[hide]Graph View Options (Staffing)
Use the Options dialog box to customize a Forecast Graphs view whose Show Statistics drop-down list is set to one of the following:
- Calculated Staffing
- Required Staffing
- Calculated and Required Staffing
- Calculated and Multi-skill Calculated Staffing
An Explanation and Caution:
Multi-Skilled Calculated Staffing takes into account how many agents with multiple skills could be available to work on an activity, and how the occupancy of an average agent would be divided among this activity and the other activities in his or her skill set.
Multi-Skilled Calculated Staffing is available only if the Multi-Skilled Forecasting option is configured. See Overview in the Workforce Management Administrator's Guide for a discussion of multi-skilled forecasting and a description of how to enable multi-skill support.
However, if the Multi-Skill option is not configured, then you will still see Multi-Skilled Equivalents in the graphical view, but they will be the same as Calculated Staffing in Single-Skill Equivalents.Opening the Options Dialog Box
- Click the Options button on the Graphs view toolbar.
The Options dialog box opens. - Select the Show Special Events check box if you want to have that option displayed in the graphs.
- Clear the check box if you want that option to be hidden.
See the option descriptions below. - Click Apply.
The Graphs view is redrawn to match your selections.
Forecast Graphs Display Options
Show Special Events—When selected, graphs display a marker that represents the start of each event’s impact. This option appears only if the selected activity is immediate.
Show Secondary Graph—If you select a radio button other than None in this pane, graphs include an additional line that shows values for one additional statistic. The secondary line is superimposed in a different color (which is identified in the Legend).
Choose a secondary statistic by selecting only one of the following radio buttons:
- None—No secondary graph.
- Service Level Objective—The requirement for the service level as defined when creating the forecast.
- Service Level—The forecast service level. (Appears only if the selected activity is immediate [not deferred].)
- Service Level Required—The requirement for forecast service level as defined when creating the forecast. (Appears only if the selected activity is immediate [not deferred].)
- Deferred Service Level—The deferred forecast service level. (Appears only if the selected activity is deferred.)
- Deferred Service Level Required—The requirement for deferred forecast service level as defined when creating the forecast. (Appears only if the selected activity is deferred.)
- Forecasted Calculated Queue—The forecast queue, calculated using Staffing Calculated values. (Appears only if the selected activity is deferred.)
- Forecasted Required Queue—The forecast queue, calculated using Staffing Required values. (Appears only if the selected activity is deferred.)
- Avg Speed of Answer Objective—The requirement for Average Speed of Answer (ASA) as defined when creating the forecast.
- Avg Speed of Answer—The forecast Average Speed of Answer (ASA).
- Avg Speed of Answer Required—The requirement for Average Speed of Answer (ASA) as defined when creating the forecast.
- % of Abandons Objective—The requirement for the percentage of interactions abandoned, as defined when creating the forecast.
- % of Abandons—The forecast percentage of interactions abandoned.
- % of Abandons Required—The requirement for the percentage of interactions abandoned as defined when creating the forecast.
- Maximum Occupancy Objective—The requirement for the maximum time that a logged-in agent should be handling interactions, as defined when creating the forecast.
- Maximum Occupancy—The forecast maximum time that a logged-in agent will be handling interactions.
- Maximum Occupancy Required—The requirement for the maximum time that a logged-in agent will be handling interactions as defined when creating the forecast.
- Estimated Budget—The estimated budget based on a full-time working day and hourly rate.
- Hiring Plan—The total number of people, including non-working (on vacation) agents, who are needed to handle the forecast interaction volume.
- Agent Hours—The number of agent hours that are needed to handle the interaction volume.
Changing the Staffing Totals Display from FTE to Man Hours
When Calculated and Required Staffing is selected in the Show Statistics drop-down list , you can switch between FTE and man-hours mode in the Graph view by adjusting the view settings in the interface.
To switch display modes:
- At the top of the Graph view, above the list of modules, click About in the grey Home toolbar
- In the WFM Web About dialog, click Settings...
- In the Settings... list, scroll down to the FRC_STAFFING_USE_MANHOURS option and, in the Value column, enter a check mark in the boolean check box.
- To edit the selected string in the list, click it twice.