[hide]Workbench Elasticsearch Application Type
General Section
Editable Option
Workbench Application Name
Default Values: "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary"
Valid Values: Any String name (i.e. "WB_ES_Pri")
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Description: The name of the Workbench Elasticsearch application
Read Only Options
Workbench Application Type
Default Values: "Workbench Elasticsearch"
Valid Values: Valid Workbench Application Type
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") startup
Description: Workbench Application Type
Workbench Version
Default Values: ""
Valid Values: WB Version
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") startup
Description: The Workbench Application Version
Associated Workbench Agent Application
Default Values: "WB_Agent_Primary"
Valid Values: Name of associated Workbench Agent application
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") startup
Description: The name of the Workbench Agent associated with this application/host
Default Values: <DATA_CENTER_NAME>
Valid Values: Read-Only
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") startup
Description: The name of the Data-Centre associated with this application; a prepatory setting that will evolve in WB 9.x
Host Name
Default Values: <HOSTNAME> of the Workbench Elasticsearch application associated host (i.e. "LAB-WB-VM1")
Valid Values: Valid Hostname
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") startup
Description: The Hostname of the host where this Workbench Elasticsearch application is running
Host IP Address
Default Values: <IP Address> of the Workbench Elasticsearch application associated host (i.e. "")
Valid Values: Valid IP address
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") startup
Description: The IPv4 Address of the host where this Workbench Elasticsearch application is running
Host Time-Zone
Default Values: <Time-Zone> of the Workbench Elasticsearch application associated host (i.e. "Europe/London")
Valid Values: Valid Host Time-Zone
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") startup
Description: The Time-Zone of the host where this Workbench Elasticsearch application is running
Deployment Section
Read Only Options
Installation Directory
Default Values: "<WORKBENCH_HOME>\ElasticSearch"
Valid Values: Valid Path (i.e. C:\Program Files\\ElasticSearch")
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") startup
Description: Absolute path of the folder where this application is installed
Configuration Directory
Default Values: "<WORKBENCH_HOME>\ElasticSearch\config"
Valid Values: Valid Path (i.e. C:\Program Files\\ElasticSearch\config")
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") startup
Description: Absolute path of the folder where the configuration file of this application is located
Logging Section
Editable Options
Log Level
Default Values: INFO
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") restart
Description: Application/Component Logging Level (e.g. INFO or DEBUG)
Log File Location
Default Values:<WORKBENCH_HOME>\\ElasticSearch\\logs
Valid Values: Valid Path (i.e. "C:\\Program Files\\\\ElasticSearch\\logs")
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") restart
Description: Absolute path of the folder where the Workbench Elasticsearch application log file is located
- Note for Windows OS the required double '\\' separator used in the Elasticsearch log file location
Segment (MB)
Default Values: 128
Valid Values: Valid positive integer
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") restart
Description: Maximum size of the log file before it is rotated/cycled
Expire (GB)
Default Values: 2
Valid Values: Valid positive integer
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") restart
Description: Maximum size of combined Elasticsearch log files before rotated/cycled
- Note the Expire (GB) option is NOT a count, its the Size (in GB) of the combined Elasticsearch log files before rotated/cycled
Workbench ElasticSearch Locations
Read Only Option
Data Directory
Default Values: <WORKBENCH_HOME>\\ElasticSearch\\logs
Valid Values: Valid Path (i.e. "C:\\Program Files\\Workbench_9_0\\ElasticSearch\\data")
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") startup
Description: Absolute path of the folder where the Elasticsearch data is stored
Workbench ElasticSearch Identifiers
Editable Options
Cluster Name
Default Values: "GEN-WB-Cluster"
Valid Values: Any String name (i.e. "MY-WB-CLUSTER")
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") startup
Description: The name of the workbench Elasticsearch Cluster
Node Name
Default Values:"node-<WORKBENCH_HOSTNAME>_Elasticsearch"
Valid Values: Valid String (i.e. "MY-WB-NODE1")
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") startup
Description: This a human readable identifier for a particular instance of Elasticsearch so it is included in the response of many APIs. It defaults to the hostname that the machine has when ElasticSearch starts but can be configured explicitly.
Default Values: "9200" (or the port number provided at custom installation
Valid Values: Valid free port integer
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") restart
Description: Port to bind to for incoming HTTP requests.
- Do not change the Elasticsearch Port (i.e. 9200) post Data-Center synchronization - if the default requires change, change before Data-Center Sync
Read Only Options
Network Host
Default Values: <HOSTNAME> of the Workbench Elasticsearch application associated host (i.e. "LAB-WB-VM1")
Valid Values: Valid Hostname
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") startup
Description: The Hostname of the host where this Workbench Elasticsearch application is running.
Workbench ElasticSearch Discovery
Editable Options
Discovery Host(s)
Default Values: Hostname of the Workbench Elasticsearch application associated host (i.e. "LAB-WB-VM1")
Valid Values: Valid Hostname
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") startup
Description: Used to provide a list of other nodes in the cluster that are master-eligible and likely to be live and contactable in order to seed the discovery process. This setting should normally contain the addresses of all the master-eligible nodes in the cluster. This setting contains either an array of hosts or a comma-delimited string. Each value should be in the form of host:port or host (where port defaults to the setting transport.profiles.default.port falling back to transport.port if not set).
Read Only Options
Initial Master Nodes(s)
Default Values: "node-<WORKBENCH_HOSTNAME>_Elasticsearch"
Valid Values: Valid String
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") startup
Description: When you start a brand new Elasticsearch cluster for the very first time, there is a cluster bootstrapping step, which determines the set of master-eligible nodes whose votes are counted in the very first election. In development mode, with no discovery settings configured, this step is automatically performed by the nodes themselves. .
Workbench ElasticSearch Shards
Read Only Options
Number of Shards
Default Values: Populated based on the Workbench installation settings
Valid Values: Valid positive integer number
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") restart
Description: Elasticsearch provides the ability to subdivide your index into multiple pieces called shards. When you create an index, you can simply define the number of shards that you want. Each shard is in itself a fully-functional and independent "index" that can be hosted on any node in the cluster.
Sharding is important for two primary reasons:
- It allows you to horizontally split/scale your content volume.
- It allows you to distribute and parallelize operations across shards (potentially on multiple nodes) thus increasing performance/throughput.
Number of Replicas
Default Values: Populated based on the Workbench installation settings
Valid Values: Valid positive integer
Changes Take Effect: After Workbench Elasticsearch application (i.e. "WB_Elasticsearch_Primary") restart
Description: Elasticsearch allows you to make one or more copies of your index’s shards into what are called replica shards, or replicas for short.
Replication is important for two primary reasons:
- It provides high availability in case a shard/node fails. For this reason, it is important to note that a replica shard is never allocated on the same node as the original/primary shard that it was copied from.
- It allows you to scale out your search volume/throughput since searches can be executed on all replicas in parallel.