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channel-ghub Section



Default Value:
Valid Values: Comma-separated list of MIME types
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Lists the MIME types supported as attachments, in a comma-separated format. For example, image/png, image/jpeg, application/pdf. If the value is not set, all media types (MIME standard) are downloaded. If the value is none, all media types are restricted.

This option is valid only when the ucs-in-use option is set to true.


Default Value: com.genesyslab.mcr.smserver.channel.ghub.drv.GHubDriver
Valid Values: com.genesyslab.mcr.smserver.channel.ghub.drv.GHubDriver
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the class name of the media driver for a specific media service.


Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of endpoints
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the endpoints for inbound messages arriving from the media channel.
For example:
101:pg_endpoint—The endpoint for "regular" interactions, which are processed in "paging" mode.
101:pg_endpoint, 101:chat_endpoint—The same as previous, plus an additional endpoint that Chat Server uses to place interactions in "chat session" mode.


Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: A valid endpoint
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the endpoint for outbound chat sessions created by "InviteToChat" requests. This endpoint must exist in the Chat Server configuration. Chat Server will use this endpoint to place interactions into the interaction queue. If the option is not specified or empty, the channel does not support "InviteToChat" requests.
For example:
inbound-route-by-call = 101:chat_endpoint, where "101:chat_endpoint" is the endpoint from the Chat Server configuration.


Default Value: generic-media

Valid Values:

  • applebc-session: Apple Business Chat.
  • genesys-chat: WhatsApp.
  • fbm-session: Facebook Messenger.
  • fbp-session: Facebook Public.
  • generic-media: Other media.

Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the name of the media source that the channel works with.

Specifies the media type assigned to interactions that are submitted to Interaction Server by Chat Server, created by "InviteToChat" requests (or "outbound chat").
Note that the following values are reserved for future use:

  • fbm-session: Facebook Messenger
  • fbp-session: Facebook Public


Default Value: An empty string

Valid Values:

  • whatsappsession: WhatsApp channel.
  • facebooksession: Facebook Messenger channel.

Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the media type assigned to interactions that are submitted to Interaction Server by Chat Server, created by "InviteToChat" requests (or "outbound chat").

Note that the value for Facebook Messenger is not supported and reserved for future use.


Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the administrator user's password to access the Genesys Hub. Contact Genesys Customer Care to obtain the value of this option. This field must be set up once and not changed without first communicating with the Genesys team. CRITICAL: Changing this field without using caution will stop the connection between your channel driver and Genesys Hub, and it may cause a loss of data.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies whether DMS must create separate chat sessions for a brand’s customer when the customer sends separate messages through multiple channels.

  • If the value is true, DMS creates a separate chat session for each channel when a customer sends messages through multiple channels.
  • If the value is false (default), messages from different channels sent by the customer are merged into a single chat session.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Allows the use of Universal Contact Server to save data. The option must be set to "true".


Default Value: An empty string

Valid Values:

  • Business phone number for WhatsApp channel.
  • Integration ID for Facebook Messenger channel.

Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies channel businessID value.

Note: As of release, the value for Facebook Messenger is not supported and reserved for future use.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If the value is true, the driver skips processing all WhatsApp system messages. If the value is false, the driver processes all WhatsApp system messages as notifications with specific message code.

Note that only the phone number changed messages are currently supported.


Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies an access key that is used by the driver to access the Genesys Hub API. Contact Genesys Customer Care to obtain the value of this option. This field must be set up once and not changed without first communicating with the Genesys team. CRITICAL: Changing this field without using caution will stop the connection between your channel driver and Genesys Hub, and it may cause a loss of data.


Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the Genesys Hub URL. Contact Genesys Customer Care to obtain the value of this option. This field must be set up once and not changed without first communicating with the Genesys team. CRITICAL: Changing this field without using cuation will stop the connection between your channel driver and Genesys Hub, and it may cause a loss of data.


Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies a channel ID in Genesys Hub. Contact Genesys Customer Care to obtain the value of this option. This field must be set up once and not changed without first communicating with the Genesys team. CRITICAL: Changing this field without using caution will stop the connection between your channel driver and Genesys Hub, and it may cause a loss of data.


Default Value: An empty string

Valid Values:

  • whatsapp: WhatsApp channel.
  • facebook_messenger: Facebook Messenger channel.

Changes Take Effect: After restart

Determines channel type.

Note that the value for Facebook Messenger is not supported and reserved for future use.


Default Value: 300
Valid Values: 1-3600
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies how long, in seconds, fetched messages are reserved by the Genesys Hub. The option specifies the value of the reserve_time parameter of the FETCH request, posted to the Hub by the driver. The FETCH request retrieves inbound messages from the Hub's inbound queue and returns them to the driver. The Hub's fetch process blocks a set of messages, sent to the driver, from any other consequent FETCH requests. The messages are blocked until the Hub will receive the CONFIRM request from the driver, or the timeout with reserve_time value will expire.


Default Value: 100
Valid Values: 50-500
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies how many messages per request are pulled.


Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: 5000-60000
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies a delay, in milliseconds, between requests for messages from the Genesys Hub.


Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies a user's email address associated with a channel in the Genesys Hub. Contact Genesys Customer Care to obtain the value of this option. This field must be set up once and not changed without first communicating with the Genesys team. CRITICAL: Changing this field without using caution will stop the connection between your channel driver and Genesys Hub, and it may cause a loss of data.


Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the media subtype that is assigned to interactions submitted to Interaction Server by Chat Server, based on incoming messages.


Default Value: An empty string

Valid Values:

  • whatsappsession: WhatsApp channel.
  • facebooksession: Facebook Messenger channel.

Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the media type that is assigned to interactions submitted to Interaction Server by Chat Server, based on incoming messages.

Note that the value for Facebook Messenger is not supported and reserved for future use.


Default Value: us

Valid Values:

  • us — The leading character "+" is removed if present in a phone number.
  • non-us — A phone number is not modified.

Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies whether the leading "+" international prefix character is removed or not before passing a phone number as an interaction attribute. Option is for WhatsApp channel only.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Indicates whether the preview of URLs during WhatsApp interactions is enabled or not. This option is applicable for WhatsApp channels only.

This page was last edited on March 27, 2019, at 16:02.
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