Stop Interaction Block
[hide]- 1 Stop Interaction Block
- 1.1 Use Case
- 1.2 Name Property
- 1.3 Block Notes Property
- 1.4 Exceptions Property
- 1.5 Condition Property
- 1.6 Logging Details Property
- 1.7 Log Level Property
- 1.8 Enable Status Property
- 1.9 Notify Property
- 1.10 Use Notify Property
- 1.11 Interaction ID Property
- 1.12 Reason to Stop Interaction Property
- 1.13 ORS Extensions Property
Use this block to send a request to Interaction Server to stop processing an interaction. This results in an notification to Universal Contact Server, or to a third party server, that processing for this interaction is finished. You can also:
- Select a reason code (configurable through Configuration Manager or Genesys Administrator), which is attached to the interaction.
- Indicate that the interaction should be deleted from the Universal Contact Server database.
Important Note! Each interaction path in a workflow for multimedia interactions should end with one of these blocks: Stop Interaction, Queue Interaction, or Route Interaction.
Also see information in App_Terminate_Ixn_On_Exit variable.
Use Case
- A customer support engineer is using Siebel to track customer support tickets. After a specific ticket is updated by the engineer, an action that he takes in Siebel triggers a Siebel workflow.
- That workflow initiates an event that generates, using the Genesys Open Media API, an interaction process diagram, which in turn, triggers a routing workflow.
- The workflow specifies that an e-mail should be created.
- The workflow specifies that the e-mail should be sent to the customer, from a Customer Support e-mail address, copying specific interested parties.
- If the process of sending the e-mail fails for any reason, the e-mail can be queued to a different queue (for example, so it can be manually reviewed and perhaps the customer will be notified by phone instead).
- If the process of sending out the e-mail is successful, the workflow would specify that the processing of the interaction should be stopped, and will provide the appropriate reason. This information will be part of a notification that is provided to Universal Contact Server or to a third party server.
The Stop Interaction block has the following properties:
Name Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Block Notes Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Exceptions Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Condition Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Logging Details Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Log Level Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Enable Status Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Notify Property
Use this property to select a Universal Contact Server or third party media server to notify about the stop processing action.
- Click under Value to display the
- Click the button to open the Notify dialog box.
- Under Notify, you have the option of checking the box to delete the interaction from Universal Contact Server Database.
- Click one of the following buttons: Notify UCS or Notify Third Party Server.
- Under Details:
If you selected Notify Third Party Server:
- Opposite Application Type, click the down arrow to select the type in the Configuration Database. See the Application Type note below.
- Opposite Application Name, click the
button. In the resulting Notify dialog box, select Literal if you wish to manually enter the name. Select Configuration Server if you wish to select it from the Value field.
- Opposite Service, click the
button to enter the type of notification service for the third party server.
- Opposite Name, click the
button to enter the name of the notification service for the third party server.
If you selected Notify UCS, select the Application Name of the Universal Contact Server. The remaining fields are disabled.
Note on Application Type
The supported Application Type names are:
- ChatServer
- ClassificationServer
- ContactServer,
- EmailServer
- GenericClient
- GenericServer
- ThirdParyApp
- ThirdPartyServer
Interaction Server treats any connection in its Connections list as an ESP server, except some well known types, like DBServer, Stat Server, T-Server, and URS. Any new Application Type will also be treated as an ESP server. No special configuration is required.
With Application Name, if there is a connection to it from Interaction Server, then the specific server will be called (or its backup). If only type is specified, Interaction Server will select any one of the applications in its Connections list having the specified type. This works fine with specific types, like E-mail server or Chat Server, but for generic types, there can be multiple different applications with the same generic type. So to call a generic server, the name must be specified.
Load balancing can still be used. Starting from 7.6.1 ESP server clusters are supported. The cluster application name (with type ApplicationCluster) can be specified in ESP request. In this case, Interaction Server will load balance between applications the cluster has connections to. Interaction Server will also always check that the ESP server supports the required tenant (has it in tenants list) and will only load balance between ESP servers that support required tenant. </li>
- Click OK to close the Notify dialog box.
Use Notify Property
Select true to notify Universal Contact Server or the third party server about the stopping the processing of the interaction including the reason.
Interaction ID Property
Set to a meaningful value or keep the default value, which is the system variable InteractionId.
Can be used for "interaction-less" processing for scenarios where the InteractionId variable is not automatically initialized, but instead must wait for an event. An example would be an SCXML application triggered by a Web Service that does not add an interaction.
Background: Previous to 8.1.1, Composer did not expose an Interaction ID property. Instead, when ORS started processing an interaction, a generated SCXML application automatically initialized the system variable, InteractionId. This variable was then used internally by Routing and certain eServices blocks when interacting with ORS.
With the introduction of support for Interaction-less processing, you can now define a specific event (IPD Wait_Event property) to initialize InteractionId, or not define an event at all.
For scenarios with an interaction (IPD Diagram/Wait Event=interaction.present for example), you may keep the default value for the Interaction ID property. The default value is the system variable InteractionId, which is initialized automatically in this case.
For other scenarios (any scenario where the system variable InteractionId is not set), you may choose to:
- Not use blocks that require an Interaction ID
- And/or set the Interaction ID property to a meaningful value
- And/or assign a meaningful value to the InteractionId system variable
Reason to Stop Interaction Property
Use this property to get the stop processing reason code.
- Click under Value to display the
- Click the button to open the Reason to Stop Interaction dialog box.
- Opposite Type, select one of the following as the source for the reason code:
- Literal to enter the reason code manually in the Value field.
- Configuration Server to select a predefined reason code as Business Attribute in the Value field.
- Variable to select a variable for the reason code in the Value field.
- Click OK to close the dialog box.
ORS Extensions Property
Starting with 8.1.4, Composer blocks used to build routing applications (with the exception of the Disconnect and EndParallel blocks) add a new ORS Extensions property.