This page was last edited on October 14, 2016, at 20:35.
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For the agents and dates that you select, this report displays granted, preferred, declined, and scheduled time off. It optionally includes time-off balances for all the time-off types selected.
To create a Time-Off Report:
Site [header] | The selected site and its time zone. |
Team [header] | The team to which the agents in the table below belong. If you selected more than one team, teams are listed in alphabetical order, with the data for agents in one team appearing before the next team name in the list. |
Date Period [header] | The dates covered in the report. |
Agent | The name of the agent whose information is displayed. |
Date | The date for which the agent has submitted a time-off preference. The time-off balance shown in the Balance column is also for this date. |
Description | The name of the time-off type. |
Start Time and End Time | When the time-off period starts and ends. For a full-day time-off request, both columns say Full Day. |
Status | Whether the time-off preference is Preferred, Granted, Declined, Recalled, Scheduled, or not Scheduled. |
Date and Time Submitted | The time at which the time-off preference was made. |
Balance | The agent's available time-off hours as of the date of the request. |
Comments | Comments, if any, submitted with time-off item. |