This page was last edited on November 30, 2018, at 18:46.
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This topic describes the blocks and functionality that can be used for both Orchestration routing and GVP voice applications.
Composer provides the following Common blocks:
These topics describe the Functionality that can be used for both Orchestration routing and GVP voice applications.
Note: Composer does not support copying blocks from a callflow to a workflow or vice-versa.
These two blocks are also present on the palette for both routing and voice applications. The Entry block for routing applications has a different set of events than the Entry block for voice applications.
Routing and voice applications use the same link tools:
The URL to the Composer Help wiki is configurable by using the Online Wiki URL field: Window > Preferences > Composer >Help. The default works with English but if, for example, Japanese pages were available in a different location, then you could change the URL accordingly.