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IVR Block

Use this treatment block to invoke an interactive voice response (IVR) unit and connect the interaction to the IVR. Specify the IVR in a format similar to that of a target because Universal Routing Server (URS) transfers the interaction in the same way as it would when routing to a target. The IVR produces a set of DNs from the source (corresponding to a target ID), location, type, and Stat Server information. If any of these DNs are available, it sends the interaction to one of them. Note: URS does not verify that the DN to which it sends the interaction is an IVR. It may be useful to send the interaction to a queue, which distributes it to the actual IVR. When specifying an IVR target:

  • The IVR itself is often configured in Configuration Layer as a DN of type Voice Treatment Port, where Voice Treatment Option scripts can run.
  • The most frequent configuration for using IVRs in a workflow involves creating a Place in Configuration Layer and creating a shortcut from the place to the IVR DN. Then IVRs can be used as treatments by specifying the Place or a Place Group that corresponds to an IVR.
  • Another way to specify the IVR is to set the Compatibility Mode property to "true" and then manually enter the DN as a source and the name of the switch as the location (<DN>@<name of switch>) as the Remote Resource.

All voice treatments except IVR work at the switch or the intelligent peripheral. The IVR treatment is different from the other treatments because URS routes the interaction to an IVR, just as it does for a target. Therefore, the format used to specify the IVR treatment is similar to that for a target. The IVR block has the following properties:

Name Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties.

Block Notes Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties.

Exceptions Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties.

Condition Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties.

Logging Details Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties.

Log Level Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties.

Enable Status Property

Find this property's details under Common Properties.

Device ID Property

If specified, ORS will play treatments itself; otherwise, treatment playing is delegated to URS. The device should specify the DN where the call is currently located. If the call is on multiple DNs, specify the DN for which the treatment will be applied. Users can enter a value or select any runtime variable from the dropdown.

Hints Property

This property is for future use by Orchestration Server. Its use will be described in various action elements reference in the Orchestration Server wiki.

Interaction ID Property

Set to a meaningful value or keep the default value, which is the system variable InteractionId. Can be used for "interaction-less" processing for scenarios where the InteractionId variable is not automatically initialized, but instead must wait for an event. An example would be an SCXML application triggered by a Web Service that does not add an interaction.   Background: Previous to 8.1.1, Composer did not expose an Interaction ID property.  Instead, when ORS started processing an interaction, a generated SCXML application automatically initialized the system variable, InteractionId. This variable was then used internally by Routing and certain eServices blocks when interacting with ORS. With the introduction of support for Interaction-less processing, you can now define a specific event using the IPD Wait For Event property to initialize InteractionId, or not define an event at all. For scenarios with an interaction (IPD Diagram/Wait For Event=interaction.present for example), you may keep the default value for the Interaction ID property. The default value is the system variable InteractionId, which is initialized automatically in this case. For other scenarios (any scenario where the system variable InteractionId is not set), you may choose to:

  1. Not use blocks that require an Interaction ID
  2. And/or set the Interaction ID property to a meaningful value
  3. And/or assign a meaningful value to the InteractionId  system variable

Application Property

Select the variable to contain the identifier of the application that will be started by the specified remote resource as part of this treatment. Used only if the Compatibility Mode property = true.

Extensions Property

Select the variable to retrieve extensions data in event dialog.remote.done as described in the Orchestration Developers Guide, Orchestration Extensions, Dialog Log Interface section of the Orchestration Server Documentation Wiki.

Compatibility Mode Property

Select true or false to control if IVR information is specified in a format compatible with how targets are specified in URS as described in the Universal Routing 8.1 Reference Manual. See the Remote Resource property for more information.

Failover Resource Property

Select the variable to contain the address of the resource to which this interaction will be routed in case there is an error in routing to the resource specified in the Remote Resource property. This resource would be used, for example, if the connection to T-Server is lost. The format of this value depends on the value of the Compatibility Mode property.

  • If Compatibility Mode = true, the value must in the targeted format:  2323@www.genesys.com\server1.AG
  • If Compatibility Mode = false, the value can be a string for the target resource in the format TargetName@StatServerName.TargetType as described in Universal Routing 8.1 Reference Manual, Chapter 2, Target Properties.

Remote Resource Property

Select the variable that contains the address of the remote resource that will be used to provide the treatment.  The format of this value depends on the value of the Compatibility Mode property.

  • If Compatibility Mode = true, the value must in the format: DN.SWITCH (like 2323@switch_name) or
  • If Compatibility Mode = false, the value can be a string for the target resource in the format:  targetname@statservername.targettype (like PlaceGroup@Ststserver.GP)as described in Universal Routing 8.1 Reference Manual, Chapter 2, Target Properties.

Treatment Duration Property

Enter the maximum duration in seconds for which this treatment can be executed. After this duration, the treatment is considered finished successfully by the platform. Limitation: It is not possible for the application to determine if the IVR treatment completed successfully or it was cut short once the treatment duration expired.

This page was last edited on August 13, 2013, at 00:49.
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