Shift Contracts
Use the Shifts > Contracts pane to assign contracts to a shift. You opened this pane, by clicking Contracts at the top of the Shift Properties pane.
Assigning contracts to a shift is optional. You can save a shift without associating it with a contract.Assigning a Contract to a Shift
To assign a contract to a shift:
- In the Shifts pane, select a shift.
- In the right-side pane, select Contracts.
- Click Assign a Contract to a Shift
- In the Use This State for Assignments drop-down list, select the appropriate state.
- Select one or more contracts from the list on the Contract Associations pane. You can assign multiple contracts to a single shift.
- Click Apply
to move the selected contracts into the Contracts pane.
- Click Save Now
Removing a Contract from a Shift
To unassign or remove a contract from a shift:
- In the right-side pane, select Contracts.
- In the Contracts list, select the contract you want to remove.
- Click Remove Contract from Shift
- When the Confirmation dialog appears, click Yes.
Changing the State of an Assigned Contract
To change the state of an assigned contract:
- In the Contracts pane, use the State drop-down menu for the Contract you want to change and select Primary (default) or Secondary.
- Click Save Now
- Assigned contracts appear only in the Contracts pane.
- To select multiple contracts, hold down SHIFT or CTRL and click each additional contract.
- Each assigned contract has a state: Primary or Secondary. The default state after being moved is Primary.
This page was last edited on May 3, 2021, at 14:07.
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