Creating Roles
To create a new security role:
- Go to Configuration > Roles.
- In the Role pane, click New
- A new security role appears in the Role pane with a default name.
- In the Role Privileges pane, change the Name of the role (if desired).
- Assign privileges by expanding items in the list and selecting/clearing the check boxes.
- For a complete description of all privileges, see Role Privileges.
- Click Save Now
Next Step: Assign the security role to a user.
Using Copy to Create Roles
To create a security role using copy:
- In the Roles pane, select an existing role.
- If there are many roles in the list, enter the role name in the Search field to find it quickly.
- Click Copy
- A copy of the selected role appears in the Roles list.
- Select the copy and click Role Privileges.
- Rename and assign privileges to the role by selecting or clearing the check boxes, as required.
- Click Save Now
Next Step: Assign the security role to a user.
This page was last edited on September 8, 2021, at 12:33.
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