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Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Allows (true) or prohibits (false) Universal Contact Server to run with tables that have additional columns.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Allows (true) or prohibits (false) Universal Contact Server to run with tables that have missing indexes.


Default Value: 1000
Valid Values: Any integer greater than 1
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the number of rows that a task processes sequentially during an archiving or pruning database process.


Default Value: 4
Valid Values: Any integer greater than 1
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the default number of parallel or pruning tasks used to execute a database archiving process.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

This option enables or disables the conversion from IDN-encoded to Unicode. If this option is set to false, UCS works in compatibility mode, using the same behavior as previous versions of Multimedia.


Default Value: False
Valid Values: True, False
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.300.32

With value true, the email address must be compliant with RFC 822. With value false, UCS performs no email address verification.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Enables (true) or disables (false) the computing of UCS reporting metrics by Stat Server.


Default Value: False
Valid Values: True, False
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Introduced: 8.5.300.32

Enables the RMI API port, disabled by default.


Default Value:
Valid Values: Any valid Java locale in the language_COUNTRY format
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

When specified, defines the locale that must be used to format date, time, currency, and percent values in Field Codes. If not specified, the server uses the default platform. The value format is: <two letter code of ISO 639>_<two letter code of ISO 3166>


Default Value: 0
Valid Values: positive integer or dbid
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

UCS generates ID codes for various purposes, such as identifying contacts, interactions, and attachments. In the relatively rare case that two or more UCS instances are started within the same second, they may generate identical IDs, and this can cause issues when the UCS instances are connected to the same Interaction Server. IDs are generated using several parts, including one called Ordinal, which is incremented at each restart of UCS. Effects of the possible values:

  • Positive integer—Ordinal is reset to this value. Note: Be sure to use different values for different UCS instances.
  • dbid—Ordinal is reset to the database ID number of the UCS Application object.
  • 0 (zero), no value, or invalid value—Previous behavior: Ordinal is incremented upon restart.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies whether or not to include the database flow rate in the log output. The database flow rate provides information about the following: * the number of database operations processed per second * the average connection wait time To include the database flow rate in the logs, enter true. To exclude the flow rate, enter false.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies whether the UCS log should include the memory usage that the Java Virtual Machine uses to run UCS Java code. A value of true indicates that the UCS log includes such memory usage.


Default Value: 2000
Valid Values: Any integer greater than 1
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Sets the maximum number of records that a user can select at one time using a Find request. This option prevents Universal Contact Server from receiving OutOfMemoryError exceptions in cases where a client asks for too many records.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Enables (true) or disables (false) the creation of media-specific records for third-party media interactions submitted by the 3rd Party Media Service.
If enabled, UCS creates both a generic Interaction record and an additional record specific to the media type supported by 3rd Party Media Service.
If disabled, only the generic Interaction record is created.
To create the full media-specific interaction, complete the following steps:
1. Set this option, openmedia-create-full-interaction, to true.
2. In the Interaction entity, set the EntityTypeId to the type of media supported by the 3rd Party Media Service.
Valid values include:
EmailIn = 0
EmailOut = 1
PhoneCall = 3
Chat = 2
Callback = 5
3. Set all mandatory parameters related to the media type.
For example:
For EmailIn, enter a valid string for the Mailbox parameter.
For Callback, enter valid integers for DesiredResponseType and Attempts, as well as valid strings for StartTime and CustomerNumber.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the default contact lookup strategy true, false


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies whether field code names will be displayed in a response where the field code does not have any content. If set to true, this option applies to responses generated by desktops, but not to automated responses generated by E-mail Server Java (ACK, AutoResponse).


Default Value: 4000
Valid Values: Any integer equal to or greater than 1
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the maximum number of events held simultaneously in the events queue. These events are used to process the email statistics sent to Stat Server. If the queue reaches the maximum that you set here, new events are forced to wait until a free space in the queue becomes available. This delay causes a slowdown in both the overall processing of events and in the corresponding initial database requests. A higher maximum can minimize these slowdowns. However, a larger queue consumes a greater share of system resources. Keep this balance in mind when setting this option. If you set this option to a value less than 1, UCS considers the setting invalid and instead uses the default value of 4000.


Default Value: 00:00:30
Valid Values: Any time period between 00:00:10 and 01:00:00 (10 seconds and 1 hour) in the hh:mm:ss format
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the time interval that Universal Contact Server uses to publish its reporting metrics to Stat Server. The interval determines the frequency for sending data to the Stat Server java extension. It is not the interval for computing aggregations.


Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any integer equal to or greater than 1
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the number of threads dedicated to the processing of email statistics. The higher you set this maximum, the faster UCS can process its email statistics and deliver them to Stat Server. However, a larger thread-pool consumes a greater share of system resources. Keep this balance in mind when setting this option. If you set this option to a value less than 1, UCS considers the setting invalid and instead uses the default value of 30.


Default Value: 2
Valid Values: Any integer equal to or greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the number of re-try after an SQL request failed because of a database deadlock integer equal to or greater than zero (0)


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Enables (true) or disables (false) the Desktop (through AIL) to know immediately which StandardResponses have an associated Attachment (attached files).


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next synchronization attempt

Enables (true) or disables (false) the synchronization of the UCS internal memory cache with database records contained in the Contact and Interaction metadata tables: * ContactAttributeMetaData * IxnAttributeMetaData To ensure that the UCS memory cache remains synchronized with the Configuration Server, Genesys recommends that you keep all of the following synchronization options set to the default of true: * synchronize-cache * synchronize-contact-metadata-attribute * synchronize-ixn-metadata-attribute


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next synchronization attempt

Enables (true) or disables (false) the synchronization of Contact records in the UCS database with the Configuration Server. If enabled, synchronization occurs either on a regular basis or upon configuration events. Reasons to disable synchronization include: * Reduces unnecessary consumption of time and resources in cases where no changes have been made to any of the Contact attributes. The synchronization process will run even if no changes have been made, needlessly consuming resources and time. * Reduces complexity in the log output.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Enables (true) or disables (false) synchronization of Interaction attributes with user data when updating or inserting interactions into the UCS database.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next synchronization attempt

Enables (true) or disables (false) the synchronization of Interaction metadata in the UCS database with the Configuration Server. If enabled, synchronization occurs either on a regular basis or upon configuration events. Reasons to disable synchronization include: * Reduces unnecessary consumption of time and resources in cases where no changes have been made to any of the Interaction attributes. The synchronization process will run even if no changes have been made, needlessly consuming resources and time. * Reduces complexity in the log output.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next Screening Rules change

Enables (true) or disables (false) the synchronization of Screening Rules from the UCS database to summarized Business Attributes in the Configuration Server. If enabled, synchronization occurs short delay after any Knowledge Library change.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next Standard Responses change

Enables (true) or disables (false) the synchronization of Standard Responses records from the UCS database to summarized Business Attributes in the Configuration Server. If enabled, synchronization occurs short delay after any Standard Responses change.


Default Value: 15000
Valid Values: Any integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the maximum time (in milliseconds) that third-party requests from Interaction Server or Platform SDK based client wait in the Universal Contact Server queue before they are considered too old and are rejected. These requests are related to routing blocks that UCS implements, such as StopProcessing.


Default Value: 50
Valid Values: Any integer greater than 1
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the maximum size of the thread pool used to process third-party protocol requests. This is also the maximum number of simultaneous connections that Universal Contact Server accepts.


Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the maximum length of the queue of incoming socket connections. A value of 0 means the Operating System chooses the appropriate value.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Enables (true) or disables (false) the communication between UCS and its clients in duplex mode. Duplex mode allows bidirectional communication between UCS and its clients through firewalls or NAT routers. Usually, this mode can be enabled/disabled for every single client using a client specific option. Duplex mode must be enabled both on UCS and on the client for the duplex mode to be used.


Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: Any integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Set the maximum length of time, in milliseconds, that UCS will wait for the client to establish a callback socket during duplex mode communication. For more information about duplex mode, see ucsapi-duplex-mode.

This page was last edited on November 19, 2015, at 19:05.
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