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Statistics Block

Use the Statistics block to retrieve statistics from Stat Server via IServer. The Statistics block enables you to receive data on statistics such as CurrNumberWaitingCalls and ExpectedWaitTime. Additionally, you can get a full report on the requested statistics for a specified object in the Configuration Layer. The object may be a queue, route point, or group of queues.

This block supports the following actions (operations):

  • GetStatReq
  • PeakStatReq

The Statistics block also uses the <send> tag.

Note: This block can be used in CTIC scenario only. It will not work when CTI functionality is accessed using SIPServer.

The Statistics block has the following properties:

Name Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties.

Block Notes Property

Can be used for both callflow and workflow blocks to add comments.  

Exceptions Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties.  The Statistics block has four page exceptions:

  • error.com.genesyslab.composer.invalidkey
  • error.com.genesyslab.composer.receiveerror
  • error.com.genesyslab.composer.operationtimeout
  • error.com.genesyslab.composer.unsupported (pre-selected by default)

Operation Property

The Operation property indicates the type of operation to perform:

  • get—to execute a GetStatReq to return the current value of the requested statistics for the specified object (queue, routepoint, or group of queues)
  • peek—to execute a PeekStatReq to return the value of CurrNumberWaitingCalls or ExpectedWaitTime. It cannot return any other value.

To select a value for the Operation property:

  1. Select the Operation row in the block's property table.
  2. In the Value field, select get or peek from the drop-down list.

The following properties apply and must be set if you choose get:

  • Object Id
  • Object Type
  • Server Name
  • Statistic Type

The following property applies and must be set if you choose peek:

  • Peek Return Value

Note: Statistics can be requested at any time during the call.  They must be preconfigured in Genesys Administrator before they can be used. For more information on configuring statistics, see the Framework Stat Server User's Guide.

Object Id Property

The Object Id property is used for a GetStatReq (get) operation.

This property works with the Object Type property.

  • For RoutePoint, the value is the Alias of the corresponding DN in the Configuration Database.
  • For Queue and GroupQueues, the value is the name of the corresponding object in the Configuration Database.

To provide a value for the Object Id:

  1. Select the Object Id row in the block's property table.
  2. In the Value field, type a value for the Object Id.

Object Type Property

The Object Type property is used for a GetStatReq (get) operation. As described in the Stat Server Object  Types chapter in the Framework Stat Server User's Guide, valid Object types are:

  • Queue
  • RoutePoint
  • GroupQueues

To provide a value for the Object Type:

  1. Select the Object Type row in the block's property table.
  2. In the Value field, type a value for the Object Type.

Server Name Property

The Server Name property is used for a GetStatReq (get) operation. This can be the IP address/ hostname or the fully qualified domain name of the Stat Server.

To provide a value for the Server Name:

  1. Select the Server Name row in the block's property table.
  2. In the Value field, type a value for the Server Name.

Statistic Type Property

The Statistic Type property is used for a GetStatReq (get) operation. Refer to the Framework Stat Server User's Guide for details on what the values of these objects can be.

To provide a value for the Statistic Type:

  1. Select the Statistic Type row in the block's property table.
  2. In the Value field, type a value for the Statistic Type.

Peek Return Value Property

The Peek Return Value property is used for a PeekStatReq (peek) operation. This specifies the application variable to hold the result–the current number of calls in the queue.

To select a value for the Peek Return Value property:

  1. Select the Peek Return Value row in the block's property table.
  2. In the Value field, select CurrNumberWaitingCalls or ExpectedWaitTime from the drop-down list.

Configuring GetStatReq/PeakStatReq Requests

To get GetStatReq/PeakStatReq requests to work

Configure I-Server as follows:

  1. In the I-Server Options tab, create the following section: Stat:ExpectedWaitTime
  2. Under that section, create the following options/values:
  • obj_id = dn@switch ( DN is the DNIS/Routing Point being called. The switch used is that to which SIP Server is associated in case of behind the switch and the Virtual switch in case of in front of the switch. Example: 9020@CTI_Switch
  • obj_type = SObjectQueue
  • server_name = stat_server_name (The name of the Stat Server object in the Configuration Database).
  • stat_type = ExpectedWaitTime
  • update_frequency = 5

 Configure Stat Server as follows:

  1. In the Stat Server options tab, create the following section: ExpectedWaitTime
  2. Under that section, create the following options/values:
  • Category = ExpectedWaitTime
  • MainMask = CallWait
  • Objects = Queue
  •  Subject = DNAction
  1.  Connect applications as follows:
  • T-Server IVR    – Message Server
  • Ixn-Server        – T-Server_IVR, Stat Server
  • URS                 – T-Server_IVR, Stat  Server, Message Server
  • Stat Server       – T-Server_IVR, Message Server

Output Result Property

You must use the Output Result property to assign the collected data to a user-defined variable for further processing.

Note!  This property is mandatory. You must select a variable for the output result even if you do not plan on using the variable. If this is not done, a validation error will be generated in the Problems view.

  1. Select the Output Result row in the block's property table.
  2. In the Value field, click the down arrow and select a variable.

For more information, see Upgrading Projects/Diagrams.

Condition Property

Find this property's details under CommonPropertiesforCallflowBlocks.

Logging Details Property

Find this property's details under CommonPropertiesforCallflowBlocks.

Log Level Property

Find this property's details under CommonPropertiesforCallflowBlocks .

Enable Status Property

Find this property's details under CommonPropertiesforCallflowBlocks.

This page was last edited on November 30, 2018, at 18:46.
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