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Call Result Record Dashboard

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The Call Result Record Dashboard Analytics-callresult.png contains data about call attempts..

Call Result Record records can contain data associated with one or more of the following fields:

Field Type Description
id keyword Index ID
@timestamp date The timestamp at which OCS starts to process the call attempt. It is the time at which the pre-dial validation request is sent by OCS to CX Contact.
@endtime date The timestamp at which the outbound record for the given call is considered complete and is removed from OCS active processing (for example, on dial error, or when a finalization event is received from the agent desktop).
ccid keyword The Contact Center ID.
calluuid keyword The call attempt GUID.
contact_info keyword The device's phone number.
contact_info_type keyword The Common library enum (GctiContactType) based on the cd_device_index. For example, ['No Contact Type', 'Home Phone', 'Direct Business Phone', ...].
blockingRuleName keyword The name of the CME object that stores the blocking rule. For example, the name of the suppression list (TA), Compliance Rule (Script).
blockingRuleType keyword The type of blocking rule. For example, Suppression List, Device Filter, Compliance Rule.
blockingRuleSubType keyword The sub-type of blocking rule. For example, Mandatory Suppression List, Optional Suppression List, Custom Rule, Attempt Rule, Location Rule, Contact Times, Contact Dates.
callerID keyword The Caller ID used to place the call.
callerIDSetName keyword The name of the Caller ID Set (if used), that stores Caller ID.
chain_id integer Indicates the Contact ID in the database table.
chain_n integer The number of the device in the contact/chain.
clientId keyword The Client ID in the Input file that was provided from the specification file.
duration integer The processing duration (that is, endtime - timestamp).
durationCall integer The call duration (ms). That is, (timeAbandoned - timeClientPickedUp), (timeAgentCallReleased - timeClientPickedUp), or (timeBadCallReleased - timeDialing).
durationACW integer The duration of the After Call Work phase associated with call processing (ms).
durationCPD integer The duration of the Call Progress Detection phase associated with call processing (ms).
durationQueue integer The duration of Call Waiting in the queue (ms).
timeDialing date The dialing start time.
timeClientRinging date The time at which the client number rang.
timeBadCallReleased date The approximate time at which the unsuccessful call was released.
timeClientPickedUp date The time at which the called party answers the phone.
timeCPDFinished date The time at which the call progress detection is completed.
timeQueued date The time at which the call is placed in the queue.
timeAgentRinging date The time at which the ringing starts on the agent's DN.
timeAgentEstablished date The time at which the cal lis established on the agent's DN.
timeAMDiverted date The time at which a call is diverted to an auto-answering device (for example, calls that are not connected to an agent within two seconds might be redirected to a pre-recorded message).
timeAbandoned date The time at which a call is abandoned from the queue.
timeAgentCallReleased date The time at which a call is released on the agent's DN.
callTime integer The timestamp of when the call started.
callResult integer The call result.
dialingMode keyword The dialing mode associated with the Campaign Group used to place the call.
optimizationGoal integer The Optimization goal when the dialing mode is Predictive (for example, Busy Factor 80%).
optimizationMethod keyword The OCS optimization method when the dialing mode is Predictive (for example, Busy Factor).
listName keyword The Calling list name.
campaignName keyword The Campaign name.
campaignGroupName keyword The Campaign group name.
sessionuuid keyword The Session GUID of the currently active/running campaign group.
campaignTemplateName keyword The Campaign template name.
groupName Keyword The Agent of Place group name.
timezoneName keyword The name of the JAVA timezone.
timezoneNameCME keyword The name of the CME timezone.
timezoneOffset keyword The timezone offset.
agentLoginId keyword The Login ID belonging to the agent who handled the call.
scheduledTime date The time at which the call was rescheduled.
recordType keyword The type of record (enum is GctiRecordType).
recordStatus keyword The location of the record in the State machine (enum is GctiRecordType). The default is Ready.
voiceTransferDestination keyword The name of the Voice Transfer Destination DN used by the Campaign Group.
countryCode keyword The phone number's country code.
clientCountryCode keyword The client's country code.
areaCode keyword The phone number's area code.
deviceTimezone keyword The timezone for the detected device.
disposition keyword Indicates if the call was blocked by a pre-dial validation or dialed. If the call was blocked, the value is Blocked, otherwise it’s Unknown or Called.
postalCode keyword The postal code.
deliveryMode keyword The Delivery mode of the Campaign Group (“lifo” for LIFO-configured Campaign Groups, “standard” otherwise).
dispositionCode keyword The Disposition code as provided for the call by the agent (via GSW_DISPOSITION_CODE attribute).
userData object User data fields associated with the call.

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This page was last edited on October 5, 2021, at 18:46.
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