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endpoints:<tenant_dbid> Section

<tenant_dbid> in this section name represents the database ID of the tenant, in decimal format. For example, a complete endpoints section name might be: endpoints:101. Each endpoints:<tenant_dbid> section can contain multiple options, whose name is any string and whose value is the name of a queue.

Because E-mail Server supports only a single tenant, you must create no more than one endpoints:<tenant_dbid> section in E-mail Server.



Default Value: <queue name>
Valid Values: Any string that matches the name of an existing Interaction Server queue
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the default endpoint, which E-mail Server uses when it cannot find a match for any of the endpoints listed as options in the endpoints:<tenant_dbid> section.

This page was last edited on April 29, 2021, at 17:54.
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