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smtp-client Section



Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Enables or disables sending emails on behalf of another user account, when the smtp-client is using the Graph API. Ensure that you enable the Send As or/and Send On Behalf permission in the Exchange mailboxes before enabling this feature.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A valid Client ID of the Microsoft Azure or Google application provided by the customer after the mailbox is registered in Microsoft Azure or Google
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the Client ID of the registered Microsoft Azure application for the Office 365 or the Google application for the Gmail account in the SMTP client. This parameter takes effect only when the mail.<server-type>.auth.mechanisms is set to XOAUTH2 or type is GRAPH.


Default Value: 00:00:30
Valid Values: Any valid time in hh:mm:ss format
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the amount of time an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) connection can stay idle before E-mail Server checks to see whether the connection is really established. If the SMTP connection is idle for longer than the specified value, E-mail Server first sends a NOOP command to the SMTP server on the connection, before using the connection. With the value of 00:00:00, E-mail Server checks the connection each time before using it. However, this is an expensive operation, and some SMTP servers do not support it very well.


Default Value: 00:05:00
Valid Values: Any time period in hh:mm:ss format
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the amount of time an SMTP connection can stay Idle before E-mail Server closes the connection.

Make sure the value of this option is less than the SMTP Server timeout value.


Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the pool size for the SMTP connection. This option sets the maximum number of messages SMTP can send in parallel.


Default Value: 00:05:00
Valid Values: Any time period in the hh:mm:ss format
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

For the pop-client and smtp-client sections, specifies the timeout value for the socket connection. The timeout is raised if the connection to the server (corporate e-mail server for the pop-client section or SMTP server for the smtp-client section) cannot be established within the time specified for this option.

This timeout value is also applicable to the HTTP connection for the requests to retrieve oAuth2 token from a customer's IDP and for the Graph API requests.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A valid Microsoft Azure application Directory (tenant) ID provided by the customer after the mailbox is registered in Microsoft Azure
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the Directory (tenant) ID of the registered Microsoft Azure application for the Office 365 mailbox in the SMTP client. This parameter takes effect only when the mail.<server-type>.auth.mechanisms is set to XOAUTH2 or type is GRAPH.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables the use of authentication with the corporate e-mail server. With a value of true, the options user and password are used to log in to the corporate e-mail server.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables or disables SMTP logging to the server's standard output. If set to true, E-mail Server displays SMTP passwords. It also enables or disables the Graph default logging.


Default Value: Exchange2010
Valid Values: A valid Exchange server version, such as Exchange2010, Exchange2010_SP1, Exchange2010_SP2, Exchange2010_SP3, Exchange2013, Office365, Exchange2016
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle

Specifies the version of the Exchange corporate server.

Note: For Exchange 2019 support, leave this option empty or set it to Exchange2016.


Default Value:
Valid Values: An empty string or client_credentials
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the grant type when requesting the OAuth2 bearer token. This option is supported for SMTP protocol. The option will take effect only for OAuth2 is enabled. By default, if option is not set or has an empty value, a Password Grant type is assumed. If set to the client_credentials, then Client Credentials Grant flow is enabled.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A valid password or refresh_token
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

With basic authentication and OAuth 2.0 enabled (mail.ews.auth.mechanisms is XOAUTH2) for a Microsoft Azure mailbox, specifies the password used to authenticate the user with respect to the corporate e-mail server when sending out messages. You set this value during the E-mail Server setup. This applies only when enable-authentication is set to true.

For Gmail, if OAuth 2.0 is enabled (mail.smtp.auth.mechanisms is XOAUTH2), this option is used for the refresh_token of the SMTP account.

For Outlook, if the type is GRAPH, this is used for the Azure application secret.


Default Value: 25
Valid Values: Any valid port number
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the port number for connecting to the corporate e-mail server. Allows the port to be changed for access through a firewall.


Default Value: 00:05:00
Valid Values: Any time period in the hh:mm:ss format
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Whether in the pop-client or smtp-client section, specifies the message timeout value. The timeout is raised if the corporate e-mail server does not reply to protocol messages sent to it within the time specified for this option. You may want to adjust the timeout value to handle large messages. If the timeout expires before a message has finished processing, the following may occur:

  • A large incoming message may be repeatedly resubmitted, blocking processing of all following messages. Prevent this by increasing the value for this option in the pop-client section.
  • A large outgoing message may result in a Send service failure. Prevent this by configuring this option in the smtp-client section.

This timeout value is also applicable to the HTTP requests to retrieve oAuth2 token from a customer's IDP and for the Graph API requests.


Default Value: https://outlook.office.com/.default

Valid Values:

  • The valid scope for Microsoft office 365 Graph API is https://graph.microsoft.com/.default
  • The valid scope for Microsoft Office 365 is https://outlook.office.com/.default

Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the access token scope. This parameter takes effect only when the protocol type is EWS and mail.ews.auth.mechanisms is XOAUTH2 or type is GRAPH.


Default Value: smtp
Valid Values: Any string without the white space
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the secretName of the secret-<secretName> section to associate with the Google application secret after the SMTP account is registered in Google. This is a Gmail-only option when an SMTP account is OAuth 2.0 enabled (mail.smtp.auth.mechanisms is XOAUTH2).


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid host name or IP address
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

In the pop-client section, specifies the host name or IP address of the corporate e-mail server on which the account resides. In the smtp-client section, specifies the name of the corporate SMTP server. You set the value during E-mail Server setup.

Note: If connecting to Exchange Server with EWS, the value must be the EWS URL, not the host name or IP address.


Default Value: SMTP
Valid Values: SMTP, EWS, GRAPH
Changes Take Effect: At the next cycle

Specifies the protocol used to send messages to a corporate e-mail server.


Default Value: none
Valid Values: 'none', 'start-tls', 'start-tls-required', 'ssl-tls'
Changes Take Effect: At restart
Related Options: pop-connection-security

In the smtp-client section, sets the level of security used. See the explanation of possible values for pop-connection-security.


Default Value: https://login.microsoftonline.com
Valid Values: The valid Microsoft authority server is https://login.microsoftonline.com. The valid Google authority server is a case-insensitive string that contains "google".
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the authority server of the registered Microsoft Azure application for the Office 365 or the Google application for the Gmail SMTP account in the SMTP client. This parameter takes effect only when the mail.<server-type>.auth.mechanisms is set to XOAUTH2 or type is GRAPH.


Default Value: 00:00:10
Valid Values: Any less than one hour period in hh:mm:ss format
Changes Take Effect: See the description

Specifies the amount of time an SMTP connection remains connected before its access token expires and the server closes the connection. This parameter takes effect only when the mail.<server-type>.auth.mechanisms is set to XOAUTH2.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid logon user name
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the name used to log in to the corporate e-mail server. This option applies only when the enable-authentication option is set to true.

This page was last edited on April 29, 2021, at 17:14.
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