JMS Event Logger DAP
Event Logger can send events to a message queue. This provides a mechanism for reliable delivery of reporting events to Interaction Server's reporting clients. Disconnection of the client does not lead to a loss of reporting events. Instead, events are preserved for the specific client and delivered to the client (or otherwise read by the client) after its restart. The message queue requires a DAP object that is specifically for streaming reporting events to that message queue.
These options are configured on the DAP for a Java Message Service (JMS) queue.
event-filtering Section
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Comma-separated list of event identifiers
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
If this option is present and not empty, only events with event IDs specified in the comma-separated list and permitted by the event type filters are logged into their corresponding reporting tables. If this option is absent or empty, all events permitted by the event type filters are logged into their corresponding reporting tables