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WFM Settings

The following settings allow you to configure the WFM application details and they are configured in the WFM Settings section.

The settings you configure here will vary depending on the WFM type. If a setting is specific to a WFM system, it is indicated by the WFM name in square brackets.

WFM User Name - The user name that Performance DNA must use to connect to WFM.

New WFM Password / Confirm WFM Password - The password for the specified WFM user. Leave blank unless you are updating the password.

WFM Type - A list of supported WFM software. You can select - Genesys, Teleopti, or IEX.

WFM HTTPS - If selected, HTTPS will be used when connecting to the WFM services.

WFM Server Host - The hostname (and optionally port) where the WFM service interface is located. If a specific TCP port is required, it should be separated from the name with a colon (:). Only provide the host name, and not any protocol, for example, demosrv:5007.

WFM Server Proxy - [Genesys WFM] The CS Proxy information for the WFM server.

WFM Ping Interval - The interval in minutes that is used to send a keepalive request to the WFM, only required during long-running requests.

WFM App Name - [Genesys WFM] The WFM Server application name.

WFM Customer Name - [IEX TotalView] The Customer Name that is being connected to WFM.

WFM ADG Team Name - [IEX TotalView] The Agent Data Group name that is used to provide the team name for an agent.

WFM ADG Email Name - [IEX TotalView] The Agent Data Group name that is used to provide the email address for an agent.

WFM Application Data Source - [Teleopti WFM] The name of the Data Source used if the WFM service should connect to Teleopti using an application username / password.

WFM Business Unit - [Teleopti WFM] The internal GUID of the Business unit being connected to. Note: Setting this option from Training Manager is easier.

WFM Windows Data Source - [Teleopti WFM] The name of the Data Source used if the WFM service should connect to Teleopti using the service's Windows credentials.

Treat Overtime as Interruptible (Teleopti WFM Only) - [Teleopti WFM] If selected, overtime is included in the schedule data retrieved from WFM, and is therefore included in the time checked when scheduling meetings and training sessions.

This page was last edited on December 13, 2018, at 05:54.
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