Play Message Block
- 1 Play Message Block
- 1.1 Name Property
- 1.2 Block Notes Property
- 1.3 Exceptions Property
- 1.4 Condition Property
- 1.5 Logging Details Property
- 1.6 Log Level Property
- 1.7 Enable Status Property
- 1.8 Device ID Property
- 1.9 Hints Property
- 1.10 Interaction ID Property
- 1.11 Extensions Property
- 1.12 Language Property
- 1.13 Prompts Property
- 1.14 Type of Prompts Property
- 1.15 Request ID Property
- 1.16 Wait For Treatment End Property
- 1.17 ORS Extensions Property
Use to invoke/play audio or text-to-speech Announcement treatments. As described in the Genesys Voice Platform Deployment Guide. GVP supports automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech synthesis (text-to-speech [TTS]) as part of a VoiceXML dialog, through supported third-party ASR and TTS engines that use open standards. The Play Message block has the following properties:
Name Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Block Notes Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Exceptions Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Condition Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Logging Details Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Log Level Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Enable Status Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Device ID Property
If specified, ORS will play treatments itself; otherwise, treatment playing is delegated to URS. The device should specify the DN where the call is currently located. If the call is on multiple DNs, specify the DN for which the treatment will be applied. Users can enter a value or select any runtime variable from the dropdown.
Hints Property
This property is for future use by Orchestration Server. Its use will be described in various action elements reference in the Orchestration Server wiki.
Interaction ID Property
Set to a meaningful value or keep the default value, which is the system variable InteractionId. Can be used for "interaction-less" processing for scenarios where the InteractionId variable is not automatically initialized, but instead must wait for an event. An example would be an SCXML application triggered by a Web Service that does not add an interaction. Background: Previous to 8.1.1, Composer did not expose an InteractionId property. Instead, when ORS started processing an interaction, a generated SCXML application automatically initialized the system variable, InteractionId. This variable was then used internally by Routing and certain eServices blocks when interacting with ORS. With the introduction of support for Interaction-less processing, you can now define a specific event to initialize IInteractionId, or not define an event at all. For scenarios with an interaction (IPD Diagram/Event=interaction.present for example), you may keep the default value for the InteractionId property. The default value is the system variable InteractionId, which is initialized automatically in this case. For other scenarios (any scenario where the system variable InteractionId is not set), you may choose to:
- Not use blocks that require an Interaction ID
- And/or set the Interaction ID property to a meaningful value
- And/or assign a meaningful value to the InteractionId system variable
Extensions Property
Select the variable to retrieve extensions data in event as described in the Orchestration Developers Guide, Orchestration Extensions, Dialog Log Interface section of the Orchestration Server Wiki.
Language Property
To set the active language:
- Select the Language row in the block's property table.
- Click under Value to display a down arrow.
- Select one of the following languages:
- English (US)
- Spanish
- Mandarin
- Cantonese
- Vietnamese
- French
- French (Canada)
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Russian
Prompts Property
This property lets you define of a series of elements (prompts), which are pieced together. Each prompt can be described as interruptible or non-interruptible.
- Click the Prompts row in the block's property table.
- Click the
button to open the Prompts dialog box.
- Click Add to add a prompt.
- Under Type, select one of the following:
- Announcement--Plays an announcement to the calling party. In this case, the Value field contains a number of elements (from 1 to 10). Each element is named with a number ranging from 1 to 10 and contains a number of entries describing announcement elements.
- FormattedDigits--Used to collect digits from the caller.
- Text--Essentially the same as Announcement, except all elements are of type text. This option does not allow mixing recorded announcements with text-to-speech. Use when Announcement is not supported.
- User Annoucement--Announcements with a user association previously created with the Create User Announcement block can be played via this type of prompt.
- Under Interruptible, select true or false to indicate if the caller can interrupt the message .
- Under Value, select the variable containing the prompt parameters.
- Starting with Composer 8.1.410.14, a Userid column is introduced. It is enabled when you select Type as Userannouncement. You can select a variable or enter a literal. This is the GVP UserID, which can be used in conjunction with userannid to provide the context for interpreting the userannid (often the Tenant name).
- Click Add again to enter another prompt, or click OK to finish.
Type of Prompts Property
Click the down arrow and select Announcement or Text-To-Speech.
Request ID Property
Select the variable to hold the ID associated with the treatment request from the orchestration application or the resource.
Wait For Treatment End Property
Select true or false.
- If true, the transition to the next block occurs when the treatment is finished (or if a timeout occurs).
- If set to false, processing goes to the next block once the treatment is successfully started instead of waiting for the treatment to complete. The Request ID variable holds the ID of the treatment.
ORS Extensions Property
Starting with 8.1.4, Composer blocks used to build routing applications (with the exception of the Disconnect and EndParallel blocks) add a new ORS Extensions property.