Outbound Schedules Dashboard
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The Outbound Schedules Dashboard contains data about a Schedule's status and its results.
Schedule records can contain data associated with one or more of the following fields. For details refer to Schedules:
Field | Type | Description |
@timestamp | date | The timestamp of when the Elasticsearch index was submitted. |
Schedule name | keyword | The Schedule name. |
recurrenceType | keyword | Indicates how often the schedule reoccurs (for example, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Once). |
scheduleAction | keyword | The Action that should be executed for the specific schedule (for example, Triggered, Activated, Deactivated, or CommandExecuted). |
command | keyword | The Command that should be executed for the specific Campaign Group when the selected Action is CommandExecuted (for example, Load, Start, Stop, Unload, or Set dial mode). |
commandType | keyword | The type of execution line the command belongs to (that is, Sequential/Instant). |
commandID | integer | Internal identifier of the command. |
successful | boolean | Indicates true or false. True if the action is completed successfully and false if the action is not completed successfully. |
errorMessage | keyword | Contains a relevant error message (as displayed in the UI or as returned in the API response) when the request execution is not successful. |
campaignName | keyword | The Campaign name. |
campaignGroupName | keyword | The Campaign Group name. |
campaignGroupDBID | integer | The Campaign group DBID. |
campaignTemplateName | keyword | The Campaign template name. |
groupName | keyword | The Group name. |
dialingMode | keyword | The Dialing mode. |
optimizationParameter | integer | The Optimization goal when the dialing mode is Predictive (for example, Busy Factor 80%). |
optimizationType | keyword | The OCS optimization method when the dialing mode is Predictive (for example, Busy Factor). |
This page was last edited on October 5, 2021, at 18:46.
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