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Creating a New Project

When building any application in Composer, you first need to create a Project. A Project contains all the workflows and other files for your application. It also automatically creates the required interaction process diagram. By associating a callflow or workflow or other routing application with a Project, you enable Composer to manage all the associated files and resources in the Project Explorer.

The information below describes creating a new Java Composer Project. For information on creating a new .NET Composer Project, see Composer Project Types and Directories.

Creating a Project

Before creating a new Project, you may wish to review Your First Application DNIS Routing for the sample GVP voice application, Hello World Sample.

To create a new Composer Project:

  1. In the menu bar, click the Create a Java Composer Project button. Or click the button for a .NET Composer Project. Or click the New button above the Project Explorer and select Composer > Composer > Projects.
  2. In the Project dialog box, type a name for your Project.
  3. If you want to save the Composer Project in your default workspace, select the Use default location check box. If not, clear the check box, click Browse, and navigate to the location where you wish to store the Composer Project.
  4. Select the Project type:
  • Integrated Voice and Route. Select to create a Project that contains both callflows and workflows that interact with each other;  for example a routing strategy that invokes a GVP voice application.
    For a video tutorial on an Intergrated Voice and Route Project, see Integrated Voice and Route Application.
    For more information on both voice and routing applications, see What is GVP and How Do Voice Apps Work and What Is a Routing Strategy, respectively.
    Note: This selection grayed out if you have not enabled Composer's routing functionality as described in the Hiding File Types topic.
  • Voice. Select to create a Project associated with the GVP 8.x. This type of Project may include callflows, and related server-side files. For more information on this type of Project, see topic What is GVP and How Do Voice Apps Work.
  • Route. Select to create a Project associated with the URS 8.x SCXML Engine/Interpreter. For more information on this type of Project, see topic, What Is a Routing Workflow. This selection grayed out if you have not enabled Composer's routing functionality as described in the Hiding File Types topic.
  1. Click Next.
  2. If you want to use templates, expand the appropriate Project type category and select a template for your application. Templates are sample applications for different purposes. If you want to start from scratch, choose the Blank Project template and click Next.
  1. Select the default locale and click Next.
  2. Optional. If using the GVP ICM Adapter in a VoiceXML application, select the Enable ICM checkbox to enable integration.  When checked, ICM variables will be visible in the Entry block.  See the ICM Interaction Data block for more information.
  3. Click Finish.

Composer now creates your new Project. Your new Project folder and its subfolders appear in the Project Explorer. The canvas area shows default.ixprocess tab for the interaction process diagram.

This page was last edited on June 15, 2017, at 14:38.
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