This page was last edited on November 30, 2018, at 18:46.
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When working in Composer, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts. Click in the Package Explorer on the left. Then use the keyboard shortcuts shown below.
Ctrl+Alt+P | Create new interaction process diagram | Create Interaction Process Diagram Wizard opens |
Ctrl+Alt+J | Create new Java Composer project | Wizard for Java Composer project opens |
Ctrl+Alt+T | Create new .NET Composer project | wizard for .NET Composer project opens |
Ctrl+Alt+O | Create a new voice callflow | Callflow Diagram wizard opens |
Ctrl+Alt+R | Create a new routing workflow | Workflow Diagram wizard opens |
Alt+I+C | Open dialog box for connecting to Configuration Server | Connect to Configuration Server dialog box opens |
Alt+I+D | Disconnect from a connected Configuration Server | A connected Configuration Server is disconnected |
Ctrl+Alt+C | Generate all | Brings up the Generate All wizard. Creates properly formatted VoiceXML (callflows) or SCXML (workflows) diagram files for the Project. |
Alt+M | Open Prompt Manager perspective | Prompt Manager perspective opens |
Alt+P+P | Open Project properties | Properties dialog box opens |
Alt+H | Open Composer Help | Help menu appears. Select Help Contents. |
Alt+H+C | Open Cheat Sheet | Help menu appears. Select Cheat sheets. |
Alt+H+A | Open About Composer | About Composer dialog box opens |
Ctrl+Alt+D | Open Database Connection Profiles | Database Connection Profiles opens |
Ctrl+Alt+S | Open Statistic Builder | Statistic Builder opens. |
Space | To toggle a check box | The check box mark toggles on/off |
Alt+A | Jump to an Add button in a wizard | The Add button is selected |
Alt+D | Jump to a Delete button in a wizard | The Delete button is selected |
Alt+R | Jump to a Remove button in a wizard | The Remove button is selected |
ALT+U | Jump to an UP button in a wizard | The UP button is selected |
ALT+W | Jump to a DOWN button in a wizard | The DOWN button is selected |
Alt+T | Jump to a Test/Preview button in a wizard | The Test/Preview button is selected |
Alt+R/Alt+W | Jump to a Browse button in a wizard | The Browse Event button is selected |
Alt+B | Jump to a Back button in a wizard | The Back button is selected |
Alt+N | Jump to a Next button in a wizard | The Next button is selected |
Alt+F | Jump to a Finish button in a wizard | The Finish button is selected |