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Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: The path to a standard response as defined in Knowledge Manager or eServices Manager.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction.
Related Options: editor.shortcuts.prefix

Specifies the path to a standard response as defined in the configuration layer. The name of the option defines a keyword that agents can enter into an editor view, along with a prefix that is defined by the editor.shortcuts.prefix option and Ctrl+Space, to automatically add the standard response to the interaction.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: #
Valid Values: Any valid string.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the prefix to be entered before a standard response keyword. Standard response keywords can be used to automatically add standard responses to an editor view.


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value:
Valid Values: Any valid text string.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction.

In the name of the option, CustomFieldCode represents a field code that is called in a Standard Response object created in Knowledge Manager and stored in Universal Contact Server. There is an optional Agent parameter that you can include with the CustomFieldCode parameter to make the field code specific to an agent.

Use this option to specify a custom field code such as an agent nickname, role, department, or other qualification. The value of the option is specific to the agent, agent group, tenant, or application. Refer to Enabling the Standard Responses feature for more information.

The value of this option represents the data that is used to populate the corresponding field codes when a Standard Response is inserted into an interaction. You can format CustomFieldCode to represent a custom agent attribute using the following pattern:

Agent.<CustomAgentAttr>, or any custom attribute by dropping the agent modifier: <CustomFieldCode>.


  • standard-response.field.Agent.Nickname = Lee
  • standard-response.field.Department = Sales


Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: 50
Valid Values: An integer between 0 and 100.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction.

Specifies the minimum level of relevancy above which Suggested Responses will be shown from the Standard Response Library.

Standard Responses



Enabling agents to use the Standard Responses Library (SRL)


To enable an agent to access the Universal Contact Server database of prewritten standard responses for interactions.

Agents can insert these responses as replies into any email, instant messaging, or chat message, or they can read them to the contact during a voice interaction.



  1. For information about creating and managing Standard Responses and standard response field codes, refer to Knowledge Manager.
  2. Allow the following SRL privileges (see Standard Response Privileges) for the role to which the agent is assigned (refer to the Creating a Role and allowing an Workspace privilege and assigning a Role to an agent or agent group):
    • Can Use SRL
  3. Enable an index search on SRL in the Universal Contact Server configuration.
    • Set the index\enabled option to true.
    • Set the index.srl\enabled option to true.
    For more details about these settings, refer to the eServices (Multimedia) 8.0 User's Guide.
  4. Configure the relevancy level for Suggested Responses:
  5. Configure the other Standard Response options to meet the requirements of your environment.
  6. (Optional) Create custom field codes for agents, agent groups, tenants, or at the application level that can be used by Standard Response objects. Use the standard-response.field.<CustomFieldCode> option to specify a custom field code and value, such as an agent nickname, role, department, or other qualification, and then insert the field code into a Standard Response object.

    For example, you could create a set of field codes for a Standard Response for an agent signature such as the following:

    Name: "Signature"
    Text: "<$ Agent.Title $> <$ Agent.FullName $> (< $Agent.NickName$ >) - <$ Agent.Position $>
    <$ Department $>"

    In the Agent annex configure standard-response.field.<[Agent.]CustomFieldCode>:

    • 'interaction-workspace'/'standard-response.field.Agent.Title' = "Ms"
    • 'interaction-workspace'/'standard-response.field.Agent.NickName' = "Beth"
    • 'interaction-workspace'/'standard-response.field.Agent.Position' = "Technical Support Analyst"

    In the Agent Group annex (in Configuration Server):

    • 'interaction-workspace'/'standard-response.field.Department' = "Customer Care"
  7. (Optional) Create shortcut keywords that agents can enter into the email, chat, SMS, and MMS composition areas to automatically add common Standard Responses. [Added:]
    1. Specify the prefix character that agents must type before entering the keyword by configuring the editor.shortcuts.prefix option. Workspace detects the prefix/keyword combination as a shortcut if the agent immediately types Ctrl+Space after typing the prefix character followed by the keyword. For example, if you have a standard response about a new sale and you create a keyword called sale and you specify # as the prefix, the agent would type #sale followed by Ctrl+Space to automatically populate the email interaction with the content of the sale Standard Response.
    2. For each shortcut that you want to create, add the standard-response.shortcuts.<keyword> option to the interaction-workspace of the configuration object for which you want to enable the shortcut. In the name of the configuration option, replace <keyword> with the name of the shortcut keyword. For example, if the keyword that you want your agent to type is #sale, add the following option:


      Then, set the value of the option to the path to the response. For example: Agent Responses\Latest Promotions.


This page was last edited on January 6, 2020, at 16:44.
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