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Web Service Capture Point

Options for the integrated Web Service Capture Point are configured in the following sections on the Options tab of the Web Service Capture Point application:

default-values Section



Default Value: InboundNew
Valid Values: any of the subtypes defined
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

Interaction Subtype


Default Value: Inbound
Valid Values: any of the types defined
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

Interaction Type


Default Value: workitem
Valid Values: any of the media types defined
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

Interaction Media Type

iwd-parameters Section



Default Value: iWD_Canceled
Valid Values: List of queue names separated by comma
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

Specifies list of queue names designated for interaction cancellation. This parameter is used by iWD specific transformation to transform request CancelTask by providing queue name to [update] request. This parameter is also used by iWD specific transformation to provide iWD Status of an interaction.


Default Value: iWD_Completed
Valid Values: List of queue names separated by comma
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

Specifies list of queue names designated for interaction completion. This parameter is used by iWD specific transformation to transform request CompleteTask by providing queue name to [update] request. This parameter is also used by iWD specific transformation to provide iWD Status of an interaction.


Default Value: ignore
Valid Values: One of three values: ignore, delete, apply
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

Specifies the treatment of empty string values in 'data' elements of the request. The default value of 'ignore' leads to capture point ignoring such elements. The value of 'delete' deletes the corresponding key-value pairs from interactions. The value 'apply' sets the value in the correspodning key value pair to an empty string ("").


Default Value: iWD_ErrorHeld
Valid Values: An empty string, or any valid queue name
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

(iWD specific) Specifies a comma-separated list of queue names for interactions that are held because of a configuration error (such as incomplete rules). This parameter is used by iWD specific transformation to provide iWD Status of an interaction.


Default Value: iWD_Completed
Valid Values: List of queue names separated by comma
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

Specifies list of queue names designated for rejected interactions. This parameter is used by iWD specific transformation to provide iWD Status of an interaction.


Default Value: iWD_New
Valid Values: List of queue names separated by comma
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

Specifies list of queue names designated for interaction restart. This parameter is used by iWD specific transformation to transform request RestartTask by providing queue name to [update] request.

settings Section



Default Value: 1000
Valid Values: Any integer from 0-10000
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

Specifies the queue size of webservice requests accepted but not yet served. If set to 0, the queue size is unlimited.


Default Value:
Valid Values: Cacert file
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

This option specifies a cacert file to store trusted client certificates.


Default Value:
Valid Values: jms, file, db, webservice
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

Specifies the Capture Point type. The following types are supported: jms - JMS Capture Point file -File Capture Point db - DB Capture Point webservice - Web Service Capture Point


Default Value: default
Valid Values: Cipher list or 'default' (the same as 'DEFAULT' cipher string)
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart of the Capture Point

This option specifies which cipher suites used in TLS during a secure connection with Web Service Capture Point. Cipher list formatting rules are described in a Genesys document https://docs.genesys.com/Documentation/System/latest/SDG/AdvTLS#Cipher_List_Formatting_Rules.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

This option specifies whether to keep a connection alive if the client requests the connection to be kept alive. If this option is set to 'false', a new connection will be opened each time a client sends a request to Web Service Capture Point.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

Specifies whether to operate in native mode or iWD compatibility mode


Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any integer from 1-100
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

Specifies the number of threads for processing accepted requests. More than a single thread allows for parallel execution of requests thus increasing processing throughput; however, some requests may be replied to sooner than the requests received before them (due to parallel request execution).


Default Value:
Valid Values: Server key file password
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

This option specifies the password to read the server key file.


Default Value: http
Valid Values: http, https
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

The option specifies the protocol to be used for web service capture point. Acceptable values are 'http' and 'https'. If not specified or empty, the default value 'http' will be used.


Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any integer from 3-30
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

Specifies the time interval (in seconds) between the attempts for the web service to bind to the specified port and start the service.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

This option specifies whether a client authentication is required. If this option is set to 'true', the option 'cacert-file' should be not empty.


Default Value: default
Valid Values: 'TLSv12' or 'default' (for TLSv1, TLSv11 and TLSv12)
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart of the Capture Point

This option specifies which security protocols are supported by the Web Service Capture Point. If set to 'TLSv12', the Capture Point supports only TLSv12. If set to 'default', the Capture Point supports TLSv1, TLSv11 and TLSv12. Older SSL protocols are NOT SUPPORTED.


Default Value:
Valid Values: Server key file
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

The option specifies the server key file required for the server to authenticate to clients. This option is relevant only when 'https' protocol is used.


Default Value: 1
Valid Values: Any integer from 1-60
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

An unfinished accept request would be aborted if it does not complete during the specified time interval.


Default Value: 100
Valid Values: Any integer from 0-65535
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

This parameter defines maximum number of outstanding, not yet accepted, requests in the backlog.


Default Value: http://{ServerName}:{ServerPort}/Genesys/Interaction/{CapturePointName}/WebServiceCapturePoint
Valid Values: Service endpoint
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

The option specifies an endpoint template of the web service. The following keys in the endpoint template will be substituted is present: - {Protocol} - either 'http' or 'https', as specified in the option 'protocol' - {ServerName} – host name, either specified in the option ‘soap-hostname’ or equal to the hostname of the Interaction Server; - {ServerPort} – web service port, specified as “default” port of iCP application; - {CapturePointName} – the name of the iCP application. Default value: ‘http://{ServerName}:{ServerPort}/Genesys/Interaction/{CapturePointName}/WebServiceCapturePoint’. Example: When ‘soap-endpoint’ is set to a default value, and soap-hostname=myserver.mydomain.com, in iCP application named ‘MyCapturePoint_007’ with default port set to ‘8080’, the resulting endpoint will be: http://myserver.mydomain.com:8080/Genesys/Interaction/MyCapturePoint_007/WebServiceCapturePoint


Default Value:
Valid Values: A host name
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

The option specifies the host name to be used for web service binding. If not specified or empty, the default value is the host name of the Interaction Server.


Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any integer from 1-60
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

An unfinished receive request would be aborted if it does not complete during the specified time interval.


Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any integer from 1-60
Changes Take Effect: Upon restart

An unfinished send request would be aborted if it does not complete during the specified time interval.

This page was last edited on June 18, 2020, at 12:51.
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