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Section: smtp-client
Default Value: smtp
Valid Values: Any string without the white space
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the secretName of the secret-<secretName> section to associate with the Google application secret after the SMTP account is registered in Google. This is a Gmail-only option when an SMTP account is OAuth 2.0 enabled (mail.smtp.auth.mechanisms is XOAUTH2).


Section: pop-client
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any string without the white space
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle

Specifies the secretName of the secret-<secretName> section to associate with the Google application secret after the mailbox is registered in Google. This is a Gmail-only option when a mailbox is OAuth 2.0 enabled (mail.<type>.auth.mechanisms is XOAUTH2).

secret-<secretName> Section

This section is for a Gmail account when OAuth2 is enabled for a mailbox or SMTP user: mail.imap.auth.mechanisms is XOAUTH2 or mail.smtp.auth.mechanisms is XOAUTH2. There could be multiple sections of this, each with the different value of <secretName>. The value of <secretName> must be the same as the value in the secret option of the pop-client section or the secret option of the smtp-client section.



Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: The Google application client_secret value when an account is registered in Google
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle for a POP client (pop-client) or at start/restart for an SMTP client (smtp-client)

Specifies the client_secret value of the corresponding Google application associated with the mailbox or the SMTP account.

This page was last edited on April 29, 2021, at 16:09.
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