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Interaction Server

This document provides information about the configuration options that you set on the Interaction Server application object, as well as those you set on other related objects, such as database access points (DAPs).

Additional Interaction Server options can be configured on the Annex tab of any Business Process Interaction Queue or Interaction Queue View object (in the Resources > Scripts folder). Refer to the "Creating Business Process Objects" chapter of the Universal Routing Business Process User’s Guide for more information.

For options that are set on the Interaction Server object itself, each section has its own page. For options that are set on other objects, each object has a page, which may include multiple sections.

Interaction Server application

Options for this component are contained in the following configuration sections:

In the summary table(s) below, type in the Search box to quickly find options, configuration sections, or other values, and/or click a column name to sort the table. Click an option name to link to a full description of the option. Be aware that the default and valid values are the values in effect with the latest release of the software and may have changed since the release you have; refer to the full description of the option to see information for earlier releases.

Power users: Download a CSV file containing default and valid values and descriptions.

The following options are configured at the application level (in other words, on the application object).

Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
agent-reservation reject-subsequent-request true Immediately
agent-reservation request-collection-time 100 Immediately
agent-reservation reservation-time 10000 Immediately
cluster-settings enable-submit true Immediately
cluster-settings media-types Immediately
health-service enable-keepalive false After restart
health-service log-output-timeout 0 Immediately (after current interval)
health-service soap-accept-timeout 10 After restart
health-service soap-endpoint http://{ServerName}:{ServerPort}/health After restart
health-service soap-hostname After restart
health-service soap-receive-timeout 10 After restart
health-service soap-send-timeout 30 After restart
java-config jvm-path No default value After restart
license ics_custom_media_channel 0 Immediately
license ics_email_webform_channel 0 Immediately
license ics_live_web_channel 0 Immediately
license ics_multi_media_agent_seat 0 Immediately
license ics_sms_channel 0 Immediately
license license-file At start/restart
log all Immediately
log buffering false Immediately
log debug Immediately
log enable-thread false Immediately
log expire 10 Immediately
log messagefile interaction_server.lms At start/restart
log segment false Immediately
log standard Immediately
log throttle-period 3600 Immediately
log throttle-threshold 5000 Immediately
log time-format ISO8601 Immediately
log trace Immediately
log verbose standard Immediately
log-control agent-configuration true Immediately
log-control capture-point-trace false Immediately
log-control configuration true Immediately
log-control database true Immediately
log-control datastream false Immediately
log-control log-custom-message-content false Immediately
log-control log-debug-info-delayed-logout false Immediately
log-control log-longest-requests-number 10 Immediately
log-control log-requests-timing-period 5 Immediately
log-control mandatory-keys-to-log Immediately
log-control max-protocol-attribute-size 256 Immediately
log-control max-protocol-message-size 10000 Immediately
log-control max-segments-traced-number 5 Immediately
log-control protocol true Immediately
log-control pull-for-strategy-operation false Immediately
log-control routing true Immediately
log-control sql-statement-verbose false Immediately
log-control submitters-operation false Immediately
log-control task-processing true Immediately
log-control trace-java-attach-thread false Immediately
log-control trace-segmented-views false Immediately
log-control views-operation false Immediately
log-control workflow-configuration true Immediately
log-filter default-filter-type copy Immediately, applies to all new reporting events
reporting-extensions interactions enable:all Immediately
reporting-extensions system enable:all Immediately
settings agent-login-control none Immediately
settings agent-session-restore-timeout 0 Immediately
settings allow-duplicates-in-change true Immediately
settings allow-duplicates-in-submit true Immediately
settings allow-multiple-agent-connections true Immediately
settings collect-error-counters false Immediately
settings collect-esp-error-counters false Immediately
settings collect-request-counters false Immediately
settings completed-queues Immediately
settings database-request-timeout 0 Immediately
settings database-request-warning-timeout 0 Immediately
settings default-max-submission-rate 10/second Immediately
settings default-max-submitted-per-router 1000 Immediately
settings default-max-submitted-per-strategy 200 Immediately
settings default-view-freeze-interval 300 As soon as the current freeze interval for a given view expires
settings delay-updates true Immediately, for new interactions or for interactions

pulled from the database. Ignored for active interactions (those being handled

by an agent or router).
settings delayed-logout-panic-threshold 0 Immediately
settings delayed-logout-timeout 0 Immediately
settings delivering-timeout 30 Immediately
settings enable-place-in-queue-reason false Immediately
settings enable-revoke-from-agent false Immediately
settings handling-timeout 180 Immediately
settings have-segmentation-indexes false After restart
settings hide-attached-data true Immediately
settings hide-strategy-change-activity true Immediately
settings hide-strategy-esp-activity true Immediately
settings high-pull-threshold 200 Immediately
settings honor-segmentation-generations false After restart
settings ignore-read-only-on-change false Immediately
settings ignore-read-only-on-submit true Immediately
settings incremental-login-request-timeout 2000 Immediately
settings login-session-timeout 1440 Immediately
settings low-pull-threshold 50 Immediately
settings max-current-clients 4096 Immediately
settings max-current-database-requests 1000 Immediately
settings max-current-interactions-cached 5000 Immediately
settings max-current-loggers-queue-size 30000 Immediately
settings max-current-request-queue-size 1000 Immediately
settings max-current-request-queue-wait 3 Immediately
settings max-current-tasks 1000 Immediately
settings max-database-request-queue-size 10000 Immediately
settings max-interactions-per-pull 100 Immediately
settings max-interactions-per-snapshot 500 Immediately
settings max-number-of-snapshots 2000 Immediately
settings max-output-timeout 15 Immediately
settings max-userdata-size 0 Immediately
settings max-workbin-interactions 200 Immediately
settings no-userdata-changed-response-to-urs false Immediately
settings not-ready-on-invitation-timeout true Immediately
settings notify-workbin-userdata-changed false Immediately
settings number-of-database-connections 5 Immediately, but any open connections remain open until shutdown
settings pull-hold-timeout 60 Immediately
settings registration-timeout 30 Immediately for all new clients
settings reset-states-on-shutdown true Immediately
settings routing-timeout 720 Immediately for all new interactions submitted to URS
settings schema-name After restart
settings statistic-interval 5 Immediately
settings submit-timer-interval 2000 As soon as the current submit interval expires
settings third-party-server-queue-size 200 Immediately; however, does not affect ESP (External

Service Protocol) requests already received from Universal Routing Server or

other clients
settings third-party-server-timeout 30 Immediately
settings third-party-server-window-size 10 Immediately; however, does not affect requests already sent to ESP (External Service Protocol) servers.
udata-filters agent Immediately
udata-filters esp Immediately
udata-filters reporting Immediately
udata-filters router Immediately

Database Access Points (DAPs)

Interaction Server uses the following DAPs to connect to various databases for a number of purposes:

Interaction Server DAP

The following options are configured on the Interaction Server DAP.

Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
settings blob-chunk-size 1024 After restart of Interaction Server
settings connection-string No default value After restart of Interaction Server
settings connections 5 After restart of Interaction Server
settings dbprotocol odbc After restart of Interaction Server
settings odbc-string No default value After restart of Interaction Server
settings queue-size 20000 Immediately

Event Logger DAP

The following options are configured on the Event Logger DAP.

Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
agent-custom-data <custom event content attribute name> No default value After restart of Interaction Server
custom-custom-data <custom event content attribute name> No default value After restart of Interaction Server
event-filtering event-filter-by-id No default value Immediately
event-filtering log-agent-activity true Immediately
event-filtering log-agent-state Immediately
event-filtering log-esp-service true Immediately
event-filtering log-queue true Immediately
event-filtering log-strategy true Immediately
event-filtering log-userdata true Immediately
logger-settings batch-size 500 Immediately
logger-settings connection-string No default value After restart of Interaction Server
logger-settings delivery-protocol eventlog After restart of Interaction Server
logger-settings max-queue-size 20000 Immediately
logger-settings odbc-string No default value After restart of Interaction Server
logger-settings reconnection-pause 5000 Immediately
logger-settings schema-name dbo After restart
logger-settings storing-timeout 500 Immediately

MSMQ-MQSeries Event Logger DAP

The following options are configured on the MSMQ-MQSeries Event Logger DAP.

Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
event-filtering event-filter-by-id No default value Immediately
logger-settings delivery-protocol eventlog After restart
logger-settings delivery-queue-manager-name No default value After restart
logger-settings delivery-queue-name No default value After restart
logger-settings udata No default value Immediately

JMS Event Logger DAP

The following options are configured on the JMS Event Logger DAP.

Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
event-filtering event-filter-by-id No default value Immediately

Integrated Capture Points

Interaction Server supports the following integrated capture points to interact with external source systems:

Database Capture Point

The following options are configured on the Database Capture Point.

Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
db-queries assignedUpdateSql Upon restart
db-queries canceledUpdateSql Upon restart
db-queries capturedUpdateSql Upon restart
db-queries captureQuerySql Upon restart
db-queries completedUpdateSql Upon restart
db-queries errorHeldUpdateSql Upon restart
db-queries errorUpdateSql Upon restart
db-queries heldUpdateSql Upon restart
db-queries queuedUpdateSql Upon restart
db-queries rejectedUpdateSql Upon restart
db-queries restartedUpdateSql Upon restart
db-queries resumedUpdateSql Upon restart
db-queries routeRequestedUpdateSql Upon restart
db-queries sourceErrorUpdateSql Upon restart
db-queries sourceUpdatedUpdateSql Upon restart
db-queries sourceUpdateQuerySql Upon restart
db-queries startupQuerySql Upon restart
db-queries stoppedUpdateSql Upon restart
db-queries updatedUpdateSql Upon restart
default-values InteractionSubtype InboundNew Upon restart
default-values InteractionType Inbound Upon restart
default-values MediaType workitem Upon restart
iwd-parameters CancelQueues iWD_Canceled Upon restart
iwd-parameters CompleteQueues iWD_Completed Upon restart
iwd-parameters ErrorHeldQueues iWD_ErrorHeld Upon restart
iwd-parameters RejectQueues iWD_Rejected Upon restart
iwd-parameters RestartQueues iWD_New Upon restart
notification-filtering disable-unsolicited-notifications false Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-assigned true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-changed true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-created true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-error true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-held true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-moved true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-resumed true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-route-requested true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-stopped true Upon restart
settings capture-point-type Upon restart
settings connection-string Upon restart
settings data-source-name Upon restart
settings ignore-nulls-in-source-update false Upon restart
settings inbound-exception-sleep-interval 30 Upon restart
settings inbound-max-batch-size 1000 Upon restart
settings inbound-scan-interval 10000 Upon restart
settings notifications-batch-size 500 Upon restart
settings notifications-storing-timeout 1000 Upon restart
settings output-queue-size 5000 Upon restart
settings password Upon restart
settings report-notification-exception-on-no-data false Upon restart
settings updates-exception-sleep-interval 30 Upon restart
settings updates-max-batch-size 1000 Upon restart
settings updates-scan-interval 10000 Upon restart
settings username Upon restart

File Capture Point

The following options are configured on the File Capture Point.

Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
default-values InteractionSubtype InboundNew Upon restart
default-values InteractionType Inbound Upon restart
default-values MediaType workitem Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters AllowAnyAttributes false Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters CancelQueues iWD_Canceled Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters CaseSensitiveActions false Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters CaseSensitiveAttributes false Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters CompleteQueues iWD_Completed Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters ExtendedAttributes Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters RestartQueues iWD_New Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters SchemaDocumentPath ./iwd_scripts/iwd_messages.xsd Upon restart
notification-filtering disable-unsolicited-notifications false Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-assigned true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-changed true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-created true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-error true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-held true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-moved true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-resumed true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-route-requested true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-stopped true Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters CancelQueues iWD_Canceled Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters CompleteQueues iWD_Completed Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters ErrorHeldQueues iWD_ErrorHeld Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters ExtendedAttributes Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters RejectQueues iWD_Rejected Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters RestartQueues iWD_New Upon restart
settings after-rollback-delay 30 Upon restart
settings canceled-directory Upon restart
settings capture-point-type Upon restart
settings completed-directory Upon restart
settings error-directory Upon restart
settings error-held-directory Upon restart
settings inbound-directory [required] Upon restart
settings inbound-scan-interval 10 Upon restart
settings include-ids-in-duplicate-error false Upon restart
settings iwd-compatibility-mode true Upon restart
settings move-non-xml-from-inbound true Upon restart
settings notification-directory Upon restart
settings notification-naming-mode by-id Upon restart
settings number-outbound-threads 1 Upon restart
settings output-queue-size 5000 Upon restart
settings processed-directory Upon restart
settings rejected-directory Upon restart
settings rollback-on-transformation-fail false Upon restart
settings xsl-inbound-transform-path ./iwd_scripts/iWD2IxnServerTransformer.groovy Upon restart
settings xsl-outbound-transform-path ./iwd_scripts/IxnServer2iWDTransformer.groovy Upon restart

JMS Capture Point

The following options are configured on the JMS Capture Point.

Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
default-values InteractionSubtype InboundNew Upon restart
default-values InteractionType Inbound Upon restart
default-values MediaType workitem Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters AllowAnyAttributes false Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters CancelQueues iWD_Canceled Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters CaseSensitiveActions false Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters CaseSensitiveAttributes false Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters CompleteQueues iWD_Completed Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters ExtendedAttributes Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters RestartQueues iWD_New Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters SchemaDocumentPath ./iwd_scripts/iwd_messages.xsd Upon restart
notification-filtering disable-unsolicited-notifications false Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-assigned true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-changed true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-created true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-error true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-held true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-moved true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-resumed true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-route-requested true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-stopped true Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters CancelQueues iWD_Canceled Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters CompleteQueues iWD_Completed Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters ErrorHeldQueues iWD_ErrorHeld Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters ExtendedAttributes Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters RejectQueues iWD_Rejected Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters RestartQueues iWD_New Upon restart
settings after-rollback-delay 30 Upon restart
settings capture-point-type Upon restart
settings consumer-receive-timeout 1000 Upon restart
settings copy-original-properties-in-reply false Upon restart
settings error-queue-name Upon restart
settings inbound-queue-name [required] Upon restart
settings include-ids-in-duplicate-error false Upon restart
settings jms-connection-factory-lookup-name [required] Upon restart
settings jms-initial-context-factory [required] Upon restart
settings jms-provider-url [required] Upon restart
settings notification-queue-name Upon restart
settings number-outbound-threads 1 Upon restart
settings number-receiving-sessions 3 Upon restart
settings outbound-message-type binary Upon restart
settings output-queue-size 5000 Upon restart
settings password Upon restart
settings processed-queue-name Upon restart
settings reconnect-timeout 10 Upon restart
settings rollback-on-transformation-fail false Upon restart
settings use-correlation-id-in-reply false Upon restart
settings use-jms-reply-to false Upon restart
settings username Upon restart
settings xsl-inbound-transform-path ./iwd_scripts/iWD2IxnServerTransformer.groovy Upon restart
settings xsl-outbound-transform-path ./iwd_scripts/IxnServer2iWDTransformer.groovy Upon restart

Kafka Capture Point

The following options are configured on the Kafka Capture Point.

Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
consumer-options auto.offset.reset earliest Upon restart
consumer-options max.poll.interval.ms 600000 Upon restart
consumer-options max.poll.records 20 Upon restart
custom-options-provider class-name Upon restart
default-values InteractionSubtype InboundNew Upon restart
default-values InteractionType Inbound Upon restart
default-values MediaType workitem Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters AllowAnyAttributes false Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters CancelQueues iWD_Canceled Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters CaseSensitiveActions false Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters CaseSensitiveAttributes false Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters CompleteQueues iWD_Completed Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters ExtendedAttributes Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters RestartQueues iWD_New Upon restart
inbound-transformer-parameters SchemaDocumentPath ./iwd_scripts/iwd_messages.xsd Upon restart
notification-filtering disable-unsolicited-notifications false Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-assigned true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-changed true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-created true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-error true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-held true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-moved true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-resumed true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-route-requested true Upon restart
notification-filtering notify-stopped true Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters CancelQueues iWD_Canceled Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters CompleteQueues iWD_Completed Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters ErrorHeldQueues iWD_ErrorHeld Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters ExtendedAttributes Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters RejectQueues iWD_Rejected Upon restart
outbound-transformer-parameters RestartQueues iWD_New Upon restart
producer-options retries 10 Upon restart
settings after-rollback-delay 30 Upon restart
settings capture-point-type kafka Upon restart
settings consumer-group InteractionServer Upon restart
settings consumer-receive-timeout 1000 Upon restart
settings copy-original-headers-in-reply false Upon restart
settings correlation-id-header-key CorrelationID Upon restart
settings error-topic-name Upon restart
settings inbound-topic-name [required] Upon restart
settings include-ids-in-duplicate-error false Upon restart
settings kafka-server [required] Upon restart
settings notification-topic-name Upon restart
settings number-outbound-threads 4 Upon restart
settings number-receiving-sessions 4 Upon restart
settings output-queue-size 5000 Upon restart
settings processed-topic-name Upon restart
settings reconnect-timeout 10 Upon restart
settings rollback-on-transformation-fail false Upon restart
settings xsl-inbound-transform-path ./iwd_scripts/iWD2IxnServerTransformer.groovy Upon restart
settings xsl-outbound-transform-path ./iwd_scripts/IxnServer2iWDTransformer.groovy Upon restart

Web Service Capture Point

The following options are configured on the Web Service Capture Point.

Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
default-values InteractionSubtype InboundNew Upon restart
default-values InteractionType Inbound Upon restart
default-values MediaType workitem Upon restart
iwd-parameters CancelQueues iWD_Canceled Upon restart
iwd-parameters CompleteQueues iWD_Completed Upon restart
iwd-parameters empty-string-treatment-in-update ignore Upon restart
iwd-parameters ErrorHeldQueues iWD_ErrorHeld Upon restart
iwd-parameters RejectQueues iWD_Completed Upon restart
iwd-parameters RestartQueues iWD_New Upon restart
settings backlog-accepted-requests 1000 Upon restart
settings cacert-file Upon restart
settings capture-point-type Upon restart
settings cipher-list default Upon restart of the Capture Point
settings enable-keepalive true Upon restart
settings iwd-compatibility-mode true Upon restart
settings number-inbound-threads 10 Upon restart
settings password Upon restart
settings protocol http Upon restart
settings reconnect-timeout 10 Upon restart
settings require-client-authentication false Upon restart
settings sec-protocol default Upon restart of the Capture Point
settings server-key-file Upon restart
settings soap-accept-timeout 1 Upon restart
settings soap-backlog-size 100 Upon restart
settings soap-endpoint http://{ServerName}:{ServerPort}/Genesys/Interaction/{CapturePointName}/WebServiceCapturePoint Upon restart
settings soap-hostname Upon restart
settings soap-receive-timeout 10 Upon restart
settings soap-send-timeout 30 Upon restart

Universal Routing Server (URS)

The following options are configured on Universal Routing Server (URS).

Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
<Interaction-Server> max-submission-rate No default value Immediately
<Interaction-Server> max-submitted-interactions No default value Immediately; but does not affect interactions already submitted to URS

workbin Script

The following options are configured on the workbin Script.

Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Workbin max-workbin-interactions 200 Immediately
This page was last edited on May 9, 2022, at 06:12.
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