This page was last edited on November 30, 2018, at 18:46.
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Use the Send Event block, which generates the NGI VXML <send event> tag, to send SIP INFO events or custom events between the VXML dialog and the CCXML application. Examples: logging events or any event specific to the dialog and the CCXML application. For more information, see the Genesys Voice Platform 8.1 CCXML Reference Manual, Event/IO Processor, Sending Events.
The Send Event block has the following properties:
The Send Event block has no page exceptions.
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Can be used for both callflow and workflow blocks to add comments.
The Event Name property is the variable used to collect the name of the sent event.
To select a variable:
The Wait For Response property allows a message to be sent synchronously (when set to true). By default, data is sent asynchronously for all the Send [xxx] blocks (when this property is set to false).
To assign a value to the Wait For Response property:
Find this property's details under CommonPropertiesforCallflowBlocks.
Find this property's details under CommonPropertiesforCallflowBlocks.
Find this property's details under CommonPropertiesforCallflowBlocks.
Find this property's details under CommonPropertiesforCallflowBlocks.