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Section: Functionality
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: NewAgent

In coordination with the NewAgent option, specifies whether the Classic WFM Agent interface is available.

This option combines with the setting for the NewAgent option in the following ways:

  • NewAgent = true, ClassicAgent = false
    • After an agent logs in, only the Agent UI is available. The option enabling agents to switch to the Classic UI is absent in the Log off drop-down menu.
  • NewAgent = false, ClassicAgent = false
    • After an agent logs in, only the Agent UI is available. The option enabling agents to switch to the Classic UI is absent in the Log off drop-down menu.
  • NewAgent = false, ClassicAgent = true
    • After an agent logs in, only the Classic Agent UI is available.
  • NewAgent = true, ClassicAgent = true
    • After an agent logs in, the Agent UI opens but the option enabling agents to switch to the Classic UI is present in the Log off drop-down menu.


Section: Functionality
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: ClassicAgent

In coordination with the ClassicAgent option, specifies whether the latest, redesigned WFM Agent interface is turned on or off.

This option combines with the setting for the ClassicAgent option in the following ways:

  • NewAgent = true, ClassicAgent = false
    • After an agent logs in, only the Agent UI is available. The option enabling agents to switch to the Classic UI is absent in the Log off drop-down menu.
  • NewAgent = false, ClassicAgent = false
    • After an agent logs in, only the Agent UI is available. The option enabling agents to switch to the Classic UI is absent in the Log off drop-down menu.
  • NewAgent = false, ClassicAgent = true
    • After an agent logs in, only the Classic Agent UI is available.
  • NewAgent = true, ClassicAgent = true
    • After an agent logs in, the Agent UI opens but the option enabling agents to switch to the Classic UI is present in the Log off drop-down menu.


Section: Options
Default Value: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None

This option is mandatory.

Specifies how WFM Web displays agent names in the interface.

  • 1—First name is first.
  • 2—Last name is first.
  • 3—Last name is first, separated from the first name by a comma.


Section: Server
Default Value: iana
Valid Values: iana, posix
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Dependencies: tzdb

When the iana mode is set, WFM Server will send a time zone description according to https://www.iana.org/time-zones in response to the request to provide time zones, indicating the IANA/Olson time zone.

When the posix mode is set, WFM API (used by WFM Web) will not use the built-in Java API for the IANA time zones, instead it will use the time zone information returned by the WFM Server to calculate DST times. It is a workaround for the situation when WFM Server was updated to use the latest time zone database but the WFM Web or Java on the client side was not updated to use the latest time zone information.

Known Issues and Recommendations

Workforce Management Web

The Known Issues and Recommendations section is a cumulative list for all 8.5.x releases of Workforce Management Web. This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product. It includes information on when individual items were found and, if applicable, corrected. The Resolved Issues section for each release describes the corrections and may list additional issues that were corrected without first being documented as Known Issues.

See also Internationalization Issues.

In WFM Web for Supervisors, in the Calendar view, the existing values in Max. % Agents column disappear from the Time-Off Limits table when only Max. Agents column values are set through the Set Values wizard. The values are not actually removed and appear as expected after the changes are saved or discarded.

ID: WFM-37541 Found In: Fixed In: 

In WFM Web for Supervisors in Policies > Marked Times view, the confirmation dialog about unsaved changes does not appear when the user modifies the "Special uses" option and then exits the item edit view.

ID: WFM-37499 Found In: Fixed In: 

In WFM Web for Agents, an error appears in Configuration > Browse Shared Transport view, when attempting to leave shared transport.

ID: WFM-37505 Found In: Fixed In: 

In WFM Web for Supervisors, an error appears in Policies > Shifts view when trying to delete a break or meal object.

ID: WFM-37500 Found In: Fixed In:

In WFM Web New UI, forecast templates are stored in the database with a time zone that differs from the Site / BU time zone, potentially leading to incorrect behavior when applying the template.

ID: WFM-37381 Found In: Fixed In:

Time zone selection control is missing in report generation wizard under Date Range screen. It is happening when IANA time zones DB on Java client side is older than the one that WFM Server using. Workaround to this issue would be setting option tz_mode to posix. It will force WFM Web do not use the built-in Java API for the IANA time zones (which cause exception) and instead it will use the time zone information returned by the WFM Server to calculate DST times.

ID: WFM-37152 Found In: Fixed In:

Time Off view in Classic UI shows error if there is a time off bidding period configured with time zone set to "America/Ciudad_Juarez (GMT-7)

ID: WFM-36875 Found In: Fixed In:

While working with Intra-day Schedule rebuild wizard, it is not possible to select agents under Sites, as they are missing in object selection tree.

ID: WFM-37099 Found In: Fixed In:

Application error appears in Intra-day Schedule Rebuild Wizard when trying to rebuild with "Additionally filter agents by contracts" setting checked.

ID: WFM-36906 Found In: Fixed In:

Users with their time zone set to America/Ciudad_Juarez are unable log in to WFM Web UI. The Unknown time-zone ID error message is displayed. This issue exists in environments where SOAP API is used to authenticate WFM users (the [auth] section is absent in the application options).

ID: WFM-36794 Found In: Fixed In:

An error occurs when using the Schedule Intra-Day and Agent-Extended views in WFM Web, if the America/Ciudad_Juarez IANA time zone is used in business unit/site configuration or is selected in Time Zone control.

ID: WFM-36762 Found In: Fixed In:

WFM Web New UI does not support the America/Ciudad_Juarez IANA time zone.

ID: WFM-36761 Found In: Fixed In:

Setting the SaveAsynchronously option to false to save agent schedules using the non-asynchronous API does not work if the Java module was opened in the browser when the plug-in was used.

ID: WFM-36735 Found In: Fixed In:

Login and password parameters are sent unencrypted over the network.

ID: WFM-36679 Found In: Fixed In:

Impossible to request a time off in Classic UI for Agents due to application error.

ID: WFM-36690 Found In: Fixed In:

An error occurs when users try to expand or check a team node in the Available Agents tree of the Reports Scheduler task creation wizard.

ID: WFM-36681 Found In: Fixed In:

An error occurs when users try to expand or check a team node in the Available Agents tree in the report creation wizard.

ID: WFM-36653 Found In: Fixed In:

The argument -l (language) in the localizator.bat tool failed to execute if the argument is passed in the order as mentioned in USAGE, for example, localization -x -l DEU, localization -u -l DEU

Workaround: Pass the argument in the order given in the following example:
localization -l DEU -x

localization -l DEU -u

ID: WFM-36612 Found In: Fixed In: 

The Java portion of the WFM Web code base is signed and timestamped using the Timestamp Digest Algorithm: SHA-1. This prevents it from running in web browsers or with Java Web Start.

Workaround: To resolve the issue, clear the Java cache on the host, restart the browser, and then open WFM Web.

ID: WFM-36482 Found In: Fixed In:

In some cases WFM client might incorrectly use a font that doesn't support the Unicode characters which leads to discrepancies in display.

ID: WFM-36507 Found In: Fixed In:

WFM Web adds new Calendar Items to agents which were not selected in the Add Calendar Item wizard. This issue occurs when the user chooses to override warnings in the Review calendar messages dialog and proceeds adding Calendar Items.

ID: WFM-36642 Found In: Fixed In:

The text of messages displayed in the WFM Web user interface may contain unexpected characters.

ID: WFM-35291 Found In: Fixed In:

When you open WFM Web and navigate to a Java-based module, the user interface sometimes displays a 'Please log in again' error message.

Workaround: To resolve the issue, clear the Java cache on the host, restart the browser, and then open WFM Web.

ID: WFM-35658 Found In: Fixed In:

In the Forecast > New Scenario wizard within the new UI, the request to create a scenario could be sent before the data about the required activities was loaded, and as a result not all activities were added to the created scenario.

ID: WFM-35297 Found In: Fixed In:

When using the Edit Multiple Wizard in Schedules views and modifying the duration of paid schedule states (Exceptions, Time-Off items, Meals, or Breaks), the agent's daily paid hours are incorrectly modified by the same number of minutes as the change being made.

ID: WFM-33556 Found In: Fixed In:

WFM Web reruns the one-time report generation task if the report has been deleted by user in the Generated Reports view within 30-minutes after the scheduled report generation time.

Workaround: Remove the one-time report generation task once the report is deleted.

ID: WFM-35458 Found In: Fixed In:

In the WFM Web for Supervisors Classic Schedule > State Group Totals view, when the Select agents to view their Intra-Day schedule dialog opens, WFM incorrectly disregards the NameOrder configuration option value and agent names are not in the same Name order (first/last name) as they are in the Objects pane, as expected.

ID: WFM-33305 Found In: Fixed In:

If the number of activities is greater than 500, many views in the latest Web for Supervisors Forecast UI are displaying performance delays when changes are being updated in the Activities tree.

ID: WFM-33147 Found In: Fixed In:

In the latest Web for Supervisors Forecast UI, when creating forecast scenarios and selecting or deselecting multi-site activities (MSA) in the tree, the associated child activities are not selected/deselected automatically.

Workaround: To temporarily resolve this issue, check or uncheck the associated child activities manually.

ID: WFM-33077 Found In: Fixed In:

In latest Web for Supervisors Forecast > Scenarios view, WFM sometimes displays new comments with incorrect dates, either one day earlier or later.

ID: WFM-33076 Found In: Fixed In:

In the latest Web for Supervisors Forecast UI, after the user changes and saves the time zone in User settings, a page refresh causes the changes to be lost.

ID: WFM-33072 Found In: Fixed In: 

In the latest Web for Supervisors Forecast UI, when the user creates forecast scenarios using the Create based on option, activities that were checked in the original scenario are not checked in the proposed Activities tree automatically, as expected.

Workaround: Manually check the activities in the tree and copy data from the original scenario into the new one.

ID: WFM-33071 Found In: Fixed In:

In latest Web for Supervisors Forecast > Scenarios view, WFM incorrectly displays comments for the selected week, based on the default week start day, causing some comments to be displayed in the wrong week. Comments should be based on the business unit week start day. (WFM-33034)

ID: WFM-33034 Found In: Fixed In:

In the latest Web for Supervisors Forecast UI, when activities are added to Scenarios in the Classic Forecast UI, they do not display after switching to the latest Forecast UI.

Workaround: Log out of WFM and then, log in again. Switch to the latest Forecast UI and all activities display as expected.

ID: WFM-33027 Found In: Fixed In:

An issue exists where comments that are added and saved in the classic Web for Supervisors Forecast > Scenarios view are not visible in the latest Forecast > Scenarios view.

ID: WFM-33025 Found In: Fixed In:

In the latest WFM Web for Supervisors Forecast > Scenarios > Remove activity dialog, some activities are not displaying in the Activities tree if the number of activities in the scenario is greater than 100.

ID: WFM-33003 Found In: Fixed In:

In the latest WFM Web for Supervisors Forecast > Scenarios > Add activity dialog, some activities are not displaying in the Activities tree if the number of activities is greater than 100.

ID: WFM-33002 Found In: Fixed In:

In the latest WFM Web for Supervisors Forecast > New Template and New Overlay dialogs, some activities are not displaying in the Activities tree if the number of activities within a site is greater than 100.

ID: WFM-33001 Found In: Fixed In:

In the latest WFM Web for Supervisors Forecast dialogs, some sites are not displaying in the Activities tree if the number of sites is greater than 100.

ID: WFM-32993 Found In: Fixed In:

In the latest WFM Web for Supervisors Forecast > Overlays view, users are unable to scroll in the selected overlay's Impacted activities tab if the number of activities is greater than 100.

ID: WFM-33000 Found In: Fixed In:

A known issue exists where the WFM Web Supervisor user interface (UI) redirects users to an incorrect URL when attempting to open the Supervisor UI from the Supervisor Classic UI. This occurs in environments where WFM Web Applications are renamed to something, other than the default /wfm—for example, in multilingual installations that require several instances of WFM Web running a single instance of Tomcat.

Workaround: To resolve this issue, deploy separate instances of Tomcat for each instance of WFM Web, using different ports and setting each with the default Application name /wfm.

ID: WFM-32475 Found In: Fixed In:

If the following values are set for the WFM Web [Functionality] NewAgent and [Functionality] ClassicAgent configuration options, the message An unexpected issue…access denied error appears after you log into WFM Web:

ID: WFM-32453 Found In: Fixed In:

A known issues exists where the WFM UI Launcher and WFM Client cannot connect to Tomcat when the client uses a self-signed certificate and Tomcat requires the client certificate (certificateVerification=required).

ID: WFM-32404 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast > Templates view, creating templates containing values that have 9 digits before the decimal point and 2 after (for example, 123456789.12) causes the application to noticeably slow down.

ID: WFM-32235 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast > Templates view, when using Mozilla FireFox browser, clicking the down arrow causes the last cell in the row to be only partially visible.

Workaround—To resolve this issue, use the scroll bar to adjust the grid position.

ID: WFM-32211 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast Scenarios, the Paste button is incorrectly enabled after selecting an activity, whereas it should be enabled only after selecting cells in the grid into which data will be pasted.

ID: WFM-32206 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast Scenarios, the Copy and Paste buttons incorrectly become enabled in the Shrinkage view after changing the Schedule State Group, whereas they should be disabled.

ID: WFM-32204 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast module, when network issues occur while deleting a comment the deletion spinner incorrectly continues to run. WFM should display an error message in this situation.

Workaround—To temporarily resolve this issue, refresh the page.

ID: WFM-32189 Found In: Fixed In: 

When using FireFox browser, in Web for Supervisors new Forecast > Overlays view, after double-clicking a cell to edit it, using the UP arrow key on the keyboard does not move the cursor, as expected.

Workaround—To temporarily resolve this issue, use the left or right arrow key to move the cursor to the start or end of the cell's content.

ID: WFM-32186 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast > Overlays view, when deleting an overlay after making unsaved changes in the Impacted activities tab, by clicking Discard in the confirmation dialog, Save and Cancel in the Impacted activities tab incorrectly remain enabled.

Workaround—To temporarily resolve this issue, either select another business unit or site, or refresh the page.

ID: WFM-32185 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast > Overlays and > Templates Distribution grids, when single-click editing, WFM incorrectly allows users to enter a special character (invalid value) as the first character in a cell.

Workaround—To temporarily resolve this issue, either delete the special character and start typing a number or double-click the cell to ensure WFM does not accept invalid values.

ID: WFM-32183 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast module, if after editing a comment with more than three lines of text there are less than three lines of text, the More... link incorrectly continues to display and clicking the link displays an empty space.

ID: WFM-32171 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast Scenarios and Master Forecast, Schedule State Groups in the Shrinkage view that have very long names might not fit in to the toolbar row.

Workaround—To avoid this issue, use Schedule State Groups with shorter names.

ID: WFM-32104 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast module, after changing the locale in the browser, the Date field does not display the entire date for languages with translations that have more characters than English dates. Date fields in the following dialogs and wizards are affected by this issue:

  • Build Volumes
  • Adjust Volumes
  • Split Volumes
  • Publish/Extract
  • Cleanup

Workaround—To temporarily resolve this issue, click the Calendar drop-down menu or click the date field (as if you are editing it) to see the full text.

ID: WFM-32100 Found In: Fixed In:

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast module, when adding activities to a scenario, the Add Activities dialog incorrectly contains all available business units and sites, even those that do not contain activities.

ID: WFM-32085 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast module, after the locale is changed in the browser, the date in the Comments pane incorrectly displays in English in the editing popover pane.

ID: WFM-32065 Found In: Fixed In:

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast > Templates view, when making changes in any tab, if you select the same object (site or business unit) in the Objects pane, WFM incorrectly opens a confirmation dialog.

Workaround—To temporarily resolve this issue, click any button in the confirmation dialog to proceed.

ID: WFM-31762 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast > Templates view, after changing the locale to Chinese in the browser, the x-axis label in the graph contains overlapping text.

Workaround—To temporarily resolve this issue, zoom out to see values in any time-step or change the desktop resolution.

ID: WFM-31738 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast Scenarios, pasting values from the clipboard in the Shrinkage view incorrectly enables you to paste values containing up to 9 digits, whereas the maximum number of digits for time steps, daily, and weekly totals is 2 before the decimal point and 2 after it (for example, 99.99).

ID: WFM-31481 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast module, nothing happens after clicking Delete when multiple cells are selected in the grid. This issue occurs in all views in the new module that contain grids (Volumes, Staffing, Shrinkage, Templates, and Overlays).

Workaround—To temporarily resolve this issue, click each cell to delete individual values.

ID: WFM-31058 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast module, columns in the grid are not resizable and so values that have more than 9 digits are only partially visible. This issue can occur in the following views:

  • Templates
  • Volumes
  • Staffing
  • Shrinkage

Workaround—To temporarily resolve this issue, re-size the grid by using the vertical sliders in these views. Alternatively, in the Volumes and Staffing views, select fewer columns to display.

ID: WFM-30096, WFM-29829 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast module, in all Scenarios and Master Forecast views, granularity is not preserved when navigating from the period Week to Month or Year and then to Week again.

ID: WFM-29105 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Web for Supervisors new Forecast Scenarios view, when a column is selected in the Show columns drop-down, the header cell's right border is not rendered.

ID: WFM-28984 Found In: Fixed In: 

Starting in WFM Web release, the WFM Web for Supervisors Time-Off Balance report might have values that are 1 minute more than balances in the Time-Off Management report due to the way WFM Web rounds off seconds in time-off balances. (see resolved issue WFM-31516).

ID: WFM-32201 Found In: Fixed In:

A known issue exists in WFM Web for Supervisors Classic UI only in which Schedule State Groups (SSG) are incorrectly displayed in the site's time zone when a child activity (within a multi-site activity) is selected in the Forecast > Shrinkage view.

ID: WFM-31631 Found In: Fixed In:,

After localization, WFM Web might incorrectly display the following message in English if the connection to WFM Server is lost: Could not send message.

ID: WFM-30999 Found In: Fixed In:

In the WFM Web for Agents Time-Off module, an issue exists where agents can incorrectly enter and save multiple full-day Time-Off requests in a single day, resulting in several identical entries for the same day in the Calendar.

ID: WFM-28632 Found In: Fixed In:

Time-Off items do not display on the last day of the month in the Time Off view in WFM Agent Mobile interface, as expected.

Workaround—View time-off items on the last day of the month either in the Preferences view of WFM Agent Mobile or view them in the Web for Agents desktop interface. To edit time-off items on the last day of the month use Web for Agents desktop interface.

ID: WFM-27785 Found In: Fixed In:

In March 2017, Microsoft introduced a defect into Internet Explorer 11, version 11.0.40 that broke many web applications, including the Schedule presentation in WFM Web Agent UI (

Workaround—Genesys has implemented a workaround to resolve this issue. After upgrading to WFM release, agent Schedules display as expected. For detailed information about the Microsoft defect, see Microsoft website.

ID: WFM-27151 Found In: Fixed In:

Known issues occur in the Workforce Management Agent UI data presentation while viewing data in a time zone, other than the site time zone.

NOTE: In unusual use cases, when the difference between the site and agent time zones is more than 12 hours, issues still occur in the date and time presentation.

ID: WFM-26861 Found In: Fixed In:

Filtering by shift and meal times might not work correctly in the new Web for Agents (ARK) Bidding view, if an agent selects a time zone other than the site's time zone in the Configuration > My Settings view.

ID: WFM-26646 Found In: Fixed In:

When using FireFox ESR browser on Windows, if a Help topic is opened from a dialog within the WFM Web for Supervisors interface, the topic appears with the dialog window on top of it, and you cannot scroll the page until the dialog window is closed. When using Internet Explorer, the dialog overlaps the Help topic, but you can scroll the page without closing the dialog.

ID: WFM-25205 Found In: Fixed In: 

The Agent Properties Report in WFM Web displays only directly assigned activities. Activities on which agents can work according to their skills are not listed.

ID: WFM-22894 Found In: Fixed In:

In the Schedule Audit Report, some Time Off and Exception items might be incorrectly display as Full-Day items. This occurs when Time-Off and Exception items of the same type are present as Full-Day and Part-Day items in the schedules that are displayed in the Schedule Audit report. This issue does not occur if the items of the same type are present only as Part-Day items.

ID: WFM-22038 Found In: Fixed In:

Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 8 does not fully support some important HTML and CSS standard features. Therefore, if WFM Web 8.1.2 is running in IE 8, some UI functionality might display behavior that is different from later IE versions. If the issue you are experiencing does not affect WFM functionality significantly and occurs only when you are using IE 8, Genesys recommends using IE 9 or another supported browser to resolve it. IE 9 and later versions provide better support for HTML and CSS standards.

ID:  Found In: Fixed In: 

Internationalization Issues

Information in this section is included for international customers. Release numbers in the Found In and Fixed In fields refer to the English (US) release of Workforce Management Web unless otherwise noted in the issue description.

This 8.5.x product release supports Language Packs (LP). Use 8.5.x-compatible Language Packs upon their availability.

This release does not support 8.1.x Language Packs.

Language Packs allow installers to select the language, in which the user interface and online Help files are displayed. For details about available Language Packs, including the languages, see the Translation Support page in this release note.

To have the latest 8.5.x WFM Web for Supervisors Forecast UI translated in any of the language, request and install the latest WFM Web Language Pack for the language of your choice.

The WFM Web German (Germany) Language Pack (LP) build 2 can be now installed if only OpenJDK 11 or 12 is installed on the host computer. Previously, if these OpenJDK versions were installed without a version of JavaJDK, the LP could not be installed successfully.

ID: WFM-34375 Found In: Fixed In: b2

The latest Forecast UI incorrectly displays in English after installing German Language Pack.

ID: WFM-33306 Found In: Fixed In:

After the WFM Web French (Canadian) Language Pack is installed, the labels the for the Add or remove date range and Add date range buttons in the latest WFM Supervisors Forecast Scenario > Volumes > Build Volumes dialog incorrectly display in English.

ID: LOCAL-3299 Found In: Fixed In: 

The latest Forecast UI incorrectly displays in English after installing French (Canadian) Language Pack.

ID: WFM-32467 Found In: Fixed In:

A few screens in the WFM Web UI might incorrectly display English text after the German Language Pack is installed.

ID: WFM-32975 Found In: Fixed In: 

A few screens in the WFM Web UI might incorrectly display English text after the Russian Language Pack is installed.

ID: WFM-33257 Found In: Fixed In: 

There are unresolved translation issues in the latest WFM Web French (Canadian) Language Pack.

ID: LOCAL-3280 Found In: 8.5.216 Fixed In:

There are unresolved translation issues in the latest WFM Web Russian Language Pack.

ID: LOCAL-3212 Found In: 8.5.216 Fixed In: 

There are unresolved translation issues in the latest WFM Web German Language Pack.

ID: LOCAL-3291 Found In: 8.5.216 Fixed In: 

After the WFM Web Russian Language Pack is installed, the WFM Web interface now correctly displays in Russian when viewed in the browser of a mobile device.

ID: WFM-31622 Found In: 8.5.216 Fixed In:

After the WFM Web French (France) Language Pack is installed, the label the for the New UI button now correctly displays in French. Previously, the New UI button incorrectly displayed in English.

ID: WFM-32740 Found In: Fixed In:

Language Packs (for all supported languages) are now supported on Microsoft Windows Server 2016.

ID: WFM-32749, WFM-31421, WFM-31185 Found In: Fixed In:

WFM now displays all Policy and Activity object names in French after installation of the French (Canadian) Language Pack. Previously, WFM incorrectly displayed newly created Policy and Activity object names in English.

ID: WFM-32328 Found In: Fixed In:

WFM now displays all Policy and Activity object names in German after installation of the German Language Pack. Previously, WFM incorrectly displayed newly created Policy and Activity object names in English.

ID: WFM-32313 Found In: Fixed In:

After installing the Russian Language Pack, some labels and text were not translated and incorrectly display in English, and the words "Payback" and "To" were incorrectly translated. These issues have been resolved.

ID: WFM-31622 Found In: Fixed In:

Acronyms (AHT, ASA) and text (for example, Expert Average Engine) in WFM Web for Supervisors Master Forecast and Performance > Intra-Day views are now translated after installing the Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack (LP). Previously, the acronyms and text incorrectly displayed in English after installing the LP.

Also, in various WFM Web views, the acronyms AHT and ASA, as well as the names of build forecast methods, have not been localized in the Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack.

ID: WFM-31249 Found In: Fixed In:

The text in the WFM Web for Supervisors Master Forecast and Master Schedule views is now correctly translated after installing the Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack (LP). Previously, the words Forecast and Schedule were left out of the translation after installing the LP.

ID: WFM-31104 Found In: Fixed In:

After the WFM Web French (Canadian) Language Pack is installed, the default names for the configuration objects Activity, Activity Set, Activity Group, Multi-Site Activity, Exception, Time-Off, Meeting, and Marked Time are now translated as single words. Previously the default names were considered two words, each translated separately.

ID: WFM-31078 Found In: Fixed In:

The text in the Workforce Management Web for Supervisors Policies > Rotating Patterns view is now correctly translated after installing the Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack (LP). Previously, in the Properties tab Weekly Patterns section some text was incorrectly translated after installing the LP.

ID: WFM-31051 Found In: Fixed In:

The text in the WFM Web for Supervisors Reports view now displays in the correct language after installing the Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack (LP). Previously, the words "Status" and "Activity" in the Agent Properties report incorrectly displayed in English after installing the LP.

ID: WFM-31049 Found In: Fixed In:

The text in WFM Web for Supervisors Policies > Marked Time view is now translated to the appropriate language after installing the Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack (LP). Previously, the text There are no records to display incorrectly appeared in English after installing the LP.

ID: WFM-31043 Found In: Fixed In:

Now, clicking on any Help icon in the CHT-localized WFM Web for Supervisors interface opens the correct topic in the context-sensitive Help. Previously, clicking on any Help icon incorrectly opened the main page of the Documentation website. This issue was caused by an incorrect locale in the URLs and was not software-related.

ID: WFM-30749 Found In: Fixed In: 8.5.2

WFM Web for Supervisors is now updated to correct a translation error when WFM is localized using the WFM French (Canadian) Language Pack. The term Frais généraux - Prévisions principales is now correctly hyphenated and pluralized after translation.

ID: WFM-30395 Found In: Fixed In:

WFM Web for Agents is now updated to correct errors in translation when WFM is localized using the WFM French (Canadian) Language Pack. These error messages now appear in French (Canadian) after the Language Pack is installed (previously, they incorrectly appeared in English):

  • Your session has timed out. Please log in again.
  • You can't remove last item.

The message Leave the value as 0 in single-skilled environments is now correctly translated Laissez la valeur à 0 dans les environnements à compétence unique. Previously, the translation was incorrect.

Translation of the label Minimum Staffing Level remains unchanged.

Note: This Language Pack version requires WFM Web or later to ensure all above messages are correctly localized.

ID: WFM-30370 Found In: Fixed In:

Some resources in the WFM Web for Supervisors user interface that were incorrectly translated after the French (Canadian) LP is installed, have been fixed. For example, the word "Overheads" is incorrectly translated "Frais", but should be "Frais généraux".

ID: WFM-29986 Found In: Fixed In:

Some resources in the Overtime Bidding section of the WFM Web for Supervisors user interface (UI) that were not translated and incorrectly appear in English after the French (Canadian) LP is installed, have been fixed.

ID: WFM-29726 Found In: Fixed In:

Some resources in the WFM Web Agent and Web for Supervisors user interface that were are not translated and incorrectly appear in English after the French (Canadian) LP is installed, have been fixed.

ID: WFM-29163 Found In: Fixed In:

After installing the WFM Web 8.5.205 Simplified Chinese LP, some text in the interface incorrectly appears in English. Also, some time slot fields are truncated causing characters to be hidden or cut off, and some table headers and cells are empty in generated reports. The WFM team is working on resolving these issues in the next release.

ID: WFM-27593 Found In: Fixed In:

The translated resources in the WFM Web Agent user interface (UI) display correctly in Italian after the Italian Language Pack is installed.

ID: WFM-27315 Found In: Fixed In:

The translated resources in the WFM Web Agent user interface now display correctly in German after the German Language Pack is installed. Previously, the UI incorrectly displayed in English after the LP was installed.

ID: WFM-27310 Found In: Fixed In:

WFM Web for Supervisors now correctly displays the localized version of the text "Loading" after a Localization Kit is applied.

ID: WFM-26635 Found In: Fixed In:

The WFM localization resources have been updated to replace S_OPEN with S_OPEN_ADJECTIVE and S_OPEN_VERB. This change enables better translation of the word "Open", which can be both an adjective and verb.

ID: WFM-26557 Found In: Fixed In:

After installing a WFM Web Language Pack, if a new Notification of type Time-Off Bidding is created, updated, or deleted and saved, an error appears and the Notification displays in English rather than in the language of the installed Language Pack.

ID: WFM-26537 Found In: Fixed In:

After installing the WFM Web French (Canada) or French (France) Language Pack, the word Accorder is incorrectly translated as Accord.

ID: LOCAL-2334 Found In: Fixed In:

The message that appears when users enter an incorrect password while using French Language Pack for WFM Web now shows the correct text. Previously, the apostrophes in the message were shown incorrectly.

ID: WFM-23941 Found In: Fixed In:

This page was last edited on August 27, 2024, at 17:14.
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