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Set Call Data Block

The Set Call Data block allows the application to report custom data for the call. You can select the list of variables to be reported. The name of the variable is used as the CustomData key. If eight keys are provided, the Reporting server will reject the data for any new keys received after that.

The Set Call Data block has no page exceptions.

The Set Call Data block has the following properties:

Name Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties.

Block Notes Property

Can be used for both callflow and workflow blocks to add comments.  

Variables Property

Use the Variables property to create custom variables.  Variable content appears on GVP Voice Application reports (the VAR CDR Details Report). For more information, refer to the Per-Call IVR Actions Report section on page 367 in the GVP 8.1 User Guide. To create custom variables:

  1. Click the Variables row in the block's property table.
  2. Click under Value to add an entry to define application variables.
  3. In the Application Variables dialog box, click Add.
  4. In the Variable Name field, accept the default name or change it.
  5. In the Value field, select a variable from the drop-down list.
  6. In the Description field, type a description for this variable.
  7. Click Add again to enter another parameter, or click OK to finish.

Delete Button

To delete a custom variable:

  1. Select an entry from the list.
  2. Click Delete.

Note: In version 8.1.300.xx, ignore the Restore System Variables Default Values button.

Condition Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks or Common Properties for Workflow Blocks.

Logging Details Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks or Common Properties for Workflow Blocks.

Log Level Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks or Common Properties for Workflow Blocks.

Enable Status Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks or Common Properties for Workflow Blocks.

This page was last edited on July 2, 2020, at 17:19.
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