chat-client Section
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid e-mail address
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
The e-mail address used to fill in the From field in the Chat Transcript
email-out. The Chat Transcript email-out is the e-mail sent to the customer
that includes the transcript of the chat in which the customer had engaged.
The value must comply with RFC2822, and therefore must be encoded according to RFC2047. Examples of valid values include the following:
- "Legal Dpt" <>
- "=?Cp1252?Q?Dpt_=E9_Legal?=" <> where "=?Cp1252?Q?Dpt_=E9_Legal?=" is the French equivalent of Legal Dept and includes French diacritics.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Empty or any string that presents a valid chat interaction userdata prefix
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies a list of prefixes delimited by a semi-colon (;). Each prefix is the name of a chat interaction userdata that E-mail Server filters out when creating a child outbound email interaction to send the chat transcript. The prefixes are case insensitive. An empty value indicates that E-mail Server does not filter out any userdata when it creates the child interaction.