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Select Activities

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The Select Activities screen appears if, on the Rescheduling Options screen, you select one of the following options:

  • Reschedule activities/activity sets/task sequences only
  • Reschedule breaks, meals, activities/activity sets/task sequences, without affecting shift start/end times
  • Reschedule breaks, meals, activities/activity sets/task sequences, shift start and/or end times may change

To complete this screen:

  1. Expand the object tree as needed.
  2. Select one or more activities or multi-site activities.
  3. Select Retain scheduled activities to have the build add any previously selected activities while keeping the activities that are currently in the Schedule.
  4. Click Finish, or Cancel to discard your selections and close the wizard.
This page was last edited on October 2, 2020, at 12:35.
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