubernetes
To deploy CX Contact by using Kubernetes, complete the following deployment procedures. The first three procedures are common to both deployment methods. Click the link to go to that topic:
Summary of deployment procedures |
1. Ensure the Prerequisites are met |
2. Review the Recommendations |
3. Create the Outbound Database |
4. Create the Outbound Database Access Point |
5. Start Outbound Contact Server (OCS) |
6. Deploy with Kubernetes |
Deploy with Kubernetes
Summary of Procedures: Deploy with Kubernetes |
1. Deploy CX Contact using Kubernetes and Helm charts. (CX Contact deployment with Kubernetes using shell scripts is obsolete.) |
2. Enable TLS Termination at Ingress Controller |
3. Set Connectivity to the Compliance Data Provider |
4. Log in to CX Contact |
Deploy CX Contact using Helm Charts
To begin, ensure your system contains the following prerequisite software:
- Helm 2.8+ client (without Tiller) or Helm 3
- GWS Services installed:
- gws-core-auth
- gws-core-environment
- gws-platform-configuration
- gws-platform-ocs
- gws-platform-voice
- gws-platform-statistics
- gws-platform-setting
- Local Docker Repository (the location of the stored CX Contact Docker images and Helm Charts).
Install CX Contact using Helm Charts
- Select one of the following options to obtain the CX Contact Helm chart:
- If you have access to the local Docker Repository: Access the Helm charts repository and run the following two commands:
- helm repo add <repo_name> <helm_charts_repo>
- helm fetch <repo_name>/cxcontact
- As a result, the cxcontact-<version>.tgz archive file is added to the current working directory.
- helm repo add <repo_name> <helm_charts_repo>
- If you do not have access to the local Docker Repository: Obtain the cxcontact-<version>.tgz archive file and save the file in your current working directory.
- If you have access to the local Docker Repository: Access the Helm charts repository and run the following two commands:
- Obtain the yaml default values from the following location and file:
- helm inspect values cxcontact-<version>.tgz > overrides.yaml
- Edit overrides.yaml and change the default parameter values to values that match your environment. See Configure the Helm Charts table for the parameters, their description and default values.
- Using one of the following commands, install CX Contact:
- Helm 2: helm template cxc cxcontact-<version>.tgz -f overrides.yaml | kubectl -n <namespace> apply -f -
- Helm 3: helm -n <namespace> install cxc cxcontact-<version>.tgz -f overrides.yaml
Upgrade CX Contact using Helm Charts
- Select one of the following options to obtain the CX Contact Helm chart:
- Access the Helm charts repo and run the following two commands:
- helm repo update
- helm fetch <repo_name>/cxcontact
- As a result, the cxcontact-<new_version>.tgz archive file is added to the current working directory.
- helm repo update
- From the FTP Server, obtain the .tgz archive file.
- Access the Helm charts repo and run the following two commands:
- Obtain the files used for the previous deployment:
- When working with Helmp 2, obtain the overrides.yaml file used for the initial deployment.
- When working with Helm 3, access helm -n <namespace> get values cxc -o yaml > overrides.yaml to obtain the parameters used for the initial deployment.
- Upgrade the Helm deployment:
- When working with Helm 2, perform the following command:
- helm template cxc cxcontact-<new_version>.tgz -f overrides.yaml | kubectl -n <namespace> apply -f -
- When working with Helm 3, perform the following command:
- helm -n <namespace> upgrade cxc cxcontact-<new_version>.tgz -f overrides.yaml
- When working with Helm 2, perform the following command:
Configure the Helm Charts
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
image.registry | The Docker registry base-path, where CX Contact images are stored. | |
image.imagePullSecrets | Kubernetes imagePullSecrets | |
image.pullPolicy | Kubernetes imagePullPolicy | IfNotPresent |
configserver.user_name | The Configuration Server user name. This user name should be created during provisioning and stored in Users Secret. | cloudcon |
configserver.user_password | The Configuration Server user password in plain text. This password should be stored in Users Secret. | |
configserver.DAP_name | Database access point application. The DAP_name should be used to connect from CX Contact. | OCSDAP_usw1 |
configserver.OCS_name | The Outbound Contact Server application name. | OCS_usw1 |
configserver.tenant_dbid | The Configuration Server Tenant DBID. | 1 |
configserver.gws_server_app_name | The server application name that is used by GWS Services. | CloudCluster |
cxcontact.replicas | The number of pod replicas that should be deployed. The recommended amount is N+1. | 2 |
cxcontact.environment | Changes the log level of errors displayed in the UI. The environment can be either "development" or "prod". | prod |
cxcontact.region | The CX Contact region. Region can be used for the deployment of multiple CX Contact installations with the same GWS Services and Redis. | g0-usw0 |
cxcontact.existingPGPSecretName | The name of the existing Kubernetes Secret with PGP. existingPGPSecretName should contain the following data:
cxcontact.existingUsersSecretName | The name of the existing Kubernetes Secret with user credentials. existingUsersSecretName should contain the following data:
cxcontact.rbac.enabled | Configures Role Based Access Control for CX Contact. | false |
cxcontact.pgp.enabled | text | Configures PGP encryption. |
cxcontact.pgp.passphrase | The passphrase for the private key. | |
cxcontact.pgp.user_id | The user_id for the private key. | |
cxcontact.pgp.create_k8s_secret | When set to true, CX Contact creates a new Secret in kubernets with pgp keys.
When set to false, CX Contact uses the Secret from existingPGPSecretName. |
false |
cxcontact.pgp.private_key | The contents of the PGP private key. | |
cxcontact.pgp.public_key | The contents of the PGP public key. | |
cxcontact.log.level | Configures the log level for all CX Contact pods. Permitted values:
info |
cxcontact.log.log_to_file | Configures writing logs to log files located in /mnt/log/cxc-*. | false |
cxcontact.override.amark-app.replicas | Overrides the number of pod replicas for a specific micro-service. | 2 |
cxcontact.override.amark-app.env | Extra environment variables that will be appended for the container env: definition. Env can be specified as: VAR_NAME: VAR_VAL | {} |
cxcontact.override.amark-app.resources | Overrides the resources for a specific micro-service. | {} |
override.amark-app.readinessProbe | Enables/Disables readinessProbe | true |
cxcontact.override.amark-app.livenessProbe | livenessProbe | true |
cxcontact.override.job-scheduler.replicas | Overrides the number of pod replicas for a specific micro-service. | 2 |
cxcontact.override.job-scheduler.env | Extra environment variables that will be appended for the container env: definition. Env can be specified as: VAR_NAME: VAR_VAL | {} |
cxcontact.override.job-scheduler.resources | Overrides the resources for a specific micro-service. | {} |
cxcontact.override.job-scheduler.readinessProbe | Enables/Disables readinessProbe | true |
cxcontact.override.job-scheduler.livenessProbe | livenessProbe | true |
cxcontact.override.campaign-manager.replicas | Overrides the number of pod replicas for a specific micro-service. | 2 |
cxcontact.override.campaign-manager.env | Extra environment variables that will be appended for the container env: definition. Env can be specified as: VAR_NAME: VAR_VAL | {} |
cxcontact.override.campaign-manager.resources | Overrides the resources for a specific micro-service. | {} |
cxcontact.override.campaign-manager.readinessProbe | Enables/Disables readinessProbe | true |
cxcontact.override.campaign-manager.livenessProbe | livenessProbe | true |
cxcontact.override.list-manager.replicas | Overrides the number of pod replicas for a specific micro-service. | 2 |
cxcontact.override.list-manager.env | Extra environment variables that will be appended for the container env: definition. Env can be specified as: VAR_NAME: VAR_VAL | {} |
cxcontact.override.list-manager.resources | Overrides the resources for a specific micro-service. | {} |
cxcontact.override.list-manager.readinessProbe | Enables/Disables readinessProbe | true |
cxcontact.override.list-manager.livenessProbe | livenessProbe | true |
cxcontact.override.complaince.replicas | Overrides the number of pod replicas for a specific micro-service. | 2 |
cxcontact.override.complaince.env | Extra environment variables that will be appended for the container env: definition. Env can be specified as: VAR_NAME: VAR_VAL | {} |
cxcontact. override.complaince.resources | Overrides the resources for a specific micro-service. | {} |
cxcontact.override.complaince.readinessProbe | Enables/Disables readinessProbe | true |
cxcontact.override.complaince.livenessProbe | livenessProbe | true |
cxcontact.override.amark-ui.replicas | Overrides the number of pod replicas for a specific micro-service. | 2 |
cxcontact.override.amark-ui.env | Extra environment variables that will be appended for the container env: definition. Env can be specified as: VAR_NAME: VAR_VAL | {} |
cxcontact.override.amark-ui.resources | Overrides the resources for a specific micro-service. | {} |
cxcontact.override.amark-ui.readinessProbe | Enables/Disables readinessProbe | true |
cxcontact.override.amark-ui.livenessProbe | livenessProbe | true |
cxcontact.override.list builder.replicas | Overrides the number of pod replicas for a specific micro-service. | 2 |
cxcontact.override.list builder.env | Extra environment variables that will be appended for the container env: definition. Env can be specified as: VAR_NAME: VAR_VAL | {} |
cxcontact.override.list builder.resources | Overrides the resources for a specific micro-service. | {} |
cxcontact.override.list builder.readinessProbe | Enables/Disables readinessProbe | true |
cxcontact.override.list builder.livenessProbe | livenessProbe | true |
cxcontact.override.dial-manager.enabled | Enables/Disables Dial Manager service deployment. | false | | Configures the Nexus service host. | | | Configures the Nexus service port. | |
cxcontact.override.dial-manager.api_key | The API key used to access Nexus. The api_key should be in plain text and will be stored in Users Secret. | |
cxcontact.compliance_data.cdp_url | When configured cdp_url overrides the compliance data provider URL. | false |
cxcontact.compliance_data.proxy | Configures the proxy connection to CDP. Disabled if false. | false |
cxcontact.compliance_data.list_builder_test_files_mode | Configures List Builder Compliance Data Mode for debug purposes only. | false |
cxcontact.compliance_data.list_builder_test_dnc_mode | Configures List Builder Compliance Data Mode for debug purposes only. | false |
cxcontact.initContainers | Enables the configuration of extra initContainers for CX Contact pods. | [ ] |
cxcontact.deployDefaultInitContainer | Allows you to disable the default InitContainer if you mount Storage with uid:guid – 500:500. | true |
k8s_optional.podSecurityContext | Enables you to set the securityContext for the pod. | {} |
k8s_optional.securityContext | Enables you to set the securityContext for the container. | {} |
k8s_optional.nodeSelector | Enables you to configure
nodeSeclector to target specific nodes. |
{} |
k8s_optional.tolerations | Enables you to configure | [ ] |
k8s_optional.affinity | Enables you to configure | [ ] |
k8s_optional.strategy | Enables you to configure |
type: RollingUpdate rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 25% |
redis.enabled | Enables/Disables the Reddis connection. | true |
redis.cluster | Enables you to configure Redis. | true |
redis.nodes | The Redis node URL. | redis://redis-cluster:6379 |
elasticsearch.enable | Enables/Disables the Elasticsearch Cluster connection. | true | | Elasticsearch host | http://elasticsearch |
elasticsearch.port | Elasticsearch port | 9200 |
gws.client_id | The client_id is created by the CX Contact provisioning service and is stored in the Users Secret. | cx_contact |
gws.client_secret | The client_secret is created by the CX Contact provisioning service and is stored in the Users Secret. | |
gws.frontend_host | Represents the GWS front end http/https URL. frontend_host is used for browser user authentication. | http://active.gke.local |
gws.frontend_port | The GWS front end port. | 80 | | GWS backend Load balacer host (optional). | |
loadbalander.port | GWS backend Load balacer host (optional). | | | GWS Core Auth host | http://gws-core-auth-srv |
loadbalander.core.auth.port | GWS Core Auth port | 80 | | GWS Core Environment host | http://gws-core-environment-srv |
loadbalander.core.environment.port | GWS Core Environment port | 80 | | GWS Platform OCS host | http://gws-platform-configuration -srv |
loadbalander.platform.ocs.port | GWS Platform OCS port | 80 | | GWS Platform Configuration host | http://gws-platform-configuration-srv |
loadbalander.platform.configuration.port | GWS Platform Configuration port | 80 | | GWS Platform Statistics host | http://gws-platform-statistics -srv |
loadbalander.platform.statistics.port | GWS Platform Statistics port | 80 | | GWS Platform Setting host | http://gws-platform-setting-srv |
loadbalander.platform.setting.port | GWS Platform Setting port | 80 | | GWS Platform Voice host | http://gws-platform-voice-srv |
loadbalander.platform.voice.port | GWS Platform Voice port | 80 |
ingress.enabled | Enables/Disables the deployment of the built-in ingress resource. | true |
ingress.tls_enabled | HTTPS | false |
ingress.cxc_frontend | The host used by ingress for all inbound traffic. | cxcontact.gke.local |
ingress.annotations | The ingress resource annotations. |
ingress.tls | TLS configuration. When enabled TLS is True. | [ ] |
internal_ingress.enabled | Enables/Disables the deployment of the built-in ingress resource for back-end services. When false, all endpoints are exposed on ingress with cxc_frontend. | false |
internal_ingress.tls_enabled | HTTPS | false |
internal_ingress.cxc_backend | The host used by ingress for all inbound traffic. | cxcontact-int.gke.local |
internal_ingress.annotations | The ingress resource annotations. |
internal_ingress.tls | TLS configuration. When enabled TLS is True. | [ ] |
storage.pvc.enabled | Enables/Disables storage mounts. | true |
storage.pvc.create | Enable pvc deployment. | true |
storage.pvc.size | The size of the deployed pvc. | 100Gi | | The name of the deployed pvc. | cxc-claim |
storage.pvc.storageClassName | The storageClass name that should be used when creating pvc. If storageClassName is empty it will not be used. storageClassName should be assigned accessModes: ReadWriteMany. | files-standard-zrs |
storage.pv.create | Enables the creation of pv. | false | | The pv name that should be created and used by pvc. | cxc-volume |
storage.pv.spec | PV specification. |
storage: 100Gi
- ReadWriteMany
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
path: /data
server: |
amark-app | docker image tag | Dependent on the CX Contact release. |
job-scheduler | docker image tag | Dependent on the CX Contact release. |
campaign-manager | docker image tag | Dependent on the CX Contact release. |
list-manager | docker image tag | Dependent on the CX Contact release. |
compliance | docker image tag | Dependent on the CX Contact release. |
amark-ui | docker image tag | Dependent on the CX Contact release. |
list-builder | docker image tag | Dependent on the CX Contact release. |
dial-manager | docker image tag | Dependent on the CX Contact release. |
Enable TLS Termination at Ingress Controller
- Prepare the k8s secret with the SSL Certificate using the following code: kubectl create secret cxc-tls ${CERT_NAME} --key ${KEY_FILE} --cert ${CERT_FILE}
- Note: Skip this step if the kubernetes cluster has a cert-manager installed.
- Update overrides.yaml that is used for the CX Contact installation as follows:
ingress: enabled: true tls_enabled: true cxc_frontend: <fqdn> # if kubernetes cluster has a cert-manager installed: annotations: <name of cert-manager> tls: - hosts: - <fqdn> secretName: cxc-tls
- Note: The same configuration can be applied to internal_ingress. If the configuration is applied to internal_ingress, you must add the CX Contact FQDN and a certificate of the host where Configuration Server runs.
- Prepare the k8s secret with the SSL Certificate as follows: kubectl create secret cxc-int-tls ${CERT_NAME} --key ${KEY_FILE} --cert ${CERT_FILE}
internal_ingress: enabled: true cxc_backend: <int_fqdn> # if kubernetes cluster has a cert-manager installed: annotations: <name of cert-manager> tls: - hosts: - <int_fqdn> secretName: cxc-int-tls
- Apply the following new configuration:
- helm -n <namespace> upgrade cxc cxc -f overrides.yaml
- Whitelist a new <fqdn> on the auth service using one of the following methods:
- Manually via the REST API:
curl -u <GWS_BASIC_AUTH_USER>:<GWS_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD> -L -X PUT '<GWS_LB_HOST>/auth/v3/ops/clients/<GWS_CLIENT_ID>' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "data": { "redirectURIs": [ "https://<fqdn>/cx-contact/v3/login-callback", "http://<fqdn>/cx-contact/v3/login-callback" ] } }'
- Using the cxcontact provisioning service (, update CXC_EXTERNAL_URL in the .env file and execute: ./ provision
Set Connectivity to the Compliance Data Provider
As of CX Contact 9.0.025.xx, CDP NG is used by default. The following Helm Chart settings control the CDP NG connectivity:
url: ""
gcloud_auth: ""
embedded_basepath: "/list_builder/data/ng_init_data"
areacode: "AU,CA,GB,NZ,US"
geo: "AU,CA,GB,NZ,US"
postal: "CA,GB,US"
dnc: "GB,US"
The gcloud_id and gcloud_secret parameters are required and do not have default values.The following parameters can be used to switch to legacy CDP:
url: false
gcloud_auth: false
gcloud_id: false
gcloud_secret: false
embedded_basepath: "/list_builder/data/init_data"
Log in to CX Contact
Log in to the CX Contact user interface with the URL http://<your-docker-hostname>/ui/cxcontact/
You must include the backslash (/) after cxcontact (cxcontact/) This page was last edited on October 3, 2021, at 12:26.
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