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Workbench Upgrade – Linux – Rollback to Workbench 9.0

If you encounter issues with your Workbench upgrade, we recommend opening a Genesys Support Case to progress and resolve the problem.

Please review the Troubleshooting section of this document for log collection recommendations.

However, if there is a need to rollback the version of Workbench to the previous version,, the following steps should be followed.

Workbench Single Node Deployment - Rollback/Downgrade

  • Use a non root account with sudo permissions for all the commands below - DO NOT USE THE <ROOT> ACCOUNT.

Uninstall the New Workbench Version

  1. Uninstall Workbench_9.1.000.00
    1. Browse to Workbench installation folder (i.e /opt/Genesys/Workbench_9.1.000.00)
    2. Locate the uninstall.sh file
    3. Run uninstall.sh (DO NOT prefix ./install.sh with sudo).
    4. Post running uninstall.sh, delete the Workbench /opt/Genesys/Workbench_9.1.000.00 folders

Start the previous Workbench version Services

  1. Start the previous (i.e. Workbench Services manually from the Service menu
    1. service WB_ZooKeeper_9.0.100.00 start
    2. service WB_Elasticsearch_9.0.100.00 start
    3. service WB_Kibana_9.0.100.00 start
    4. service WB_IO_9.0.100.00 start
    5. service WB_Agent_9.0.100.00 start

Auto-Start the previous Workbench version Services

  1. Ensure the previous (i.e. Workbench Services start on host restart
    1. sudo chkconfig WB_ZooKeeper_9.0.100.00 on
    2. sudo chkconfig WB_Elasticsearch_9.0.100.00 on
    3. sudo chkconfig WB_Kibana_9.0.100.00 on
    4. sudo chkconfig WB_IO_9.0.100.00 on
    5. sudo chkconfig WB_Agent_9.0.100.00 on

Once the previous Workbench Services are started, navigate to http://<WORKBENCH_HOST>:8181 to login and use the previous Workbench version.

Workbench Cluster Node Deployment - Rollback/Downgrade

  • Use a non root account with sudo permissions for all the commands below - DO NOT USE THE <ROOT> ACCOUNT.

For Cluster deployments, once you Rollback/Downgrade Workbench, you will lose all Elasticsearch data (Alarms, Changes, Call Flow and Auditing).

Uninstall the New Workbench Version on the Primary Node

  1. Uninstall the Workbench Primary Node using the above steps.
    1. Run ./uninstall.sh in the /opt/Genesys/Workbench_9.1.000.00 folder

Uninstall the New Workbench Version on the Additional Nodes

  1. Uninstall the Workbench Additional Nodes using the above steps.
    1. Run ./uninstall.sh in the /opt/Genesys/Workbench_9.1.000.00 folder

Cleanup previous Elasticsearch

  1. On ALL previous version Workbench nodes where ElasticSearch is installed
    1. Navigate to data folder.
    2. Run cd /opt/Genesys/Workbench_9.0.100.00/Elasticsearch/data/nodes/ - to change directory to the Eslaticsearch data folder
    3. Run sudo rm -R - to delete all files and folders present inside the Elasticsearch data folder.

Cleanup previous ZooKeeper

  1. On all previous version Workbench Additional Nodes where ZooKeeper is installed.
    1. Navigate to data folder.
    2. Run cd /opt/Genesys/Workbench_9.0.100.00/ZooKeeper/data/ - to change directory to the ZooKeeper data folder
    3. Except the my.id file - delete all files and folders present inside the ZooKeeper data folder.
  1. If the myid file is deleted, the ZooKeeper Cluster formation will not be successful.
  2. Ensure to uninstall ALL components of Workbench on all Workbench Nodes of the Cluster before starting Services of Workbench previous release as partial uninstall of the new release can cause data corruption.

Start the previous Workbench version Services on the Primary Node

  1. Start the previous (i.e. Workbench Services manually on the Workbench Primary Node
    1. service WB_ZooKeeper_9.0.100.00 start
    2. service WB_Elasticsearch_9.0.100.00 start
    3. service WB_Kibana_9.0.100.00 start
    4. service WB_IO_9.0.100.00 start
    5. service WB_Agent_9.0.100.00 start

Auto-Start the previous Workbench version Services on the Additional Nodes

  1. Start the previous (i.e. Workbench Services manually on the Workbench Additional Nodes
    1. service WB_ZooKeeper_9.0.100.00 start
    2. service WB_Elasticsearch_9.0.100.00 start
    3. service WB_Kibana_9.0.100.00 start
    4. service WB_IO_9.0.100.00 start
    5. service WB_Agent_9.0.100.00 start

Auto-Start the previous Workbench version Services on the Primary Node

  1. Ensure the previous (i.e. Workbench Services start on host restart on the Workbench Primary Host
    1. sudo chkconfig WB_ZooKeeper_9.0.100.00 on
    2. sudo chkconfig WB_Elasticsearch_9.0.100.00 on
    3. sudo chkconfig WB_Kibana_9.0.100.00 on
    4. sudo chkconfig WB_IO_9.0.100.00 on
    5. sudo chkconfig WB_Agent_9.0.100.00 on

Auto-Start the previous Workbench version Services on the Additional Nodes

  1. Ensure the previous (i.e. Workbench Services start on host restart on the Workbench Additional Hosts
    1. sudo chkconfig WB_ZooKeeper_9.0.100.00 on
    2. sudo chkconfig WB_Elasticsearch_9.0.100.00 on
    3. sudo chkconfig WB_Kibana_9.0.100.00 on
    4. sudo chkconfig WB_IO_9.0.100.00 on
    5. sudo chkconfig WB_Agent_9.0.100.00 on

Once the previous Workbench Services are started, navigate to http://<WORKBENCH_HOST>:8181 to login and use the previous Workbench version.

This page was last edited on December 24, 2020, at 17:38.
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