This page was last edited on June 23, 2021, at 19:53.
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This topic contains the deployment procedures that are common to both CX Contact deployment methods (Docker Composer and Kubernetes).
CREATE DATABASE cc_outbound; ALTER DATABASE cc_outbound SET bytea_output TO 'escape'; ALTER DATABASE cc_outbound SET standard_conforming_strings TO 'off'; CREATE USER cc_outbound WITH PASSWORD 'cc_outbound'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE cc_outbound TO cc_outbound; ALTER DATABASE cc_outbound OWNER TO cc_outbound;
Log in to the configuration environment and create a Database Access Point (DAP) object that points to the newly-created database.
The DAP must reference the DB Server so that OCS can work with the database. We recommend you name the DAP object OCSDAP.
Use the database connection information, database name, username, and password from the previous step.
Start the Outbound Contact Server (OCS) application with the Management Layer or GAX, as you usually do in your environment.