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Scenarios View

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Use Schedule Scenarios to open and work with new and existing schedule scenarios.

This view enables you to create, edit, or delete schedule scenarios, and to publish scenarios to the Master Schedule.

The following sections cover:

Displaying the Scenarios View

To display the scenarios view:

  1. From the Home menu on the toolbar, select Schedule.
  2. From the Schedule menu on the toolbar, select Scenarios.
    The Scenarios table (a list) appears at the top of the Data pane.

Opening a Scenario

To open a scenario, double-click it or select it and click Open WM 851 icon-open.png .

When the Scenarios view is active, the Objects pane displays the following options:

My Scenarios Displays scenarios that you have created.
Shared Scenarios Displays shared scenarios created by other users. Visible only if you have the permission Access Shared Scenarios. See the security access rights in Roles.
Other Scenarios Displays (if you have appropriate access rights) unshared scenarios created by other users.

To select an option:

  • Click on it. Your selection displays the matching scenarios in the Scenarios table.

Reading the Scenarios Table

The Scenarios table appears at the upper right of the WFM Web for Supervisors window. Its rows display scenarios that match your selection in the Objects tree. The columns (sortable except for Comments and Extended End Date) display the following information for each scenario:

Name The scenario's name.
Start date, End date The start and end dates for the schedule in this scenario. Range: from 1 to 6 weeks.
Extended End date Specifies the time period from the currently-published Forecast that will be used to calculate the average staffing needs for this schedule. For example: the schedule itself covers only the time period between Start date and End date, but the Forecast data used to calculate staffing needs for the schedule is based on the time period between Start date and Extended End date.
It's okay if the Forecast data covers a shorter period of time than Extended End Date defines.
Owner The name of the user who created the scenario.
Shared A check mark indicates a shared scenario; an open box indicates one that is not shared.
Comments Remarks entered by a user who created or edited the scenario.

To populate the Data pane with the scenario's details:

  • Click a row in the Scenarios table.

Editing a Scenario

To edit a scenario:

  • Double-click the scenario in the Scenarios table. Or click its row in the Scenarios table, and then click Open.

The controls described below are available to you if you own, or have access rights to, the scenario.

Creating and Managing Scenarios

You can use the following buttons on the toolbar (these same commands also appear on the Actions menu):

WM 851 icon-new.png
New Opens the New Schedule Scenario Wizard.
WM 851 icon copy.png Create based on... Opens the New Schedule Scenario Wizard. The data in the wizard pages is copied from the scenario that was highlighted when you clicked this icon.
WM 851 icon-open.png Open Opens the selected scenario from the Scenarios table. You can then edit its properties using the Data pane.
WM 851 icon-close.png Close Closes the open scenario (and prompts you to save unsaved data).
WM 851 icon-publish.png Publish Opens the Publish Schedule Wizard for transferring schedule information between the selected scenario and the Master Schedule.
WM 851 icon-delete.png Delete Deletes the selected scenario. Includes a confirmation.
WM 851 icon-mark-as-shared.png Mark as Shared,
Mark as Not Shared
Changes the sharing status of the selected scenario.
WM 851 icon-filter.png Filter Displays the Statuses Filters dialog box, which you can use to control which Statuses are displayed. These Statuses are described below.
WM 851 icon-sort.png Sort Opens a sorting dialog box that allows sorting by Name, Owner, Sharing, Time of creation, Time of last modification, Scenario start date, and Scenario end date. You can sort in ascending or descending order.

Scenario Properties—Data Tab

To display the following controls:

  • Click the Data tab on the Scenario Properties pane at the lower right.
Name Click inside to edit the scenario's name.
Start date, End date Displays the scenario's start and end dates.
Extended End date Displays the scenario's extended end date.
Owner Displays the name of the scenario's creator.
Shared Display only; a check mark indicates a shared scenario; an open box indicates one that is not shared.
Created, Modified Displays the scenario's original creation date and last modification date.
Displays the associated forecast scenario or MASTER (if the Master Forecast is associated).
WM 851 icon select forecast scenario.png Click this button to display a pop-up list of forecast scenarios, then select one upon which to base the next schedule build. The table lists all forecast scenarios that you can select, to base the next schedule build upon. The first choice is MASTER.

This list is not editable, and it contains the following columns for each forecast scenario that is listed: Name, Start Date, End Date, Owner, Shared, and Comments.

Comments Click inside to enter or edit comments about the scenario.
Save Click this button to save your changes to the scenario's name and/or comments. Disabled if there are no changes.
Cancel Click this button to cancel your changes, restoring the scenario's previous name and/or comments. Disabled if there are no changes.

Scenario Properties—Statuses Tab

To display a table with the following information, click the Statuses tab on the Scenario Properties pane at the lower right. This table's columns are:

Site Displays the sites covered by this scenario.
Status See the Status Column Values table below for all possible values and their definitions.
Bidding Start Bidding start date for this scenario, defined in Control Bidding Process Wizard. (Exclusive to bidding scenarios).
Bidding End Bidding end date for this scenario, defined in Control Bidding Process Wizard. (Exclusive to bidding scenarios).
Ranking Used Ranking system used for this scenario, defined in Auto-Assign Schedules dialog. (Exclusive to bidding scenarios).
Last Published Date and time that this scenario was last published to the Master Schedule.

Status Column Values

This table defines each possible value that may appear in the Status column.

New This scenario was just created and has no schedule built for it.
Imported This scenario was imported from the Master Schedule.
Scheduled A schedule was built for this scenario.
Scheduled with Profiles A schedule containing profile agent schedules was built for this scenario.
Profiles Assigned A schedule containing profile agent schedules was built for this scenario, and every profile agent schedule has an actual agent assigned.
Published This scenario was published to the Master Schedule.
Bidding Pending Scenario This scenario has a bidding window and agents defined, but the current date is before the bidding window's start date. (Exclusive to bidding scenarios).
Open for Bidding This scenario is currently open for bidding. (Exclusive to bidding scenarios).
Bidding Closed This scenario is closed for bidding. (Exclusive to bidding scenarios).
This page was last edited on October 2, 2020, at 12:35.
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