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channel-chatbot-monitor-addp Section



Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately for new connections

Enables (true) or disables (false, the default) an addp for connections to Chat Server for all chat bot sessions.


Default Value: 7
Valid Values: Any integer from 1-84600
Changes Take Effect: Immediately for new connections

Specifies the duration, in seconds, that Bot Gateway Server sends polling signals to the Chat Server.


Default Value: 11
Valid Values: Any integer from 1-84600
Changes Take Effect: Immediately for new connections

Specifies the duration, in seconds, that Chat Server sends polling signals to the Bot Gateway Server.


Default Value: off
Valid Values: client, remote, full, off
Changes Take Effect: Immediately for new connections

Specifies the level of logging for ADDP.

  • client: Select Trace On Client Side to turn on ADDP at the client. The client application will generate ADDP-related messages in its logs.
  • remote: Select Trace On Server Side to turn on ADDP at the server. The application will generate ADDP-related messages in its logs.
  • full: Select Trace On Both Sides to turn on ADDP at both the client and server. The Client and server applications will both generate ADDP-related messages in their logs.
  • off: Select Trace Is Turned Off to turn off ADDP tracing altogether. ADDP-related messages will not be generated.

This page was last edited on December 12, 2018, at 18:56.
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