This page was last edited on November 4, 2016, at 17:53.
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This operation is part of the SMS Session API section of the Web Services API.
Overwrites the specified keys with the specified values in the existing data.
Request URL | /api/v2/me/smssessions/{id} |
HTTP Method | POST |
Required Features | api-multimedia |
Parameter | Value |
operationName | UpdateUserData |
userData | The data to update |
POST api/v2/me/smssessions/0071023821aec011 { "operationName": "UpdateUserData", "userData": { "UserData1":987654321, "UserData2":"DATAUPDATE-@123" } }
{ "statusCode": 0 }
{ "referenceId": 85, "smssession": { "userData": { "IdentifyCreateContact": "3", "RTargetTypeSelected": "2", "RTargetObjectSelected": "Chat distribution for processing", "RVQID": "", "ChatServerAppName": "es_chat", "PegAGChat distribution for processing": 1, "ChatServerHost": "", "RTargetObjSelDBID": "115", "ChatServerPort": "7160", "CBR-Interaction_cost": "", "CBR-contract_DBIDs": "", "RTargetAgentSelected": "12345", "CBR-IT-path_DBIDs": "", "RTargetRuleSelected": "", "UserData2": "DATAUPDATE-@123", "RTargetPlaceSelected": "a1", "CBR-actual_volume": "", "UserData1": 987654321, "RTenant": "Environment", "ChatServerDBID": "115", "RRequestedSkills": None, "RRequestedSkillCombination": "", "RVQDBID": "", "RStrategyDBID": "776", "CustomerSegment": "default", "ServiceType": "default", "ServiceObjective": 0, "DISP_KEY": "resolved", "RTargetRequested": "Chat distribution for processing", "RTargetAgentGroup": "Chat distribution for processing", "RStrategyName": "SimpleChatInStrategy", "Subject": "Customer support" }, "state": "Chatting", "capabilities": [ "Transfer", "Leave", "Invite", "Consult", "SetInFocus", "SetDisposition", "AttachUserData", "DeleteUserData", "UpdateUserData", "Complete", "SendMessage", "SendStartTypingNotification", "SendStopTypingNotification" ], "uri": "http://localhost:8080/api/v2/smssessions/0000Wa9CAM6W00J", "participants": [ { "nickname": "test_consult_clientL", "type": "Customer", "participantId": "007352CE982D031B" }, { "nickname": "TestName", "type": "Agent", "participantId": "007352CE984F0321" } ], "id": "0000Wa9CAM6W00J" }, "notificationType": "PropertiesUpdated", "messageType": "SMSsessionStateChangeMessage" }