WFM Settings
The following settings allow you to configure the WFM application details and they are configured in the WFM Settings section.
WFM User Name - The user name that Performance DNA must use to connect to WFM.
New WFM Password / Confirm WFM Password - The password for the specified WFM user. Leave blank unless you are updating the password.
WFM Type - A list of supported WFM software. You can select - Genesys, Teleopti, or IEX.
WFM HTTPS - If selected, HTTPS will be used when connecting to the WFM services.
WFM Server Host - The hostname (and optionally port) where the WFM service interface is located. If a specific TCP port is required, it should be separated from the name with a colon (:). Only provide the host name, and not any protocol, for example, demosrv:5007.
WFM Server Proxy - [Genesys WFM] The CS Proxy information for the WFM server.
WFM Ping Interval - The interval in minutes that is used to send a keepalive request to the WFM, only required during long-running requests.
WFM App Name - [Genesys WFM] The WFM Server application name.
WFM Customer Name - [IEX TotalView] The Customer Name that is being connected to WFM.
WFM ADG Team Name - [IEX TotalView] The Agent Data Group name that is used to provide the team name for an agent.
WFM ADG Email Name - [IEX TotalView] The Agent Data Group name that is used to provide the email address for an agent.
WFM Application Data Source - [Teleopti WFM] The name of the Data Source used if the WFM service should connect to Teleopti using an application username / password.
WFM Business Unit - [Teleopti WFM] The internal GUID of the Business unit being connected to. Note: Setting this option from Training Manager is easier.
WFM Windows Data Source - [Teleopti WFM] The name of the Data Source used if the WFM service should connect to Teleopti using the service's Windows credentials.
Treat Overtime as Interruptible (Teleopti WFM Only) - [Teleopti WFM] If selected, overtime is included in the schedule data retrieved from WFM, and is therefore included in the time checked when scheduling meetings and training sessions.