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Branching Common Block

The Branching block is used for both routing and voice applications. For an example of using the branching block in a strategy, see the Example Workflow Diagram section in the Creating a New Workflow tutorial. Use the Branching block as a decision point in a callflow or workflow. It enables you to specify multiple application routes based on a branching condition. Depending on which condition is satisfied, the call follows the corresponding application route. A default path is automatically created once the conditions have been defined.  If the application cannot find a matching condition, it routes the call to the default flow. Note: To support creating multiple views per interaction queue, the Branching block is available when creating an IPD.

Date/Time Functions

You can open Expression Builder from the Condition property and access the following date/time URS functions (Data Category=URS Functions > Data Subcategory=genesys):

  • _genesys.session.timeInZone(tzone)
  • _genesys.session.dayInZone(tzone)
  • _genesys.session.dateInZone(tzone)
  • _genesys.session.day.Wednesday
  • _genesys.session.day.Tuesday
  • _genesys.session.day.Thursday
  • _genesys.session.day.Sunday
  • _genesys.session.day.Saturday
  • _genesys.session.day.Monday
  • _genesys.session.day.Friday

The Branching block has the following properties:

Exceptions Property

The Branching block has no page exceptions.

Name Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks or Common Properties for Workflow Blocks.

Block Notes Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks or Common Properties for Workflow Blocks.

Exceptions Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks. You can also define custom events.

Condition Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks Common Properties for Workflow Blocks.

Logging Details Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks or Common Properties for Workflow Blocks.

Log Level Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks or Common Properties for Workflow Blocks.

Enable Status Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks or Common Properties for Workflow Blocks.

This page was last edited on November 4, 2013, at 19:33.
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